New fluffy thread
New fluffy thread
>Walking home from work
>Pass trashcan
>Hear crying coming from trashcan
>Remove lid
>See pregnant fluffy mare
>Fluffy looks up
Screeeeeeee! Pwease nu huwtie! Fwuffy be mummah soon!
>Fluffy continues pleading for it's life
I'm not going to hurt you fluffy.
Really. Now, how about I take to home?
Nice mistuh be nyu daddeh?
Yay! Fwuffy wub nyu daddeh!
>Remove fluffy from trashcan
>The process takes awhile due to the fact that the fluffy is so wide that it's stuck in the can
>It screams in pain at first, but the promise of sketties shuts it up
>Finally remove her from the can
>She starts babbling about sketties and babbehs
>This is gonna be a long walk
>Get home
>Take old cat litter box from basement and put it in the living room
>Place fluffy on a stack of large books with her ass over the litterbox
>Give her the sketties
Fank ou daddeh, Fwuffy wuv sketties!
>Look at fluffy
>Think for a moment
You're gonna need a name.
Fwuffy nevah have name befow.
How about... Bubblegum?
Yay! Bubbewgum wuv new name!
>Let her watch some TV for a while
>She eventually falls asleep
>Decide to go to sleep too
>Wake up next morning
>Feed Bubblegum
>Tell her that I'm going to work
Pwease nu weave daddeh!
Don't worry, I'll be back soon. We'll watch some FluffTV later.
Otay daddeh.
>Leave for work
>Spend all day wondering how much money I can make from selling the foals once she gives birth
>Return home from shitty job at Walmart
>Hear lots of chirping coming from the living room
>Bubblegum has given birth to 5 foals
>2 orange earths, 1 white Pegasus, 1 green earth, and 1 brown earth
>She is feeding them all except for the earth one, who is in the litter box
>Pick up the brown one
>I can already tell that this is gonna cause problems
>Walk up to Bubblegum
Why is this baby in the litter box?
Dat nu am babbeh, dat am poopie
>The foal chirps
If it's a "poopie" then why is it chirping?
Because dat am poopie babbeh
>Look at the foal
>It's starving
>Kneel beside the Bubblegum
>She has just finished feeding her babies
>Place the foal on her teat
>Her screeches have upset the babies
Nu cwy babbehs. Mummah nu wet poopie munstah seaw miwkes
>Take the foal to my bedroom
>Go on ebay and by a breast pump
>Why someone is selling this escapes me
>Go out and by breast pump
>Return home
>Time to do this the hard way
I love fluffies
Does anyone have the infographic for newfags?
>Bubblegum sees the strange device in my hand
Wut dat daddeh?
>She then sees the brown foal in my other hand
Nuuuu! Poopie baby steaw miwkes
>She tries to run
>Grab her
>Hold her down
>Use the pump on her
>Once the baby has has it's milk I let Bubblegum go
Hu hu hu poopie baby steaw aww Bubbwgum's miwkes.
>Cheer her up by letting her watch TV
>This shit continues for a while
>Holding her down, using the pump, listening to her whine
>Soon the white Pegasus opens it's eyes
>Of course it decided to open its eyes during the brown foals feeding
>It saw it's mother begging for someone to save it from the "poopie miwk theif"
>It jumped into the hand I was using to hold the brown foal and started punching it
>I rotate my hand 180 degrees
>I hold the brown foal so it doesn't fall
>The white one falls
>Despite being a fluffy, it somehow survives the 1 inch fall
>It starts crying for its mother
>As soon as I remove the pump Bubblegum jumps up and bites me
>Big mistake