What is dmt like?

What is dmt like?

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Like chicken


It allows you to commune with the extradimensional clockwork elves who secretly control the world's governments.

It tastes vaguely of chicken.

your own personal movie screening, featuring you.

short film, but a good one.

Hard to describe, most consistent and describable bit is that everything looks like its made from colored strands of light against a black backdrop, like pic related, those old scratch off magic paper things
Other than that, different each time. Remember to close your eyes, I'd recommend no music but thats neither here nor there
Shit tastes awful. Tastes exactly like the smell of opening a fresh can of tennis balls, except in smoke form.
Always freebase, don't put it in weed, but its a harsh smoke

It's the most mind-bending drug in the world and it has changed my life.

whats more fun of a trip (under the assumption you dont have a bad trip)

dmt or acid? or is it more complex than asking "this or that"