ITT: Classic movies that deserve a modern remake.
I'll start.
Weekend at Bernie's.
ITT: Classic movies that deserve a modern remake.
I'll start.
Weekend at Bernie's.
Other urls found in this thread:
Citizen Kane
No movies deserve remakes. We deserve original ideas.
A while back there was an interesting thread where someone proposed a Weekend At Bernie's remake that takes place in our universe so the main characters have seen Weekend At Bernie's and they realize they're living out he film but the body decomposes realistically and shit.
When's the last time you seen a remake that wasn't shit or at the very most mediocre?
Very recently.
True Grit? Am I forgetting anything since then? Is Dredd considered a remake?
Weekend at Bernie's is the cinematic equivalent of dog shit smeared on a piece of burnt toast.
Uh, Ghostbusters much?
You shut your whore mouth.
Does this guy ever make fun of Trump?
Citizen Bane?
Why do conservicucks love making conspiracy theories about candidates? First it was the obama is a kenyan muslim thing and now "sick" hillary.
Why do we like revealing the truth to the brainwashed?
I don't know, apparently it's a waste of time. Enjoy your liberal media kool-aid.
>ben garrison comics
>revealing the truth
fucking kek
>standard dirty politic narratives near the end of a campaign
>revealing the truth
It was just made public that she admitted to pretty severe memory loss due to concussions during an official inquiry. Her top aide mentioned in a leaked email that she is "often confused". Plus she's been acting pretty sketchy in public. I'll grant you that the Kenyan Muslim thing is retarded though.
>made public
>"I read it on Breitbart"
Pick one.
Because they know that all they have are meme candidates.
They have no appeal to the average voter, just playing a fiddle for middle-aged and older middle class whites.
>I'll grant you that the Kenyan Muslim thing is retarded though.
well no shit is was proben false like 8 years ago. I like that you "admit" it was retarded in order to give yourself an illusion of impartiality when you try to promote your partisan campaign shit flinging that purposefully deflects from anyone talking about policies. Do you do it for free?
the "criminal hillary" narrative didnt stick so theyre scrambling for another one in the final minutes of the campaign because they have nothing else. every projection has it locked for hillary so they might as well go as dirty as possible
Because conservatives actually care about truth, while liberals will just believe any convenient lie from the establishment as long as it's in service of diversity.
>promote your partisan campaign shit flinging that purposefully deflects from anyone talking about policies
Nobody is interested in talking policy anymore. It's been shit flinging 24/7 from every direction since the start of the general.
That doesn't make sense. How are baseless conspiracy theories that are always proven false caring about the truth? Its purposefully distorting the truth for political gain. the exact opposite
>Hillary appeals to the average voter
How many mental hoops must one go through to believe this?
>Because conservatives actually care about truth
>were gonna build a wall and mexico is gonna pay for it
pick one son
Because there is no limit to what they'll make up about the other guy. Yet every time some liberal mentions anything negative about trump it's the end of the world.
I can't wait until his fat ass has a heart attack so they can talk about how illness actually makes you a stronger candidate.
You're right, the average voter much prefers Donald Trump, that must be why he's doing so well right now.
I don't get it. Why the fuck people pretend that BOTH Hillary and Donald aren't reprehensible, immoral pieces of shit?
Oh wait a minute, I get it after all: An average voter jumps into Hillary or Trump bandwagon without bothering to look up any of the shady shit they did and are still doing.
Face it. There are really no "good" candidates in this election who stand a chance of winning. Clinton is shit, Trump is shit, Johnson is shit, Stein had her hopes but went into shit.
>the "criminal hillary" narrative didnt stick
Even though it's the only consistent story to come out of the campaign thus far, that even Hillary biased news outlets discuss.
She literally committed multiple crimes and if she was anyone else she'd be facing 3 years, the fbi has stated this.
But by all means, bury your head further senpai.
hello, CTR
what are the chances of an indictment or stripping of security access for hillary before november?
Thanks for Correcting The Record!
At 4 AM no less.
>it's a Sup Forums thread
Don't expect any of the retards here to acknowledge your post
Because no matter how bad our guy is, the other guy is worse because he's the other guy.
That's the secret to american politics. It's literally just a big ass football team rivalry.
My mom used to read me fairy tales, too.
what's the story behind this webm
I remember when you guys used to call me JIDF. Dont worry user nobody has different opinions from you in your safe space. I wont trigger you.
I'm not a Steinfag. I'm just saying she had few good ideas, and is much more likeable than the Clinton/Trump duo.
How is questioning the purposefully distorted for political gain version of the truth conveyed by the media not caring for truth?
Only two, logic and reason.
>were gonna build a wall and mexico is gonna pay for it
It's all true. Enjoy getting deported pedro.
>Sup Forums's meme candidate doing so shittily they pretend someone is getting paid to speak negatively.
Is it even morally acceptable to have a person that suffered a brain stroke go through a political campaign?
Poor Hillary is a victim of abuse.
American Democrats are truly reprehensible.
believe me i'm not a fan of shillary at all but this is a reach. the dudes were secret service and there was some kind of a disturbance in the crowd obviously. they were just making sure they weren't a threat to the person they're protecting.
Are the FBI conspiracy theorists?
And she's polling behind "Deez Nutz" and a dead gorilla.
she completely lost her train of thought and went into immediate panic. she can't handle stress and can't operate under pressure. she's unfit to be president
Ben Affleck is Rick in Casablanca.
>logic and reason
>Trumpfags actually believe this
no, watch it again. there was a disturbance in the crowd. protesters or something. you can't hear or see what is going on but she can obviously. the black guy runs over and tells her something like "keep talking, we'll handle it" and then she immediately goes back into her speech.
i'm not even voting for hillary but this whole health thing is a fucking hail mary by the GOP and the alt-right.
>begins to stutter
>FBI agent repeatedly tells her you're okay you're okay, don't worry and we're here
>this is perfectly fine
Will the Secret Service also need to calm her down if Putin insults her to her face?
If Deez Nutz and Harambe are polling so well, that's just shows how people view this election: a big joke.
no, he says, you're okay, keep talking, we'll handle it. then she immediately goes back into her speech.
as i said before, i hate hillary. i'm probably going to vote for gary johnson. this stuff is laughably retarded though. if you want to attack her, why don't you focus on her horrible record in the senate or her borderline criminal actions over the past 30 years. this health thing is just tin foil hat nonsense.
>mfw Sup Forums gave up any semblance of subtly in their off-topic shitposting threads
i don't blame em. our jannies are fucking pathetic
Because that's all old news.
Her and Bill dying of AIDs is fresh and new.
>all the French in Casablanca are now muslim arabs
>Rick is helping "refugees" to reach Europe
I can see that happening.
Did you watch any of the benghazi hearings? those were after she had her concussion and she stood up to multiple full day sessions of grillings from congressional Republicans who were after her blood. She didn't lose her composure at all or appear loopy. The health shit is really just the typical "reaching" for anything to discredit a political opponent shortly before the election, on the level of Romney tying his dog to the roof of his car or whatever the fuck manufactured scandals there were last time.
For what its worth, I'm probably not even voting for Hillary, although I think I'd prefer her winning by like a hair over Trump. But don't act like this isn't the exact same desperate bullshit that gets trotted out every 4 years.
You shut your mouth Bill is just fucking fine
>Did you watch any of the benghazi hearings?
I recall her laughing manically
He could've changed his views on Hillary since then, faggot.
People change over the years.
C'mon user, we all knew this was a long time coming, you can't live like Bill without catching something.
She's just naturally a supervillain doesn't mean she's brain damaged.
Im a white American, Billy Ray. And id rather not have to foot the 50 billion dollar tax for Trump's limbo stick after you dumb fucks realize a trade deficit isnt going to compel mexico to pay for shit.
Illsa shewolf of the SS staring taylor swift
The Trump campaign is designed to appeal to national enquirer readers, in other words tabloid trash tier
she can't even walk up stairs or get in/out of her truck without assistance bro. she's unhealthy. she can't even manage one speech a week, while trump is doing two three-hour speeches a day along with interviews and press conferences. she's pathetic
it's fucking hilarious how you're citing the benghazi hearings as an example of her being presidential. you've surely corrected my record, pal
Trumpkins shouting CTR at anyone who criticizes their candidate has to be the dumbest meme ever.
>Hillary is on her deathbed and suffers from brain damage
>But she's also a Machiavellian villain who has manipulated everyone for decades.
which is it, trumpelinas?
Cape Fear (1991).
A quote, in an email made public, written by Huma Abedin, was that Hillary Clinton was "often confused".
Since it was not quoted by much of the left press, it must not have happened to those that tend to the left.
She was taking frequent naps, is still often exhausted, and as a presidential candidate, has taken the unprecedented 272 days without a press conference. Too many reporters asking too many questions is much too much for her.
But, here is the email. Someone had to go over her schedule with her, and it is pointed out that it is very important to do that, as she is often confused.
Machiavellian villains can't get sick and die?
>unprecedented 272 days without a press conference
How many days has it been seen Trump refused to release his tax returns?
>When you realize that the world is such a shit hole and you couldn't fix it
I liked Jungle Book
This is pretty rich coming from a supporter of Donald "vaccines cause autism and climate change is just a Chinese lie" Trump.
Why not try... fucking off back to pol.
Wow, your straw man just totally proved that Clinton is competent and sane.
That's not a strawman. It's irrelevant but not a strawman.
It doesn't matter who said it first if it's true.
first of all trump is a non-establishment moderate
second of all using hyperbole to exaggerate things he's said makes you look like a fucking retard
You should probably sign this petition
It is a very well written petition with many supporting links.
>straw man
babby's first debate up in here
Hillary may or may not be sick, but she is most certainly much crazier and scarier than Trump:
>Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called for the U.S. to begin treating cyberattacks like any other assault on the country.
>“As president, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack,” the Democratic presidential nominee said. “We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.”
>Clinton called for the U.S. to “lead the world in setting the rules in cyberspace.”
>“If America doesn’t, others will,” she said.
>Clinton cited the recent attack on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), thought to be carried out by Russian intelligence.
>actually voting for crooked shillary
Enjoy the downfall of civilization user, it's all on you. Really and those like you.
I can't be responsible for other's self destructive tendencies. Fuck it.
Contrast that with Trump wanting to increase nuclear proliferation, asking why we can't use nukes on isis, wanting to destabilize europe by not honoring our nato obligations. They're the two worst candidates we've had as major party nominees in at least 100 years.
It is, but you are too dumb to see it. Look up strawman.
Also, Hillary Clinton is stupid. She wishes that the general public see her as smart, while simultaneously hoping that the FBI sees her as dumb. She is too dumb to work her email on the computer, too dumb to comply with open records law, too dumb to to handle classified information, and too dumb to follow directives aimed at securing the State Department.
pick one.
>correct the record doesn't exist, it's all in your head
>wanting to destabilize europe by not honoring our nato obligation
Oh for fuck's sake, the Cold War ended a decade ago, Russians aren't going to be parachuting into Warsaw after the US next foreign policy blunder
He's a Reaganesque paleo-con.
>we should enforce immigration laws
Trump isn't looking for any new wars though. His only interest in the Middle East is blowing ISIS to pieces and then retreating. Hillary wants to start a war with a nuclear superpower because Wikileaks exposed that the DNC conspired against Bernie.
What's the most vindictive thing Trump wants, to sue journalists for libel? Not even close.
>He's a Reaganesque paleo-con.
To be fair the last decade of American presidents fucking around in the Middle East really hasn't improved the situation
No its a meaningless platitude that makes you feel better for thinking the goodthink like a retard.
Medical records could be very personal, however, due to the advanced age of the two candidates, and the questions of their health, I would propose both undergoing an MRI, and each side vet the scans with their ten doctors. Trump's doctors would study Clinton's scans, and release a report, and vice versa.
>wanting to destabilize europe by not honoring our nato obligations
He said he would no longer have America pick up the military slack for countries that refuse to meet their NATO budgetary obligations. You've got it backwards my friend.