Who are the biggest wannabe Europeans and why is it Brazilians from the south?

Who are the biggest wannabe Europeans and why is it Brazilians from the south?

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because they don´t want to identify with the favelado niggers

Why the fuck are you using that word? Isn't Ecuador very black?


They tried to become their own country and got buttraped by the people in the north in the past.

why can´t i use that word?
And no, blacks are a very small minority. We are all mestizos.
And of course, a national football team doesn´t
racially represent an entire country, you dummy. Niggers run faster and thats all

I find it wrong when Europeans and Americans are racist. I find it laughable when South Americans try to be racists but that's just me.

A South American being racist is like a gay dude being homophobic and calling people faggots.

Well, in what way am i racist? Are you getting offfended over a word?

I'm not offended bro. Just fuggedabouit.

>Southern Brazil
>not Negros Zaires


Not really.

Well a lot of people from the south are descendants from fascists from Germany, Italy and other euro countries. They want to divide Brazil into the elite vs. poor. And regular Brazilians are too stupid to care about anything other than samba, carnival and bunda.

>And regular Brazilians are too stupid to care about anything other than samba, carnival and bunda.
Funny that a lot of greats writers, musicians and thinkers comes from the other places other than then South. Prove me wrong.

Then according to your rhetoric Brazil should be a Eutopia then. Brazilians are blinded by their own ignorance

You know very well that our country has potential but it's been run by communists/socialists, it has been proven before. Think of what this country could be if it had free market. Please you know it. You're Brazilians, study the history of our country and don't poison your mind with these people's rhetoric.

>be Chimpanzilian
>gets roflstomped in Banda Oriental
>gets btfo for 10 years in Rio Grande do Sul attempting to suppress a couple dozen Gauchos, despite having a whole Simian Empire and a massive fleet
>ends in a peace treaty
>gets btfo in Canudos
>"gauchos halp or i repot u"

All I know is that the South is still part of Brazil.

>be Chimpanzilian
>have your entire armed forces run by Gauchos
>"bls gauchos remove gorrupt bolitishans bls MILIDARY INDERVENDION BLS"
>no borders law just passed
>Brazil is literally being taken over by guerillas
>they couldn't care less

And guess who's not lifting a finger to help.

Both these posts prove the point of the thread.

Southern Brazilians are nazi rejects that asked us for land and then are trying to betrays us. NUNCA SERÃO SEUS FILHOS DA PUTA. VEM PRO PAU CONTRA O BRASIL. VÃO SER AMASSADO IGUAL MERDA. VERÁS QUE UM FILHO DO BRASIL NÃO FOGES A LUTA.


At least we can pay our own bills. Poor states should be expelled from our great country. They ruin our economy with their debts.

SOUTHERNERS ARE THE FUCKING FOREIGNERS, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. your families came here in the fucking 19th century. The rest of Brazil are the original Brazilians. Isn't RS in debt or some shit and your region suffered a great drought?

My family indeed came in 19th century. But they were called in, they didn't invade our country like black shit of Haiti guys do.
And yes, RS is in shit nowadays because of communists. But I was talking about Sao Paulo, the greatest state of our great country.
Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana. These states should be our Brazil. Not those shitholes like northeast.

he is the commie faggot. don't give more YOUs

Brazil doesn't even exist as a nation anymore. I wouldn't give it a decade before Brazil is balkanized after this new open borders law that just passed, that paired with the fact that the military aren't going to do shit because your entire armed forces are run by people who just couldn't care any less. This isn't even a meme at this point.

You apes are being conquered by revolutionary armies from Colombia and Venezuela and just as expected you ain't lifting a paw.


Mfw you don't even need to trigger Brazilians they do it for you.

>why can´t i use that word?
Because it's a pejorative slur

you are a pejorative slur

Brazil is a very bipolar country.

Why do brazillians pretend to be white But, why are they ashamed of their African and Amerindian roots?

honestly americans. "hey john smith, you're 1/18th italian right?!?! holaa eiffel tower sí sí"

Most of the brazillians that "pretend" to be white are from a white heritage. That's why they hate being called mestizo or whatever it is.

>i wanna be like the africans or the cubans
this is why this country is shit

^ This dude probably look like this and thinks he is 100% german.

doesnt matter how i look you dumb retard, if youre gonna copy a culture at least copy a decent one

I'm the quoted guy and I don't think I am 100% german. Read my fucking comment, idiot. I was explaining the white guys side.

i thought this was for me lolanyway like the chileans did

What's your problem with based capitao Nascimento, you STUPID PIECE OF SHIT??

People like you sound a lot more like fifth columnist than whatever communist conspiracy you've cooked up in your head.

I love nascimento but he isn't 100% white like most gauchos and he has no problem with it.

For the same reason you're ashamed of your Indian/Pakistani/Somali/MENA roots.

I don't understand your point. You just shouldn't criticize something that you dislike without understanding their side. In my opinion I think that wannabe europeans are shitheads. But I won't shitpost on them just because I don't agree with what they think.
Also, wtf are you talking about communism? You live in a fucking socialist country.

Yes you better love him, moleque.

>I'm a Canadian, let me teach you about your country

It's called an observation my "aryan" friend.


>t. Assblasted monkey
You'll always be a non white 3rd worlder

>I'm a Canadian, let me provide you an accurate opinion about your country. Trust me, I watched Tropa de Elite 2.

No need to be so bitter about it, David Pajeet Achmed Congobongo da Silva.

Esses caras nem ao menos sabem direito a história dos proprios países deles, imagina do Brasil?
Ele obviamente está baitando, ignore-o.

I swear to god that if Sulistas DE BOSTA try to steal our lands I'll join the army to fight them.