Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
idris elba
That's actually not bad.
>tfw used to imagine myself making it as an actor in hollywood and getting cast as Arthas
Oh you...
Holy crap are you me?
Hogwarts must be purged.
Good choice, but he'd need to beef up for the role
I think Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth could do a good job, they might enjoy playing the villain for once
Hemsworth maybe, I'm not sure if he can actually get rid of his one single voice. If he can't it would disqualify him.
Evans can't be serious at all. He's very transparent in tense scenes.
Give him blonde hair and he would be the perfect arthas
>pic from at least 10 years ago
Too old.
Too old. Arthas was like 18 when he purged
Glad you could make it great again, Uther...
cant really go wrong here
kind of a safe pick really
I could see him as Kel'thuzad.
Who will play Sylvanas?
Idris Elba
Margo Robbie
No WoW garbage. Just a alien looking elf ghost cg.
I can see it, not bad
You mean Warcraft 3?
Nah he just exudes evil. Arthas is a loveable guy you'd wanna be around before he got corrupted and the decisions leading up to his full corruption are supposed to be at least understandable.
Hemsworth is a shit actor. He already ruined Thor, he doesn't need to ruin Arthas.
That CGI version always bugged me, doesn't fit the in game model that well. Odd because other than this one with Wrynn and Sylvvanas looking way off, Blizzard is usually pretty good about making the CGI look like the in game models - Gul'dan and Garrosh looked great.
could not be further from the brief
What did he mean by this?
Tilda Swinton
I think we are reasy for a black or hispanoc Arthas, cmon is 2016
>mass killing other people
Seems accurate