Are amphetamine based drugs like adderal bad? Does adhd even exist? It seems everyone is on them these days

Are amphetamine based drugs like adderal bad? Does adhd even exist? It seems everyone is on them these days.

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have you ever been to a rave or a meth town?

It's bad for your heart. I took adderal through highschool all I wanted to do was quit. I like being off it. I feel like me.

>Not liking homework is a legitimate ''''symptom''''

Psychiatry is the ultimate blue-pill.

>Are amphetamine based drugs like adderal bad?
In the short term, maybe. In the long term they do more harm than good, like most drugs taken for pleasure.

>Does adhd even exist?
Yes, but it is frequently misdiagnosed. Poor diet and bad parenting are the chief causes of bad behavior, not your kids mysterious psychological disorder.

>It seems everyone is on them these days.
No, not really.

In short: Dont be a goy.

>increased activity

jesus fuck you don't know anything about this topic, do you?

they're bad cause when you quit them you'll get a headache. also they make you a noisy cunt if you're already obnoxious.

I've actually been thinking about getting an adderall script. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid so I probably could.

Why? Because I am an impulsive fuck and apparently amphetamine calms people like me down. Not sure how the fuck that works but I want to find out if it's true or I'm being lied to.

ADHD is bullshit to force pills on kids

Take them if you want, just keep in mind that there are always unintended consequences

Look at the image burger boy I live with ADHD everyday and trust me it's not easy even with a healthy diet, exercise and meditation

no you live with anxiety every day, stimulants are probably worse for you than anything else.

I've been on adderall since the 4th grade and exclusively railing it for about a year now. Shits cash yo.

Basically you have a chemical imbalance, you don't produce enough domaine naturally, so you search for fireworks to get the lack of chemicals. Dexamphetamine balances out those chemicals so you get rewards for doing more draining stuff like desk work.

ADHD is like having 10 different radios on at full volume in your head, taking mess gives you noise cancelling headphones

I don't have anxiety people including teachers in parents when I was younger generally told me I was very laid back and had no spark in things that I didn't have hyper focus in.

Keep your chin in brah

I inherited depression from my mother - it sucks, but we're going to make it



And yes, autocorrect butchered that post

If Hitler used them, they can't be bad

Does this explain why I'm glued to here for 12+ hours a day?

>diagnosed with ADHD as a kid
>forced to take Adderall for 11 straight years
>turn 18
>stop taking it
>get on a plane and fly away
>discover that i just hate desk work and office politics
>begin to do apprenticeship
>4 years later become certified sparky
>life hasn't ever been better

ADHD is real in some cases but we need to stop drugging people up when they don't want to do structured coursework.

>Does adhd even exist?
Are you a cop? let us have fun man.

Why do a trade when the bubble will burst? I'm still at a crossroad in my life. I'm not sure whether I should go into commerce and do some office work because of my high intelligence but when I'm not on my dexxies I'm hopeless and I have no interest in a trade.

This, there are some real mental illnesses like chronic depression, schizophrenia, etc. But there is alot of stuff that they make up as well, and alot of studies that are bullshit and shilled.
Not to mention the addition of the Internet age where people just self diagnose themselves with real mental illnesses to get attention/seem interesting while ignoring the diagnosing and treatment of real mentally ill people like land-whales, furries, pedos, and the Lgbt community. Many serious fields of science have honestly become very shilled and blue pilled.

>bubble will burst
The "trade bubble" that all of the upper-middle-class white pricks are going on about is actually just the mining boom out in WA.

I'm a sparky, I own my own business and work for myself. Work is better than ever.

The "bubble" is just the end of people earning 200k for shitting around in a desert.

>I'm not sure whether I should go into commerce and do some office work because of my high intelligence
The best way to discover if you like something is to imagine doing it for 12 hours every single day until you turn 80.

If you don't like the idea of that, consider something else.

I'm biased somewhat because I absolutely fucking hate office work, but you might like it. I dunno senpai.

>withdrawn but not depressed
>only shows bursts of activity in certain, "safe" activities. things he's good at
>"hurr durr I'm not anxious"
>doctor: trust me I'm doctor give him this speed
>parents: oh look he's doing what we want again even though the rewards are completely synthetic and our pressure on him is probably going to lead to no good end

yeah, just keep listening to what the old people tell you, you'll go real far. you'd have a normally developed brain by now if only you could quit illegal stimulants.

oh wait, you got a prescription. that makes it all okay.

Yes, because shitposting doesn't require any mental effort and it distracts you from mental effort like the real world

Although I don't recommend browsing Sup Forums when high, because you'll do nothing but shitposting rather than use the mets effectively to do work needed and put your habits in check. Basically mess let you hyper focus on the thing you're doing although after a few months the spark dies down a bit.

>because of my high intelligence
*tips fedora

Memes aside, just do what you like. If you end up not liking what you choose, do something else. One or the other may not be the best career choice, but it's better than blowing your brains out.

I remember back when I was 15 I did work experience for a local member of state parliament which involved a lot of office work and I was all out of meds. It was pretty draining at points where I wasn't out at local events

I just got diagnosed. I do feel like I have a problem and I'm excited to be treated for it.


Definetly not a big pharma shill

>I feel like me
That stuff really turns you into a different person. I used to be depressed and wanted something to give me energy but when I was on ritalin I got emotional for no reason. When I stopped taking it I felt much calmer, like I went back into being a normal guy.

>diagnosed as a kid but parents didn't want me on drugs so they stopped it after 6 months
>years later during my senior year in college
>was extremely burned out from Fall semester that I considered getting a script. I had extremely high intelligence, but I was so involved that I needed to be able to concentrate all day.
>used childhood diagnosis to renew script for 20mg XR
>Just finished first year of Law School and have been using for a year and half and heavily using during Law School.
>have highest GPA in my class but literally can't function w/o adderall.
>Adderall allowed me to finish all the readings for all my classes 2+ months early. It gave me the time management skills to handle a 5 week time crunch at the end of the semester.

Adderall has sucked the personality out of me. I haven't hung out with anyone as a friend in over a year. My idea of fun is playing video games all day while addied out. I have a problem.

Look at a brain when off adderall and you will see reduced dopamine levels. So while using it is helpful but as soon as you go off there are withdrawals that make you worse off than before. It takes hundreds of days for your dopamine production to go back to normal when reduced by drugs like heroin, meth, amphetamines, and in the case of alcoholics, alcohol.

The withdrawals don't last long but what does last for hundreds of days is your reduced dopamine levels. The reason why people relapse is not because they had the flu for a week which is the equivalent of heroin withdrawal. It's all about the dopamine.

People who were neglected or abused in childhood have dopamine problems, which is why they are more likely to have substance abuse problems. Chances are that a normal person who takes on of these drugs once will not get hooked, but when you have high dopamine for the first time in your life it can be much more addicted. Don't hit or even yell at your kids if you don't want them to end up addicts of sex and drugs. If you do then your genetic line deserves to get fucked.

Same man. At least you don't have a dead end relationship that you can't escape because of the cycle of tweaking.

/stim-addict feels/ general?

Ever try to get off it for a while? I had the most success using LSD/psilocybin when the initial craving hit and managed to stay off it for a good month last summer. I take hallucinogens as a recovery from binges and so far psilocybin has made me feel the most normal. I only fell back into it because i needed to get a lot of work done.

My plan this summer is to take 2 months off it by finishing all my summer class reading in one week so I can be more "human" for my state agency internship.

Psychiatry is fucked. There are a few real problems they can help with but overall they do more damage as a whole then good.

That's just the constant defensive mode your mind is in from surviving the wildlife.

It will turn you into a fucking robot. It works but it completely changes your personality. Not worth it. Stay away.

>Are amphetamine based drugs like adderal bad?


I kinda deceived my dr into prescribing it and I enjoyed it the effects. Made me more social I guess you could say, I'd engage people in convo instead of "hanging back", chatty more. Want to go out more and do shit when I wasn't studying or working. But I also abused the fuck outta it and didn't really take it properly. Had the dehydration and grinding the fuck outta my teeth so I started chewing gum a bit. Haven't refilled my script in a while. More than likely for the better.

all drugs are bad you will depend on them after a while. even coffee is kinda bad

drugs r bad mmkay

You can achieve the same thing with meditation without the addiction, side effects, and possible long term brain problems.

Meditation also increases information retention, lowers anxiety, and boosts sexual appetite, it also changes your personality to be more laid back and logical.

Yeah amphetamines can cause you to go into seizures and die. A lot of retarded fuck college kids take it without knowing how to do it properly and OD every couple of years.

Fill it.
I will trade u oxys or $$$ for dem.

Is meditation hard to do? I recently developed some anxiety from being a stoner for ~1 year and my buddy who is a psychologist recomended getting into meditation. I've heard a lot about it but I always thought it was kind of BS

Haha! you sound like a few of my friends and a lot of my classmates. When my neighbor heard I waited so long to fill my old one that I had to get another from my doc he amazed i let it lapse.

Yeah I don't have it either, but I wanted to get some since it made me so productive. It's surprising easy to get the diagnosis, you just answer yes to all the questions and they'll take your word for it or at least pretend to. I don't think I'll ever take it again, it has it's uses but it was just too much. No more.

I think they are.

I have been taking ephedrine for a couple of weeks and the other night I locked the keys in my car and before I was able to get them out I tried a really stupid thing trying to short the electronic locking system but now when I lock the doors the alarm goes on... I have no idea how to fix it its a 20 year old BMW.. nobody knows.. so yah they tend to interfere with your frontal lobes and make to act haphazzardly

Truth. I know a guy who wanted to suicide with all the drugs the quack gave him. He felt a million times better after he went off them.

Ask your doctor or look on webmd or other health related sites. Not Sup Forums where it's anecdotes and conspiratard theories. Adderal can positively affect things like ADHD in the long-run, if you have it. It also depends on the dosage. If you are having heart problems and you're young, you have bad genes and/or you're taking too much.

I moved up to a college town for school. So my doc knew the drill I'm guessing. He gave me Vyvanse to try and I just told him what he needed to hear and off i was with my proper addy. The bitch was waiting to ask to get bigger dose, didn't want to come off too needy. I'm giving it a break, I may try them again at some point. My issue was taking so much so fast my tolerance, if you will, built up and it was dumb to be doing.

It's definitely not bs. I was a c student and hated focusing on shit, after I started meditating I started getting b+ and a+'s in university level statistics courses.

It also raises IQ, I can now learn an entire course in a few days.

They work the opposite on me. My friends used to try to buy my ritalin, adderall and whatever else they would put me on. Forgot all of the different pills. My teachers said I was too much and told my parents I needed it. I just feel like a fucking zombie on that shit. No appetite, no feelings and no emotions. Just blank. Hate them and will never put my kids on it. Made me so quiet and I didn't do any school work. I just went home and sat in my room and everyone thought it was great. Fuck my parents and the doctors who recommend this shit. Never let your kids take it.

That's awesome man. How many times do you do it daily? Any sites/books you can recommend to help me start off?

>yes it's bad because Stimulant Psychosis
>may occur after an OVERDOSE
>1 in 1000 chance of developing it

If that's "bad" than any drug is bad. You're not supposed to be sucking on adderal like it's candy.

Like I said, Sup Forums is nothing but anecdotes from random people.

Absolutely. ADHD doesn't exist, it's all a scheme to sell meds to kids.

Thank you feminized western education (AKA All the teachers are pathetic know nothing women)

I agree.. who is some fucking public school teacher to tell me I am defective because I find their imbecilic bullshit too tedious to interest me ...

there's a reason i can't focus my attention on you dumb fuck


>real mentally ill people like land-whales, furries, pedos, and the Lgbt community.
Nigga, a fetish isn't a mental disorder until you act on it.
If someone fucks an animal THEN they're mentally ill.

>no connections and will likely never do the Lance Vyvanse Dance ever again

it's debatable if it's a disorder

I've been on adderall for seven years and if anything I'm less talkative than ever.

They make you a noisy cunt if you use them recreationally without ever trying them before

>I had extremely high intelligence, but

A fetish isn't a disorder at all. What the fuck? What prominent mental health professional agrees with that bullshit? Everyone has a fetish. If it's tits, cock, pussy, feet whatever, it's a fetish. Like anything, depending on the specific fetish, some will be pathological. But that isn't one-size-fits-all. If you love tits you're not as bad as someone who loves fucking dogs.

You should know is that the word 'meditation' has multiple meanings because there are multiple types of meditation. The two most popular forms of buddhist meditation practice are vipassana and samatha meditation. The guy you were responding to was probably referring to vipassana meditation.

I have to take them. ADHD is one reason but not the big one. The big reason is without them I become a lump who can barely move and is sleepy all day.

So it's reasonable and deemed as much by the professionals in your life. People here are not professionals, they are reactionaries.

Yeah. I have a problem where I have trouble falling asleep and very rarely dream during sleep. Even when I do enter REM its for a very short time. So my brain is never fully rested.

That's exactly what I'm saying, that's why this guy's post doesn't make sense. All four of the things he's considering a mental disorder are, or are the direct result of acting upon, a fetish. If somebody has a fetish for Anthros, and they only jack it to drawings on the internet, I see no problem. If they go out and fuck their cat they should be hung. As for the rest,
Pedos are incorrigible. Drawing or not, real or fake, it's morally bankrupt, and they are one of very few fetish groups that actually need to be cracked down on psychologically.

>land whales
If someone has a fat fetish who gives a fuck what they do to their body as long as they accept it's not normal and it's unhealthy. As long as they're not demanding special privilege and respect.
Literally just a fetish that has become way more of an issue than it should. Same thing applies. If they keep it in the bedroom, who cares.

ADHD does certainly exist.
To put excruciatingly simply, the brain develops slower than normal but chatches up in young adulthood. Also my boy Russell B. gonna blow all non-beleivers the fuck out:

ADHD is just a collection of symptoms.

Adderall is a meme.

How hard is it to get a vyvanse script?

I have ADHD, and have been taking Adderall for 8 years. It's not for everyone and I certainly know dosages they prescribe to children are too much. If its used in moderation it's great.

Be thankful adderall even affects you.

Society is a pointless piece of shit, hence ADHD.

>tfw losing control again

I've been good for so long and able to handle life, but I'm slipping and the meds aren't working anymore. I'm sad user; I don't like all the noise in my head. All of of the therapy, meditation, exercises, and a positive outlook aren't enough.

I've been good for 5 years since I started medicating again, but now I'm slipping back into my old self-destructive behavior I had when I wasn't treating it. Maybe people are right, I wouldn't need it in the state we evolved for, but in order for me to be able to work and succeed in the world we live in is like asking me to grow gills and become a fish. I can hold my breath for a while and swim, but I can't changed how my brain is wired