post alt-right repellent
Post alt-right repellent
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But I like Ernest Tubb AND Phil Ochs.
Frankly, on an aesthetics level if you like folk revival music I don't see why you wouldn't like pre-Nashville sound country music.
These fags
Death Grips
But Neil Young is one of Donald Trump's favorite musicians.
And no, I'm not trolling.
there's no such thing, since the alt-right is completely oppositional and reactionary, and exists solely because of stuff like this
Donald Trump supported the Pono music player thing too.
> tfw alt right and still like everything posted in this thread
Imagine id'ing as "alt-right"
nothing matters
it's on the same tier as all of that kekistan bullshit, absolute normie subversion of half decent pol memes
also >being left wing unironically
I'm surprised Neil was willing to take a picture with him. He hates Trump.
Didnt these dudes get dropped from their label because of a bunch of rape accusations from female fans? Fucking poetry
Fake fags are an invention BY the alt-right, though.
P sure the allegations got dropped, they're still fags.
That was probably before the current events.
Also remember Trump isn't really the problem as much as it is his supporters.
I don't really mind Trump that much. It's just the meme spewing Sup Forums faggots that take shit too far.
>try to use progressive faggotry as your gimmick
>still get accused of being evil males who rape women
lol these dudes are probably sucking craigslist cock for money right now.
What I meant is, their image is based totally in a media-manufactured creation by cis straight people of what they think "queer" and "trans" is.
Although I guess this thread wasn't positing that they were the real thing, just that they were a leftist creation.
Regardless of who manufactured it,
It's still alt-right repellent.
I only hate Trump because the new health bill would probably take away the Medicaid I rely on to treat my Crohn's Disease. I'm just under 20, and school plus my illness prevent me from working. I couldn't care less about his immigration policies.
Also, the lying. I distinctly remember reading on his website that he wasn't going to cut down Medicaid. And then there was that shit where he lied about his inauguration crowd. Too much shit to even cover.
>I only don't like it when bad shit happens to me and nobody else
I already disliked him when he ran on a platform that didn't affect me. Quite strongly, actually. But I was ready to give him a chance when he won the election.