Donald Trump To Double Latino Voter Turnout

There are literally millions of newly registered Latino voters who are voting for the first time in their life just to vote AGAINST Trump....

How can Trump win without the Hispanic vote?

Other urls found in this thread:¿que-donald-trump-leads-hillary-clinton-10-points-among-hispanics/

But I'm Latino and voting for Trump in the general

Not that he was my first choice thought, Rubio was my first choice but I prefer Trump over Hillary or Sanders

Of course you did you fucking beaner.

Anyone that doesn't imediatly want to protect our borders from filth like you should get beheaded in the streets. Fuck you

Well you are on Sup Forums so its no surprise that you voted for Trump but the average Hispanic especially Mexicans consider Trump a racist and they are voting AGAINST him

Why would they? Send them back with their parents. Enough of this anchor baby bullshit

Thank you for your input

I'm sure Trump shares your strong anglos only attitude

But he's winning the hispanic vote 55-45.¿que-donald-trump-leads-hillary-clinton-10-points-among-hispanics/

Well if they are citizens then they have the right to vote for whomever they choose.

Doesn't stop me from thinking they are a bunch of useful idiots for a Marxist subverted Democratic party

Daily reminder that Romney needed only 4% more of the White Male vote to beat Obama back in 2012. Daily reminder that even with 80+% of "muh Hispanic vote" Romney STILL would have lost to Obama without the White Male vote.

LOL no hes not..... recently released polls show that Trump has the highest unfavorable rating with Latino voters

That poll is less than a day old and he's leading by 10. Feel free to show more recent ones that prove me wrong.

Post the polls you are referring too

only citizens can vote

Because by securing the Jew vote he has the jew wizard magic behind him.

Latino voting for Trump. I guess you're right and he is increasing turnout, maybe even to vote for him

recently released polls show 99% of anons believe you are a faggot. Prove me wrong.

Trump only needs the based Cuban vote

The Mexican beaner vote is irrelevant

Any legal Latino should want to vote for Trump your cartel cousins are only driving wages further into the group.

New Cubans voting democrat and liking Cuba

>"Since 1990, more than 500,000 Cuban immigrants have entered the U.S."

>"Cuban Americans and their politics are also changing. This group increasingly leans toward the Democratic Party as more are born in the U.S. In addition, due to an influx of Cuban immigrants since 1990, a sizable majority of Cuban Americans today say they have at least some common values with people living in Cuba."

>"At the same time, political party affiliation also varies among Cuban immigrants. Some 57% of recent Cuban immigrant arrivals (those arriving since 1990) say they identify with or lean towards the Democratic Party and 19% say the same about the Republican Party. However, among Cuban immigrants who arrived before 1990, 48% say they are Republican while 35% say they are Democrats."

Fuck. This guy.

All the Mexicans are in California
, which will go blue anyways.

>There are literally millions of newly registered Latino voters who are voting for the first time in their life just to vote AGAINST Trump....
I hope whoever is in charge are checking to see these people are legal citizens with voting abilities and not some shady form of voter padding using illegals. I mean after all they are NEWELY REGISTERED voters

No actually there are millions of newly registered Mexican voters all through-out the south west and they will not be voting for Trump, they will vote for Hillary

the fucking edge.

>mfw my GF is an illegal

she's hot as fuck but she has to go back

And kek magic. He can't be stopped.

you can keep her, she just has to immigrate legally

Turns out latinos who came here legally have no sympathy for border hopping, line cutting peasants

I can't fucking stand Mexican'ts, they bitch and moan a out discrimination when back in their countries they do worse to each other and to any poor bastard they catch in their country illegally.

This is why I never take any of their accusations of racism towards Trump and America seriously, fuckers literally donmt have a leg to stand on.

>t. Son of legal immigrants

So what, they live in blue states anyways

Who says he won't get a lot of it?

>He thinks trump wont deport him because he is "Legal"

Winning two percent more of the white vote than Romney, which polls show he is. Next.

New fag get out of here

He didn't say polls, he said unfavourability ratings, which are not the same thing even if people keep insisting it is. This is why the MSM can say with a straight face Trump will lose Florida because he has an favourability rating of 36, while failing to mention shrill has 30 and Bernie is at 25, and none of you question it.

Within 100 short years, Latinos will be the majority population in America. Our children and their children are literally fucked. We literally just gave our entire beautiful country away to the scum-of-the-earth Mexicunts.

I live in Los Angeles and it's already basically a Mexican city. It's fucking sickening.

My own race, the white race, is the stupidest race on the planet. America, Canada, Europe, we just gave it all away to the Third World hordes.

>mexicans so dumb they can't understand that trump isn't racist, which then gives us credit for actually being racist.

I'm interested in how much hate crimes against Hispanics will increase after the elections.

I can't wait to see headlines saying that LEGAL Hispanics were assaulted by mobs but the ones responsible were unaware of his legal status.

Nah, you just were too successful. Your success breed complacency and idealism to the point quite a few of your people cannot comprehend evil or hardship.

Don't forget that this is why they want so many illegals here and capable of voting. Democrats and the left need to corral victims and others into federal dependency since the right would lower this dependency and therefor be hated by the lefts "victims" and state dependents.

These people work hard to undermine democracy itself and noone has dared to get violent about it? The white race and america is cucked to death and most don't know it yet. Its over, we have no will to fight back. They won long ago.

>Defending trump because he is indirectly racist

>trump wants to deport this

Legal latinos will vote for him.

Also hispanic/illegal heavy states are already set regardless so it doesn't matter. CA won't vote R, Texas won't vote D. New Mexico won't vote R. Arizona won't vote D.

100? Dude it's more like 30, maybe even less. There are more illegals here than that 12-13 million number thrown around.

>Within 100 short years, Latinos will be the majority population in America
You're fucking kidding right? There's no way whites won't be a plurality until at least 2200 if we're still around by then. That's also not considering potential mass European immigration.

The fact that the hispanic vote is going to decide who wins and who doesnt in USA should wake everyone the fuck up.

Says fucking who, you little baby dick shills are easy to spot

Also, how can Donald trump double the turnout for Latinos if Latinos were already over 50% turnout in the last election. Are a bunch of dead Latinos gonna vote now that the illegal ones aren't going to be enough?

>trump declares he will deport illegals
> millions of newly registered mexican voters come out of the woodwork against him

trump is gonna take care of illegals one way or another

Hispanics are our largest growing minority they have a right to vote like everyone else they just will not be voting for Donald Trump

The left pulls some sneaky shit like that all the time

So he will lose California like he would have anyways?

>How can Trump win without the Hispanic vote?
It's highly concentrated in states that are already written off. Additionally, actually being serious about a constantly spurned demand of his own party's voter base, namely supporting enforcement of immigration law and border security, would bring in voters who weren't interesting in coming out to vote for amnesty supporters.

>Look up who did the polling
Unless I see other polling sites correlate this data, this is just Unskewed poll delusion 2.0.

>The Youth don't hold the spiteful emotional baggage of their ancestors.
Shame Fedel won't outlive all old fuckers who fled the country.
Regardless, Mexicans are going to vote for Clinton. Trump's only real path to victory is going all in at the Rust belt. Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Illinois and Michigan are no goes because of Chicago and the fact that the state Republicans poisoned a entire city of children and then tried cover it up. Everything else is fair game though.

Every legal immigrant i know hates illegals. Especially the more recent 1st or 2nd generation ones.

>"why the fuck should they just be allowed to be here after all the shit me and my family had to go though to get here? It isn't fair to anyone that did it legally."

they also seem to hate america, want to be in mexico, but they keep coming here


at least they'll have their heads attached, horhe

>Legal latinos will vote for him.
>Every legal immigrant i know hates illegals
>It's highly concentrated in states that are already written off.

Just to remind you guys Sup Forums literally said the same thing in 2012 when Obama ran against Romney and you were proven wrong,

I've rarely seen something this accurate on Sup Forums.
I've spent years wondering about why we're losing what's left of our civilization, and the conclusion I've settled on, at least tentatively, is what you said. We're just too successful. To borrow a phrase from a meme favorite, victory has defeated us.

Yeah, that's cool OP, if your intention is to rally Republican voters against these fucking Mexican flag waiving beaners. Which is all you're doing with your shilling.

>Not that he was my first choice thought, Rubio was my first choice but I prefer Trump over Hillary or Sanders

I don't get this faggot normie logic, why would people vote for a candidate that is "just like me XDDD" instead of their policies? I expect this from women, but only because they are retarded cunts.

My point is there are NOT enough republicans voters for Trump to get elected!

>Hispanics will for Hillary
>Blacks will vote for Hillary
>Women will vote for Hillary
>and every other sane person will vote for Hillary

How can Trump win when he loses to Hillary in every category of voter?

>We don't want to stay without our parents
Don't worry kids, you have to. You'll all be leaving together.

Shill confirmed

just marry her, not that hard to keep her


SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Hillary Among Hispanic Voters [VIDEO]




>Mexicans go to the US
>Tell a US citizen he's not welcome

You have to go back.

those that can't vote are against trump. legal citizens despise undocumented aliens.

trump would have my vote too.

This word annoys me.
WTF is a Hispanic?
People from Spain are white.

Aymara natives from Bolivia are technically Hispanics despite being 100% native.
Ukrainian Argentines are are technically Hispanics despite being 100% Ukrainian.
Black Dominicans are Hispanic despite being, you know, Black.

It's a meaningless term.
If you mean to say brown, then just say brown.
Or mestizo (White + Native mixed race).
Hispanic is not a real thing.

Tio Ruckus

You have to go back.

I dont see why legal mexicans wouldnt vote for him. It takes a lot to become a citizen, and people who hop the border kinda shit on the people who took the time to learn american history and the constitution

False flag

Whites are still ~60% of the population. An extra 10,000 spics voting in Houston or McAllen isn't going to change much. Hopefully Trump wins and we can reverse the blue along the border by shipping as many back as possible and closing down the border.

If Hillary wins, it really is over. This is a watershed moment. With Hillary comes mass amnesty, and with mass amnesty comes tens of millions of new democrats.

I just pray Hillary destroys our economy so the brown plague moves further north and bypasses America altogether. That's really our only hope.