Tell me about coffee Sup Forums
Why is it that every "coffee enthusiast" is a pussified beta?
Tell me about coffee Sup Forums
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starbucks culture is the problem more than likely.
I love drinking good, strong turkish coffee.
That's one thing those faggots did right, also shishkebabs are great.
I'm not a coffee snob though, although I drink it in the morning before work with a large glass of water afterwards to make shitting effortless. Can't remember the last time I took a shit and wiped more than twice to completely clean myself.
Eating and drinking well pays off yet again.
Sorry you dropped your spaghetti with the barista today OP.
>implying "craft beer" is not the liberal nu-male's beverage of choice
Coffee and green tea, being artifacts of the colonial era, are far too problematic for enlightened individuals.
I take bulletproof coffee
Melt some GRASS FED BUTTER in that sumbitch
Put in some ALPHA BRAIN
MCT oil
Thanks for the shitting tip friend
Strong coffee with a splash of cream and one teaspoon of sugar.
gureen tea
I enjoy those peppermint mocha things during the holidays.
Most of the time I drink a small cup of whatever they have in the coffee pot at work so I can get through the day.
say that to my face and not online and watch what happens
>Drinking coffee at all
>Not French Vanilla
Looks like you've been BLACKED.
Because men think that coffee is an interesting topic that women want to talk about.
You merely adopted the coffe
I was born in it,molded by it
Coffe without any extra additives (sugar, milk, cream) tastes the best
I make my own coffee at home, its normal supermarket coffee.
When i spend money on coffee outside my house, I get some stupid shit that usually tastes like a fucking sugar cube.
1 word: pseudo-intellectual liberal hipsters
I have one 12 oz cup at 8:30 and another 12 oz cup at 3:30. a drop of cream and a teaspoon of sugar.
Thats pretty badass to be honest
My favorite is fresh ground french press dark coffee of any origin, but I usually just drink freeze dried lol
The catechins in green tea dose-dependently lower testosterone, and raise levels of epitestosterone (an anti-androgen) by inhibiting the enzyme UGT2B17. It further inhibits DHT sythesis through additional mechanisms.
Coffee contains phytoestrogens, which bind to estrogen receptors and act as a weak estrogen, and higher levels of caffeine, which can raise cortisol.
So in short, if you want energy just buy powdered caffeine and avoid all the shitty compounds in coffee and tea.