>suicide squad gets a 2/10 because it wasn't funny
>le killer app quip by Harley wasn't funny
>He then fills his lets play videos with his own dumb brand of humour, which is objectively unfunny
Jesus, why do so many people watch this miserable cunt? Do they like watching a fake patrician?
Suicide squad gets a 2/10 because it wasn't funny
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who and literally wut
This is Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucks.org (yms), a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality. He's also a joyless hipster faggot.
>lets play
Sup Forumseddit
Everyone else on this shit board makes capeshit threads. Why should mine be any different? I made a nice thread last night about Café Society which one got one reply. Face it, capeshit is all that this stupid board cares about.
>triggered DCucks
Literally the only good thing about Sup Forums these days
I don't think he's biased against DC. I'm sure he'd love a Krypton The Wonder Dog film as long as it was hardcore X-rated
>suicide squad gets a 2/10 because it wasn't good
Suicide Squad wasn't that bad though. A solid 6/10, at least.
>not biased against DC
In his SS video, he actually mentions the angry backlash against critics and Rotten Tomatoes. He basically bemoans the accusations of "Marvel fanboys" and pretty much disregards the critical bias towards marvel.
>why do so many people watch this miserable cunt?
It sounds like you watch him quite a bit. So stop watching and stop posting.
Did you know that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucks.org (yms) is a dog rapis who enjoys bestiality?
Is he? I never would have guessed that he is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
Yes, he is. It really shocked me as well when I've learned that he is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
He denies a retarded conspiracy theory made by fanboys? wtf I hate YMS now
Is there any proof that he is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality aside from your accusations of him being a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality?
I understand your jimmies are rustled because this furry insulted your dumb dc movie but why should we give a shit
Watch his stream where he talks about being a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality. He goes into a good amount of details about being a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
>mfw this fuck and all the other unfunny youtube wasters like leafy are getting their youtube bucks taken and there's nothing they can do about it
I'd also add more evidence that he is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality. Just look at his face, it's clearly the face of a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
how's that?
Youtube is introducing a pretty strict new ad system. They'll pull adverts (and thus revenue) from objectionable content like swearing or promoting dog rape and bestiality
ya hes a massive dog molesting faggot and im sure his streaming/gaming is terrible but he has many good review/analysis videos
Well that's more than enough proof that this dog rapist who enjoys bestiality who looks like a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality is, in fact a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality! Thanks, I now know way more than I ever hoped to.
>Se7en a 9/10
>The Hateful Eight 8/10
>rick and morty 10/10
Adam if this is you because trust me we have all noticed an influx in threads recently just fuck off and viral on reddit mate. People are going to spam the thread, either with the rape thing or with the fact that you have very inconsistent and a baseless taste in film, whose trite, nit-picking approach to criticism appeals to 14 year-olds who think being cynical is what grown-ups do. You're a cancer whose aping of RLM's style effectively ruined any hope of YT being a platform for real discussion of cinema.
you mean "Irrational Man 2: I'm a fucking hack and you wouldn't be watching my movies if it weren't the fact that they're leeching off my accused pedophilic tendencies". A shitty movie is a shitty movie, be it capeshit or Woody Allen, at least Disney and whoever make DC films have the good sense to not be fucking boring too.
>This is what passes for a movie expert on Youtube
I'm sorry for the terrible mistake I made: "Magic in the Moonlight 3: I'm an 80 year old man who wants to fuck people significantly younger than me but can't legally so I project this desire into my films, I know you want to gawk at my weird sexual deviancy so I continue remaking the same fucking movie" Magic int he Moonlight was so forgettable that, despite it only coming out 2 years ago, it had completely vanished from my mind, let that be a testament to how shit Allen has become
He has explicitly stated in an AMA that he can't stand movies from before the 2000s, and that anyone who claims to like Orson Welles or Kurosawa are just pretending to look smart. He published his top 100 films list in 2014 and I'm pretty sure all but a token few were from after 2000.
Wow, Woody Allen sounds almost as bad as Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
That's an interesting tidbit regarding the taste of Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
He outright refuses to watch things before 1973, and thats only because his 'favorite movie ever' holy mountain came out in 1973.
The irony of calling other people pretentious while enjoying the films of Jodorowsky is lost on him i guess.
You just don't understand the rarefied tastes of Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
Any grown man with long hair has mental issues
I'll bet that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality has seen 101 Dalmatians...get blown.
Yes, Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms)—the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality, is pretty immature for his age.
Nah fuck off, you don't know what pretentious means if you think Jodorowsky's movies are pretentious. There's some bizarre imagery, sure, but they're incredibly earnest and straight-forward movies. Fuck Adam and fuck him for making me defend a movie he likes, but The Holy Mountain is almost the opposite of pretentious.
proof? this is really stupid if true. You'd think if he worships Jodorowsky that much he would go back and look at his influences.
He's probably one of the funniest people on YouTube, objectively in the top 10, at the very least.
Yes, this is why Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality is a cancer.
Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality, is hilarious.
Literally when has he ever said anything funny in his videos? I wasn't aware he was even trying to be funny.
"I'm Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality. Don't laugh, I'm not joking."
I cannot find him saying this anywhere
> Entry level religious symbolism: The Movie ft. LE WACKY SHIT
I can see an argument for el topo but Holy Mountain is just plain garbage. It's the Entry Level for people who want to be cool and edgy for liking something 'different.'
Maybe if you aren't religious, and delve into it it seems deep, but for anyone with a basic knowledge of theology it's so fucking obvious it hurts senpai.
>if you delve into it it seems deep
um isn't that what deep means
reminder that he rated The Guest 2/10
I think you meant to say Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog RAPIST who enjoys bestiality.
A monkey who has never seen the ocean can delve into a puddle.
Did you mean to say that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality?
Wow, Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality sure sounds like a rational voice in this whole conspiracy mess.
Reminder that he's Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
Hey guys I heard rumors about Adam being a dog rapist.
Can you confirm ?
are you just sitting here refreshing the page and pasting this shit? that's really sad
A wise man once said "A man who cannot relate to other human beings will victimize those weaker than him to receive satisfaction." I think he was referring to Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
To Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality, it means going deep into Fido.
It's not that good, but he still lacks the fundamental understanding of old slasher movies which the movie is based around. He probably thought the ending was stupid, when it was actually quite funny.
Confirmed: Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
Um, stop spreading false rumors about me.
I only think about enjoying bestiality.
>lacks the fundamental understanding
I'm shocked to hear this about Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
>it's a somebody mentions adam johnston and summons THAT guy episode
what do the ctrl and v keys on his keyboard look like by now?
okay, now this time try making the same post but without buzzwords and actually try and criticise the movie using your big boy words
Hm. Yes very sad. I...you...you've really gotten to me. I suppose I will stop posting "Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality."
Wait. What am I saying? I'll never stop posting "Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality."
It makes me wonder. Like, how sad must you be to devote time to doing that?
>look I posted it again
Oh yeah, that one was a zinger.
>>look I posted it again
Posted what? "Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality"?
haha you won xD you posted the meme. post it again!
I'm so humiliated by the revelation that my ctrl & v keys are worn down. I wish I was unflappable as Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
fuck off adam
We can't all be comic geniuses like Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys Jodorowsky and bestiality.
Where did the whole dogfucking thing come from?
Ok. Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality
He rapes innocent dogs
again. just one more time! xD so lol
I'm not Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
He is a generally unknown youtuber who spends time making movie reviews and gaming videos, and when he says an objectively awful action comedy and movie in general bad and blames part of it on the terrible jokes... What's so confusing?
Stop! Stop making fun of me! Ahhhh. Also, have you heard that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality?
there's a video where he's making a point about bestiality and how it's hypocritical of people to be so against it while not caring about eating meat because it also involves penetrating the animal against its will to inseminate it and also killing it later
I'm Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and I'm organizing a worldwide conference to examine the allegation that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
nooo don't change it. that's not xD
just the same thing. just paste it. that's when it's funny rofl XD
>generally unknown
Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality, is very famous. They don't just make Sup Forums threads about nobodies.
A dark corner in his backyard that his parents couldn't see from the kitchen window, I believe.
Sorry that you don't find the fact that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality entertaining enough.
I do! xD but only when you don't change it hahahaha lol
post it again! pls roflcopter. I'm gonna screenshot it and post it on le reddits XD very top kek right?
Great. You do that. Meanwhile, Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality..
yessssss you did it! xD
you memed when I asked you to! haha xD you're so cool, man :P This whole thread definitely isn't proof of how much you should kill yourself XD lol soz
my sides have entered gambit
dont stop ever youre beatiful
>samefagging this hard
this post is goat
nah, i'm this guy the xD guy is the other guy
Wow, I've attracted almost as many fans as Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
>people are still posting in this thread
>Adam is still raping Fido
It's only Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms), the dog rapist who enjoys bestiality.
Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg (yms) is a dog rapist who enjoys bestiality but I'm unsure if he's specifically into goats.