Why is there no WP thread here? Come on guys. Give Sammy your support!
lmao your pic is wrong
Its inverted meaning its the opposite of the original
Not really. The original creator of symbol, who designed it for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament stated that it was originally supposed to represent a man with his arms down in despair, which is not very far removed from the sense of death and surrender that is implied with the life rune turned upside down.
Le Sup Forums brigade! To arms to arms! Let's watch a mediocre unfunny show to show our support for the oppresed white male! Down with the Matriarchy! Down with Shillary! Boo hisss.
fuck off back to your containment board, faggot.
It's really not, shitlibtardcuck. It even has a runic seal around it which is meant to intensify the effect even more. The frankfurt school jews who designed this symbol knew about occult power.
There is no containment board. The Internet and Sup Forums exist today for us to rise again and take back our Western Civilisation from the dogs of socialism and immoral equality.
where's my episode 5
>alt-rightists make these pictures thinking they are compelling arguments that will turn the tide of history
Next showing September 10
>The frankfurt school jews who designed this symbol knew about occult power.
uh oh are those darn jews up to something again? Guess im voting trump now desu!
Go to bed fuensalida
Finally got around to watching all 4 episodes. Shit is hilarious, how much of a nu-male cuck do you have to be not to laugh at this?
Trump is like hitler because he wants to keep specific people out of his "homeland"
sure, he didn't say all muslims or say that he wanted all muslims to leave, but how would anyone even enforce the muslim background check?
If you can tell the difference between a Sikh and a muslim, you're a rare breed and guaranteed people who actually want those checks don't care either
I hope Sam does more stand up soon, he's was at his best when he was making hipsters walk out in fits of rage.
What is the alt-right?
I am a traditionalist and a realist.
The basic different between right and left is the idea that inequality -- which is a natural phenomenon, one that occurs of its own accord in a society that is left to its own devices -- is good and moral. That is what I believe and there is nothing alternative about that.
It is the conservative right, or cuckservative I should say, who are in fact alternative and do not represent real right-wing political ideology but rather a sanitised version that is compatible with the leftist status quo. Communism is abroad in the West and you don't even realise it. You have been bred to believe that equality, human rights and all the awful things that logically follow from this: free movement of people, social programs like affirmative action and welfare, are morally just and must be protected. I SAY NO!
>t. gubergatorial
You might be mike brown if...
Trump raises against political correctness and the media, Hitler did the same
>. You have been bred to believe that equality, human rights and all the awful things that logically follow from this: free movement of people, social programs like affirmative action and welfare, are morally just and must be protected. I SAY NO!
People support those things because they have empathy and want to help people. ideas of long term social or economic effects dont enter their minds. They want to be good. Thats the extent of it
why is everyone politicizing him so much? I think he leaves slight "alt-right" hints just because it's contrarian
No, you are manipulated into feeling this way by propaganda. But they wouldn't think this way if they hadn't been conditioned into it: "OH, we MUST let the refugees in; who are we to prevent them ; they have the right to come in, bla bla"
Do you feel empathy for the disenfranchised inhabitants of your nation whose jobs are displaced and whose culture is slowly being eroded and who are becoming foreigners in their own countries?
I totally agree with this. None of the humor in the show is overtly racist or sexist, it just seems edgy and contrarian, and purposefully politically incorrect. But not Sup Forums tier basement nazi shit
Was my statement somehow wrong? Did i say i vote for Hillary?
He doesn't put that in the show, but his assistant writes loads of political tweets and messages on Facebook.
Yeah this.
Leftists just want to save poor and oppressed people. Rightists want to save themselves and their culture from that they feel would destroy it.
Everybody wants to do good. Everybody believes they are good.
his sister? wut
>Communism is abroad in the West
no it's not
>Do you feel empathy for the disenfranchised inhabitants of your nation whose jobs are displaced and whose culture is slowly being eroded and who are becoming foreigners in their own countries?
>culture being eroded
American culture? No. I have not noticed that disappearing.
>foreigners in their own countries
No i have not noticed that. Do you mean everybody not being white english speakers? I live in sacramento and couldnt give less of a shit. I like the diversity because it means lots of different colors of girls to fuck and lots variation in restaurants. Nothing has stopped me from getting girls, jobs, going to school or experiencing a normal happy life and nobody i know has complained about it either. Ive literally only heard this complaint from Sup Forums,
Her sister? Now that wouldn't be very smart now, would it?
No but socialism is, which is why the socialism=bad word narrative of the 2004 and 2008 republican campaigns disappeared once all the old republican voters realized the shit they depend on to survive was socialism
you wouldn't because you are not an American and neither represent or follow American culture
is your politics only informed by events after 2000?
i was born in cali and my parents are welsh and swiss you bitter idiot
>represent or follow american culture
literally all you mean by that is neocon think of the children bullshit
not at all. why do you say that? Are you implying painting the idea of socialism in a poor light and applying it to democrats policy platform didnt happen during the 04 and 08 election? Are you implying the elderly didnt collectively wake up and realize their ss and medicare were at risk of being privatized and turn against the idea which is why it has been completely dropped from the republican platform? Because if you are implying those things you are a fucking idiot. If your post is truly just asking if my politics are only informed by events after 2000, no and its irrelevant to the point
the elderly are entirely affected by McCarthism you dumb fuck
>christian's cross is halfway
so thats the true way
This. What would Jesus do? Deregulate corporations and give tax cuts to the rich? Or ask for more socialist programs for the poor? I think most of the neocons (who no doubt are so because it's the modern counter-culture) are coddled suburbanites who never visited a country that is shittier than the US, and thus think their taxes aren't being put to good use (if they even pay taxes, which I doubt). I'mean originally from Mexico and that place is a shithole, you have to pay for public school essentially and most people are poor who stay poor. So I totally support my taxes going to programs that help the poor stop being poor, or at least help them get by. I have seen true poverty and these fags haven't. It is easy to imagine yourself rising above poverty but hard to implement irl. Fuck anyone who says social programs are useless, people depend on them to survive sometimes. Suburbanites don't even like working shit jobs, how would they know hard work or struggling to just get by?
So neocons are getting back in on that? I see they dislike weed and 'degeneracy', do they also like putting trigger warnings - I mean, disclaimers for bad language? Are they against badass metal music? Or are they only against shit they dislike, and leave shit they use like cursing and shitty house music?
I had thought this was manifested through the SJW faggots recently, but I guess the neocons are bringing it back.
>inb4 buttflustered neoliberalism
I'm socialist libertarian, the more personal rights you have the better.
McCarthyism was anti-communism, this is socialism. As long as you don't take away the oldfags' pension or social programs they depend on, old people don't care. Middle-aged voters have seen communism fall and are willing to accept socialist programs if they are useful. Don't know about you, but my grandma wouldn't vote to remove her pension or privatize many programs (like public school, fire departments, police, etc). And who votes in greater numbers? Old people. Youngfags don't vote and so Sanders was doomed from the start.
While I'm at it, oldfags won't vote for Trump. Clinton was good to them last time and so they'll probably vote for her over him this election. Old people go with what they know, and Clinton was there for 2 terms. Despite what you teenagers think, the Clinton years were good to old people and many people remember them fondly. The old prudes who would have voted for the new Reagan are gone, what you have now is post-hippie, liberal-minded old people. People who were young during the Reagan administration, and so were against his shit, much like young people are vehemently against Clinton today.