I just found two of these fuckers on my bed. What do?

I just found two of these fuckers on my bed. What do?

Should I go full on nazi and buy 5 cans of radar spray, a gas mask and go Auschwitz on these fuckers?

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just burn your bed, gas maybe work's, but burn them all

eat it

Diatomaceous Earth
It's the only way


You *have* to isolate your bed from the floor immediately. You *have* to buy bedbug proof covers for your mattress and bedframe. You need to do this now and, if you're fucking lucky, you'll be able to stop them.

It's entirely possible that its too late for that, in which case you are fucked. Nothing you can buy will work, they are resistant to all consumer grade pesticides, and even if you had professional quality ones you wouldn't know how to use them properly.

Call an exterminator now and save yourself the misery.

Only if you sprinkle it around your bed frame posts which you've made sure to isolate from the walls, and even then this won't work if they are already in the mattress box or between the mattresses.
Even then there's the possibility they climb your wall to the ceiling and drop down, that can happen.

You really need to call an exterminator that specializes in this. They use chemicals that won't give you cancer if you breathe them all night. Anything you do won't work as well or be more dangerous. Exterminators aren't that expensive, and you shouldn't buy a new bed unless you've gotten rid of the bugs.

But, you can put your sheets and clothes in the dryer and let it run for an hour. It's a start, but it won't get the eggs.

Fuck, that sounds awful. I know that the company owning my apartment building offers free sanitation, so I'll call them right away.

If you're seeing them, It's too late. Call an exterminator.

I'm still living with them because my roommate brought them home from a hospital. You do not want to let it fester into an infestation, it is one of the most depressing things I've ever been through.

First get all bed and bedding throw it away.
Next wash all clothing stick in plastic trash bags. Next buy new bed. Put the bed in plastic covering before you take in house. Put sheets on that.
Next call pest control who ever. Get on a monthly check till they are gone.

home from hospital sound like bullshit. Homeless or was living with or around heavy travelers

Mexicans have been dragging these things all over the country.... Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans

China has over used some chems to try and kill them but all they did was create a really resistant type of bed bug.

Washing doesn't kill them. High heat drying does. Dry everything high heat at least twice!

They're going on the trip to a place called Auschwitz

Or just throw the bed and buy a new one. These things are usually in old beds.

or white people who blame mexicans

what a fag you are

You're well and truly fucked.

Forget radar
>get yourself a gas mask
>pour 3 bottles of industrial bleach and liquid ammonia into a bucket
>vacate house for a few days
>come back still wearing gas mask
>pour mixture into hole in backyard
>ventilate the shit out of your house, turn on all the fans and air conditioners you own, open all windows, anything and everything you can to get air moving
>vacate for a day or two
>mites burned alive by chlorine gas
I might suggest getting yourself a canary or two to see if the air is safe but it should be fine

Sadly you're fucked op

you should destroy any soft goods in your house like blankets/mattresses that they have colonized,
they'd have to bug bomb your entire residence and that won't get them all unless you get rid of the mattresses and shit like that

Just place salt around your bed when you sleep tonight should stop these little fucker from sucking your blood.

I had a car that the boot was full of, something....

Just gassed that shit at close range and now it's all good

Enjoy the feeling of the little cunts burying deep into your skin and scratching like rattling herion addict
You may need some cream to kill them under the skin.
I used to clean out homes of dead people.
Contracted scabies a week of fucking hell and skitzing out thing I've got hep from the bastards at one point I was ready to anhero.

My roommate is disabled and has to sleep in one of those hospital beds that move. The local hospital sold him a bed under-the-table, and the bed had bedbugs. Now we all have bedbugs.

OP I'm not gonna lie to you, you have a shit ton of work ahead of you.
first you need to wash and dry at temperatures over 120-130f, if your clothes aren't preshrunk you're in for a nasty surprise once you try shit on afterwards
next you seal everything you can in air tight containers or double bag what you can't and by double bag I mean fill it halfway, double gooseneck and tape closed, then repeat with another bag on the same item.
next you need to fumigate, no I'm not kidding, these fuckers get into walls, the cracks between your cupboard doors, every seam in your bedframe, chairs, light fixtures. EVERYTHING. when they're gone you'll probably find their dead husks for months or years to come.
IF you have access to a large freezer of some type, they can't survive extreme temperature changes, IE freeze your shit then put it through the dryer at highest heat. it's a guarantee, 20 mins at either below -30 or above 120 and they will die, once you're done with all that, clean your place up and stop letting dirty immigrants in your place and you should be fine

;tldr GLHF bedbugs are a bitch

It's a proven fact that Mexicans carry more parasites than any other race
It's quite scary tbh

>fumigate with mustard gas
My sides

yeah that sounds legit

like it was the premier study at Dumbshits University by Professor Dipshit R You

Bedbug War Vet here, fought this fuckers for several years.

Grab any and all fabrics/clothing/bedsheets/blankets/etc and put them in garbage bags, close them tight.

Scour every nook and cranny and crevice of your bed AND the foundation/stand it's on. Even where the screws/nuts/bolts are. Kill them with extreme prejudice.

Get yourself some Rubbing Alcohol, make a solution of 50%+ Rubbing alcohol with water in a spray bottle, and start spraying in all the areas the Bedbugs are hanging out.

Everywhere in your home must be checked and given the same process.

Go through each garbage bag of clothing/fabrics/blankets/etc and start drying them, washing AND drying being best results. Put them back in the garbage bags, have them set in garage or area OUTSIDE of home, kitchen is good.

Check all backbags/bags. Check your furniture.

Be constantly proactive, as in, EVERY NIGHT YOU GO TO SLEEP, check around your entire bed and its' frame for bedbugs.


Had these fuckers in the army what a fking pain in the butt i fking hate these litle fuckers,
set your fking room on fire is the only way,
no seriously fking buy 2 cans of spray or something and spray even inside your butthole because these litle fuckersw will even come out of your ears to suck you dry while u sleep

Get rid of the bed tried everything when I got some after going to a cheap hotel, was never able to get rid of them until i threw it away. Stayed out of the room for a couple of months after that to allow them all to not feed and die.

same we had these blood thirsty vampires in the army,
They can fking hide anywhere except on your body.
Do this
1: wash all your fking clothes and let em dry on the sun
2: spray the fuck everywhere under your bed, every fking possible corner
The real pain is that these fuckers Lay fking eggs, and they can hatch even after 8 months if they get warm and moisty

Dude, no

They can lie dormant for up to 8 months without a food source.
freezing will not work, they will go still, but once temps rise do will the bug.
OP professional exterminator is the best way to go, if you live in an apartment it should be covered by your land lord for free. Just make sure you follow all the instructions they give you for pre treatment prep.


.t Totally not mexican you guys! Those rashes are not from parasites I swear!

Well got rid of my infestation that way. Just sharing what I did.

Smoke email they get you high as fuck

Why not spray your house with lye?


Even nice hotels can get them.

The transit company I work for gets infestations on buses. It starts with homeless people then spreads to everybody!

There is only one way to be sure.

radar does absolutely nothing
you have no choice but to set your house on fire

youtu.be/0Dyqe86g7TU it's a new way to get high


You are so fucked. Throw that shit away right now.

OP if you smoke it you will become a god

1. Start washing every article of bedding/clothing/fabric you own. Twice each. GIve em hours in the dryer.

2. Vacuum the fuck out of every inch of every room, particularly in corners, edges, areas behind furniture. Now poison. As much as you can tolerate. Hit those corners, edges, and along the trim on your wall. Hit your bed/boxspring a bit too.

3. Zip-up vinyl mattress covers. Get one for your mattress and one for your box spring. They're supposed to be for people with allergies or bedwetters, but you'll trap any remaining bugs and starve em out. Finally, wrap very sticky tape round the legs of your bed/funiture, adhesive side out. This will stop any more fuckers from getting up to you.

Repeat this purging process every day or every other day.

Wet backs detected
>worse than niggers

roommate had them before, here to tell you, if they haven't spread, kill them and cover your shit, otherwise, they will go all over the place, and fuck your eyes out, not to mention you can't kill them with that shit otc shit, gotta hire an exterminator...

they didn't go in my room ironically, they didn't want to fuck with me, they knew I was king

This. Years of housekeeping experience here. Call an exterminator. After he's sprayed do exactly as he tells you. You'll probably to hot wash and double/triple dryer your sheets and clothes. If you have carpet in your room get a steam cleaner on that shit.

Bugproof mattress covers all the way.

Bed prepared to pull your bed frame apart and wash/scrub it down too, there's prob bedbug eggs over that shit.

Keep in mind that the eggs incubate for a few weeks/months before they hatch, so if you or the exterminator fucks up they'll be back and harder to kill.

Also a tip for any travelers, if you want to reduce your chances of getting bitten by these fuckers when staying in hotels/hostels try to stay in rooms/dorms with metal bed frames. Avoid wood frames, wooden walls and carpeted rooms as much as you can; especially if you stay in hostels.

OP, it's best to assume you have an infestation at this point. Nip it in the bud. If you can afford professional exterminators than do it because these guys get everywhere. They'll stay under floorboards or behind walls during the day and crawl out at night so it's very difficult to remove them with a hoover and bug spray alone. Not saying it's impossible, but be prepared to spend the foreseeable future vacuuming and re vacuuming and constantly spraying nasty shit around if you want to do this yourself. Much better to get a pro.

You're missing Fox and Friends, Mr. President.

>Should I go full on nazi and buy 5 cans of radar spray, a gas mask and go Auschwitz on these fuckers?


what back ass, shit pot country do you live in where the hospitals have bed bugs?????

Nah, those are niggers