Why are SJW's so upset about this Sup Forums?
Why are SJW's so upset about this Sup Forums?
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SJWs are upset about everything.
There is no need for discussion.
Are they?
where's his underwear?
>white male
>not a bull
Even I'm upset.
Women have the right to get socked.
What is it?
They probably don't even know about Sup Forums.
plebbit shit. front page.
no toilet seat
Fuck off shitface.
Where are they angry about this? Post some examples. Reddit comments were not butthurt about this
having fun today Schlomo Schekleburg?
Isnt plugging in a hairdryer in the bathroom dangerous with the water
i dont get it
Patriarchal Poo Smell
Naked bitch top left
what is this
who is upset
I have a few gay friends on FB and they seem pretty butmadd over this issue
I was debating it with one fag who tried hitting on me and all he would say is LALALALA CANT HEAR YOU this passes and post pic of passable male to female trannies
Why is there a puddle under his feet?
How dare that cis-shitlord nasally rape that stronk wymmyn with his anal emissions while she's chooses dental submission to the Big Fluoride Cock.
Not really because they are GFCI plugs
Kill yourself you ignorant fool.
The man is not allowed to take a crap before Wommin brushes her teeth and uses shower, and no extended reading craps
The man is twice her size from the feeding patriarchy.
Fuck I hate when 16 year olds start threads
They're upset because it's a man and a woman. Homosexuals are extremely resentful of heterosexual relationships.
Is the girl in the reflection supposed to represent what he wishes his gf was? An underage girl or something? Is the man a pedophile?
Or are they just mad the gf does squats?
In the US you can straight up drop a toaster in the bathtub while you are in it and won't be electrocuted. First, the electricity will search the shortest route to the ground, which will be the drain pipe. If all of the hardware is plastic, the electricity has nowhere to go and just won't travel. All of this assuming circuit breakers don't immediately trip anyway.
It's fucking gross. The bathroom is the last bastion of privacy; it should be respected.
He is a white male
Kill yourself.
>picture from reddit
go back.
I thought we were talking about trans bathroom shit? you mean this painting? 1st i've seen it
This. Taking a shit should always be done alone
I think the artist just painted a shitty reflection of the girl
post a link to a comment where they are upset
>posts image without context
>asks why it is controversial
I could understand if you posted PissChrist or something like that, but what the fuck is wrong with the OP image?
OP is 100% faggot - no meme edition
About a shitty painting? Got me, it's the first time I've seen it.
it says in the OP that SJW's are upset, you're asking the same question I am
You're thinking too hard.
Actually stop thinking about it entirely.
Just don't think about it.
>Now do you see?
>heterosexual couple
>not arguing and he's not slapping her around
>reasonably fit and attractive
How will SJWs profit off this?
>Why are SJW's so upset about this Sup Forums?
Is it because the artist is shit at painting perspective or understanding reflection or because Ed Norton is taking a shit while read a fucking Penguin classic?
oh shit
Why would they be upset? The male is the one being embarrassed here, and the female who is above the male is representing them, with the problematic glasses at that.
Your name is John. I know where you live
They aren't.
Because everything except the people are painted like shit, especially the reflections.
He's clearly sitting down to pee like a good cuck. There's no satisfying these nerds.
Nice trips. Also, what does this painting depict? Infidelity? Insanity? The girl doesn't have armpit hair, so the artist can't be too cucked.
I'm upset because it's bad art.
Look at those muddy values and that terrible brushstroke economy, yikes!
Seems like the artist is trying too hard to be a "contemporary painterly-style realist" but is still far too uninformed and under-skilled to be good.
That and plebbit has the worst taste in art, e.g. "realistic" pencil copies of promo photos of walter white
The fuck are you trying to say?
What was it.user
This family will obviously fall apart.
What the fuck is going on? I'm literally stumped.
>Thinking this hard
it's pol being pol.
Like your country nikita
I'm with Israel as always
Can someone link it? I can't seem to find it on the front page
It's a meme. No reasons for this.
i dont see anything
>ever using leddit
Don't waste your time browsing leddit, everyone. No one is upset about this.
www reddit com/r/pics/comments/4j8ouf/man_and_wife/
This is a classic example of a shill thread. Some paid shill is trying to make this an issue here on Sup Forums in the hopes of sparking up another major fight between the sites.
There is a reflection in the shower window of a boy brushing his teeth. I have no clue why.
ur stupid.
Okay sorry friend
If you know it's from plebbit, doesn't that make you a plebbitor?
[x] kill every Sup Forumstard and redditor ITT
The woman is naked in the reflection behind the guy.
That's literally Ted Cruz's triplet
>brushing your teeth while someone is taking a shit
I don't care how much I love someone, please don't.
this looks like actual art, why is this offensive, is it not profane enough for the modern art community? the guy is already taking a shit, what more do you want?
nehuy blyad pidor ebany
why are people upset? are people even upset? I see no evidence of jimmy rustles
jewluminati confoimed!
It might have but it doesn't. I was reverse searching some porn and did some looking up on the site. Noticed the painting since it was so shitty.
dat ass
I've had girlfriends force me to do my bathroom stuff while they take a shit. Then they always get mad when it's awkwardly silent. Makes no fucking sense.
Because the guy is sitting on the toilet with the seat up. That's cold as hell.
>i dont get it
The woman in the picture is being oppressed because the man has a demon child growing out of his back.
>He doesn't take massive dumps in front of qtpis
>nehuy blyad pidor ebany
Fuçk off you Slavic cunt
>they're a healthy weight
>natural hair coloring
>actually reading a book
>by all accounts "normal"
>obviously in a trusting, hetero, mongamous relationship
fuuuuck this isnt even good art but it's going to be thrust into the spotlight and the fucking nothing controversy will make into le modern art
She isn't reflected in mirror.
Poo in loo
I still don't get it whats significant about the picture why did it reach the front page?
That demon child is symbolic of the patriarchy, which consists of manchildren.
Cab you fuck off if you're not going to provide context? I don't read your facebook wall.
I'm assuming the chick is trans and his reflection is showing who he really is (that's a man baby)
no you