Looks like we're finally getting some more of Ryo's story next week and back two back episodes.
Looks like we're finally getting some more of Ryo's story next week and back two back episodes.
i usally dont watch promos, they may have spoilers.
does this?
Jodelle gets to wear a catsuit
your tricks dont work on me
Tash > Sexbot > Two > Nyx > Five > other female characters > android
>Sexbot that high
>He doesn't want to dunk the cosmic donut
Must be gay then
>promo 11 & 12
not even only one spoilers?
Android got a nice ass.
I don't understand how a robot could subconsciously want to fug, not even a defective one developing emotions
She doesn't have ovaries or a thyroid and hypothalamus flooding her consciousness with "get a male to insert his penis in you or your species will go extinct" urges with dopamine rewards
She's a starship maintenance android, why would she even have a vagina?
that was a dream, in there maybe she had one.
Why would she dream she had a vagina?
Have you ever dreamed you had a 16x PCI Express bus in your body?
do you think she has to work with the ship all the time?
sometimes she has to entertain the crew
so she has a vagina and a penis
also in bee four android is the dead wife
that would've be shittingbrix level twist .... at first.. then i would ask how Boon didn't recognised her
not appearance wise
Maybe she also functions as a sex bot but felt in unnecessary to tell the crew
>build a sex bot
>make it ugly
but if they make her beautiful no one would do their jobs
why didn't he booned her?
parallel him has ED
Her main function would be to service the ship, not the crew, Boone comments as to why they have to make her so lifelike
I am pretty sure that her ass is used for backup data
Why did that make me laugh? Seriously I think she's the hottest woman on the show. But I prefer light skin.
Boone's dead girlfriend is Goodweather's wife on The Strain
Pretty weird seeing the same actress in two different shows in the same week
What a whore.
fore: 4 leads
back: 4 sides
>you will never watch anime with Jodelle
Why even live bros?
I'm 2 episodes in. If I don't like it yet, will i?
Season 2 is better
Season 1 is a chore to get through
I'm struggling. It's infuriating how bad the action is, and the characters are all dull so far
I watched 2 episodes of season 1 and gave up on the show. Does it really get better?
Maybe, Maybe my tolerance for it just improved.
why is one still in that picture
I liked it from the start but yeah it is worth getting into for season 2. Season 1 had to do a lot of heavy lifting to explain the setting and relied on a lot of twists at the end of each episode which usually had good payoffs but were often confusing at first and started feeling repetitive after a couple of episodes(later a few episodes didn't end with a twist which was nice).
I like that the crew aren't completely dumb and they find smart solutions to their problems when they arise and that they aren't overly focused on world building(in the show, they've obviously got a pretty full world-bible built) just showing you what you need to see and letting you fill in the gaps yourself.
corso was still alive at the start of season 2, and we don't know yet who was on the marauder2. could be him.
Why do girls pretend to like star wars?
Also, she's so deliciously chunky, why is her character always in ugly Christmas sweaters?
to trigger you and rip the sw clothes off them
Jesus, who fucking cares? This show is so bad and boring, the only reason people watch it is because of Jodelle
thats not true, jodelle isnt even the best
PLEASE BE ON THE SHOW MORE TIER (aka the Stargate actors)
Jace Corso
Wil Wheaton
>used to be literally perfect
What went wrong?
>She's a starship maintenance android, why would she even have a vagina?
Because she was made by nerds. And it's likely their only chance to find something willing to fuck.
She learned how calories work
I just finally started watching season 2, One isn't really dead, right?
Yes, and no.