Media Savvy. He knows that it'll get him publicity.
Got him the media coverage he wanted. He played those fuckers good
What happrened? Tell me!
CNN spent all day publishing a non story that Trump pretended to be his own PR man. Turns out he leaked the tapes himself.
Everybody's playing checkers while I've been playing chess for years
I'm completely out of the loop.
Who is John Miller? Why is this important?
What are these tapes about?
Written as a hit piece. Trump leaked the tapes himself lol
Is the media really this stupid? This is the dumbest thing I've seen this election cycle. What the fuck is the big deal?
Back in 91, Trump pretended to be a guy named John Miller, a publicist for Trump.
That's about it.
>why is this important
Why is it important that trannies get to piss in the women's room? Ask mainstream media.
Trump shits the bed and you retards say it's all part of the plan
If he leaked the tapes himself then how is that shitting the bed?
It's utterly precocious, is what it is.
He's creating controversy and receiving headline news on shit where his supporters will just say "who gives a fuck".
All trump wants is media coverage especially when Clinton is going in the general election with over 1 billion dollars to use for ads and god knows what else.
Trump to remain relevant is to keep baiting with these irrelevant controversies so he can get the media to give him coverage for free.
He's creating controversy and receiving headline news on shit where his supporters will just say "who gives a fuck".
All trump wants is media coverage especially when Clinton is going in the general election with over 1 billion dollars to use for ads and god knows what else.
Trump to remain relevant is to keep baiting with these irrelevant controversies so he can get the media to give him coverage for free.
what do you mean? Do you mean trump is going to leak more shit like this in the future?
He wants out of the race. The poor bastard never wanted to be president, he just wants to be a TV star. He's in too deep.
According to?
How is this shitting the bed? Have you still not come to terms with the fact that he's unstumpable?
oh my god who the fuck cares
The man must know he cannot win when he can't attract any supporters beyond his uneducated, lunatic base.
Hillary is gonna wipe her wrinkly old ass with him
Why do you think he leaked the tapes himself? They make him look childish.
"So you're thinking. You're thinking, "Did he leak it on purpose? Where there other copies? Is this just a deflection? Is he just generating a news story out of nothing to get coverage? How many times has he tricked us before? Did he trick us? Is this a story? Is this all a part of his plan?" Well... is it?"
The only other person who had the tapes said that she deleted them years ago?
If it was 25 years ago, who is going to care?
Trump operates behind so many levels of irony we can't even see him anymore
>intro nicely ironically leaking ironic tapes
Trumps doing a lot better with the college educated nowadays. Just takes them a bit longer to get on board because they have to wash out the marxism they were taught.
>Who is John Miller?
He's John Gault
These shills are real
there are two trumps? awesome!
Nice gets m8, check mine >>>>>>>^^^^^
Also, that means we now have a VP picked out. DOUBLE TRUMP.
Trump confirmed to exist on multiple planes by those quads
Which is why the first econ class any college kid takes spells out exactly why communism and control economies have turned out to be horrific failures
gee it's like trump supporters have never set foot on a college campus before
The funny part is that this is a complete non-issue. He's not even doing it to attack someone or prove a point, just a superfluous display of power over the media.
This, it's a total power play. It's him sending a direct message to American mainstream media;
>I already own you.
Trump is HIS OWN VP
He plays the media like a fiddle
the art of the troll
Well now we know who his VP pick will be....
>not a meme degree
You are beyond deluded. He won with college educated voters in most states in the republican primaries and some caucuses.
Trump will be the next president of the United States, period.
the last article ruins the joke, fucksake
He's a madman, an absolute madman. Fucking god damn this man is brilliant.
>multi-station full bore media coverage for a day or 2: probably billions of dollars
>Trumps gets them to do it.........
The point of this to make idiots out of WaPo.
It's not surprising this happened the day after everyone was talking about Besos asigning 20 reporters to dig everything on Trump
Trump made them look ridiculous on their very first hot take, discrediting this whole endeavor
GO TO 4:30
Wtf why is your flag upside down poland?
not to mention that media took this bait and giving Trump 24 hour coverage.
The memes are taking over reality
>glowing rainbow keyboard
>That cameraman in the background completely losing his shit.
Trump is a misdirecting baiting troll that gets boners from goading people...........
>Sup Forums
>right now I have MSNBC on and cucky mgee over here has been talking about MUH JOHN MILLER CONSPIRACY for 15 minutes
Do they think this is going to resonate with working class and independents? This might be the dumbest fucking hit on a person Ive ever seen, this makes Trump university look like a bombshell kek
did you expect any better from a redditor trump shill?
"The comparatively low levels of support for Trump among college-educated Republicans, women, young voters and those with incomes above $100,000 suggest that these voters are most likely to sit out the election or to vote Democratic if Trump is the nominee."
"White, no high school diploma: Correlation 0.61"
>wins with educated voters
Oh ok
I could give out the sources, but I doubt any of you niggers know how to read anything other than headlines approved by leddit's /r/the_donald
>Correlation 0.61
That's a fucking garbage correlation famalampai.
Gimme the run down please. I've been at work for 12 hours. Who is John Miller, and what did Trump do today?
fuuuuuuuucks sake, I need a webm of kelly going WHEWWWWW WHEWWWWW
That sounds like something he could actually do
And that's why I love him
Back in the early 90's, someone named John Miller left strange voicemails on various reporter's answering machines
Based on the sound of the voice, it's thought that these were left by Trump himself
The recordings talk about Trump's love life and other stuff
Now a reporter who had the original recording has come forward and said that she didn't release the John Miller tapes, and that the only other person with a recording was.....Donald Trump himself
So the only basis for this is the reporter who claims to have "lost" the tape?
It's a scandal user, the press is eating this stuff up
They're practically foaming at the mouth right now from the intrigue
Out of four hours CNN, FOX, and MSNBC spent about an hour talking about this.
It is just getting him more attention.
If he did leak it, it is pretty smart as it makes MSM look retarded as fuck trying to make a story about a 25 year old tape
>that mindblow
he is either the smartest man alive or just a fucking absolute madman
TIL Trump was fucking Sarkozy's current wife 20 years before him.
Good post
>mfw she realizes Trump played them all
>w-wait so.. he.. wants us to be talking about this?...
Was it all to distract people from his tax returns?
He's the world three-dimensional chess champion
that is quite clearly "John Miller" on the right
the fucking genius.
Literally I was only pretending to be retarded: the candidate
I'll believe this when he has some kind of tweet saying that he leaked it and to for the Wasington Post not to fuck with him
What a fucking faggot. I can't believe you guys fell for this NY liberal jew cocksucker.
why are those posts not all upvoted?
He didn't release it. It was John Miller.
>when sue says the only other person who had the tapes is donald trump
>all the producers and cameramen in the back just start fucking laughing
>megyn kelly realizes how fucking hard they were all played
He's an absolute madman. Genius.
A flaming keyboard
The_donald isn't reddit. It's a patch of heaven
I think Trump released the tape just so the media realized just how fucking easily he's been playing them
I agree. Our only hope is Hillary. I stand wither her. She stands for reason. Where do you stand?
>MSM tries and tries
>Trump throws them a bone.
The absolute madman.
Trump made the John Miller call in 1991 knowing he would run for president in 2016 and could use it to his advantage 25 years later.
>I don't look retarded because I admitted to looking retarded
>ever doubting Trump
It's you who's absolutely fucking delusional. The guy has been doing the same shit for nearly a year now. He's a master at manipulating the media, he understands how parasitical they are.
Please explain how any part of this story makes him actually look bad in any way.
you still don't get it. The WaPo and the press made the big deal out (NOT Trump) of this thinking they got a scoop of Donald's secret alter ego
YOU'RE A BUNCH OF NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!