ok Sup Forums i need ur help ASAP just gonna give some backstory
>be me >be 7,5/10 (in my opinion) >chatting around a app >stars chatting with this girl >she acts shy >thinks well this is going good >¨ok well im just gonna go thx for the chat¨ >she says ¨w-waint c-can we keep on talking bc its a bit lonly hear¨ >shesbiteingthebait.gif >fast forward to later the same day we she becomes my gf >fuck.yes >fast forward to face revel >i get a notification ¨x has sent you an image¨ >opens it >A 4/10 BLACK CHICK >fuck this shit im out
ok now with that out of the way i need tips on how i can break up with her exept chating
Hunter Thomas
Contact your town sheriff and have her brought back to her owner
Dylan Garcia
>getting into a "relationship" with someone you've never seen/met
bruh you're in the same league if you're that desperate lmao
Evan Sullivan
If you were a 7.5/10 you wouldn't need an app. Look at Andy. He didn't need an app. I am guessing you are a 3.8/10 beta cuck
William Murphy
Options. 1. ask her to come to the next KKK meeting. 2. Block her on social media. 3. Cheat then she will never want to speak to you again.
Adam Russell
Well, looks like you're going to have to pay child support for a nigger baby that isn't even yours now
Hudson Cruz
Luis Jackson
>get nudes >post nudes here >kek >profit
Aiden Walker
Tell her your parents forbide relationshipswith non(insert religion, race) here