How do you think virtual reality will change society?
How do you think virtual reality will change society?
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It could theoretically have major positive impacts but won't
It will cuck it further with VR porn.
More western locals will get addicted to porn, meanwhile to poor immigrants can't,
literally a false proof cuck.
>All going as planned
this, the glitter wears off after a while
the human brain is actually very hard to fool
Even more people shut in.
No one will leave the house.
Total disintegration of society and the family unit.
The Elites will have won.
No goy enter the virtual world!
You can be anyone you want in the virtual world!
I only want VR to pretend that I live in a nice apartment
How do you know this for sure?
Thank you merchant, you are my greatest ally.
How plausible is it for there to be one server with a map based on Google Earth that everyone can get on?
I just gave you top secret merchant info, they're coming for me.
I also see these ruining future games, as more will focus about making VR comparability instead of the actual game, until we slowly see games living the PC and traditional consoles.
I feel bad for future porn filmmakers and hentai animators seriously
*the poor immigrants
If its like the current VR, it is just a novelty that will have minimal if any impact. If it reaches the level of full sensory immersion it could result in major changes in society.
Holy shit, cuck is spreading like wildfire.
The cuckfire rises
I mean it's possible, but it would cost billions of dollars and be the single greatest (scale wise) thing anyone has ever created.
The wealthy and educated will fuck 3D girls.
While the poor and dumb breeds with twice the females.
remember how Edison would project a film of a train running towards the viewer and people would run away?
the same shit, you get used to it, the impact fades
Phones and computers are VR devices, you just haven't noticed it yet.
VR is a gimmick
3d printing won't destroy capitalism
Robots and AI are still in their infancy
Singularity won't happen in our lifetimes and would be a bad thing
NWO's final step into making people into cattle.
They'll use these as a way to halt society's scientific progress in the real world.
They'll be used to covertly train the citizens to be experts in fields that would have taken eight years of academic study to even be in. They'll make people crave this lotus eater machine and replace money with time spent in it.
People are predicting singularity by 2045
>he doesn't want singularity
>he doesn't want to free himself from the shackles of flesh and dominate the galaxy
Holy fuck you're right.
Occulus and the likes are shit. You can't see your surrounding. It makes me feel clautrophobic, nauseous and I will eventually kill myself by falling down stairs I didn't see.
Augmented reality have a better chance at becoming useful. You can see your surrounding and not feel clautrophobia. Much harder to sneak on you to scare you.
autistic white men will drop out of society
oh wait
The same way 3D televisions revolutionised the entire entertainment industry.
Where can i get augmented reality?
Kinect party is a start. A shit start but a start nonetheless.
CastAR seems promising and should release by the end of the year or early 2017.
>tfw almost all of humanities collected wisdom can be found on the internet, yet we haven't become a more enlightened species, and instead shitpost on Sup Forums and watch porn
It's interesting, sure is