Why do people blame Trump for Congress' misfortune? The Republicans don't have control over their own party, let alone the house or Senate. And the Democrats? Somehow they are even worse off. What can he even do when the old guard tries to sabotage the new?
Why do people blame Trump for Congress' misfortune? The Republicans don't have control over their own party...
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I dont think its that hes failing. Its that he made such grandiose promises about how amazing he was then goes on to sound like a dumbass talking about ho hars everything is for him. Then flip flopping and talking about how amazing he is. Plus no matter how smart he may be he continues to display the emotional maturity of a middle schooler. And he did promise to drain the swamp, put checks on congress and al that shit and now wants to blame the swamp he saidnhe could fix for not being able to accomplish what he promises.
>I dont think its that hes failing
>Lists a bunch of ad hominems he saw on CNN
M8, there is a strategy to Trump's Twitter shitposting which is meant to discredit people the 4th estate and people like you. I thought you knew not to take the b8.
5 stages of libtardism
>1 Russians hacked the election
>2 okay Russians didn't hack the
elections, but wikileaks is a Russian organization
>3 Okay wikileaks is fine , but drumpf is a Russian secret agent just see this dossier
>4.Alright that dossier was fake, but let's see what James Come has to say
>5. What come said doesn't matter because blah blah blah, he is in on it too.
>6. Okay Donald Trump's isn't a Russian shill, but his son is for meeting with a Russian lawyer. IMPEACH NOW
*6 stages , I added a whole new stage just for you sweetie.
well you got that bit right anyway
I'm a twat