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>Donald Trump shitposted irl 25 years ago and it is somehow newsworthy

is this really the best they got? do they honestly think this is what people care about?

Dave Foley has let himself go

People have been digging for dirt on donald trump since last june and a phone conversation in 1991 where he MIGHT have been impersonating a publicist is all they have.

Meanwhile, the clintons have a rap sheet that would make a mob boss jealous, and their latest scandal is still ongoing.

I can't believe another person besides myself knows who Dave Foley is

Exhibit A


>1 trumpshekel has been sent to your account for this post

Are you kidding? Kids in the Hall was the best.


I don't get it, why would he pretend to be his publicist? It's not like he can't afford an army of them.

oldfag here
Kids In The Hall/ Closet Demon

What's really weird is that he was also in A Bug's Life and in that horribly good Postal movie.

everyone knows the kids in the hall mate

why not?

I do but I'm p sure most kids don't know shit about it.

Can someone greentextsplain what's with tapes?

I mean someone's email server got hacked by Russians and still no word from the media about it

He thinks he's a better publicist than anyone he can hire

That's the point.

And he leaked it himself.

Free media coverage + he made fools of the media live on their own broadcasts which will make him more resistant to scandals in the future

It's magnificent really

>dig through literally 70 years of Trump's life
>this is the best they can come up with

Crooked Hillary vs Goody Trump should be good

never get married to a leaf

underrated post

A fucking classic.

I was seeing more of a masculine Roseanne, personally.

I think Trump is so successful he just looks for new hobbies to try.

Politician is probably his latest hobby.

He's programmed to be so helpful! He can't say no!

You don't gotta like it, but you WILL respect it.

bbbbbbut drumpf is a racist!!!!


Or he's just a troll and he knows he can get away with it.

Nice reverse troll. You hill shills are learning quickly hahah.

Very good. Now go back to Soros and Hillary and beg like a dog for your check.

I thought that person looked familiar.

News Radio was the shit nigger