As-salamu alaykum!

As-salamu alaykum!

Why does Islam the best religion, brothers? Western societies are getting more and more degenarete by year. The men are getting faggots and woman are getting sluts. Islam will ruling the world in 50 years, insallah.

That's not a muslim baby.

You are blinded by sins of your county. Come join us

Her face shining with Allah's nur

Never. Die, you filth.

Muslim doesn't scare of death. Heaven is waiting for me. Etearnal hell is for you. Mortal life is short and useless.

I hope you Muslims do take over. White people are too fucking stupid and tolerant of your kind and must pay the price for it. Shove your small dicks into the wives and daughters of every western libcuck and blow them up.

No need blow up. Isis is not real Islam. We will conquer with peace.

An hero and stream or gtfo

Islam is not a religion