Thoughts on this one?
Does he have a point?
Bernie Sanders: Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?
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Wow did I actually hear a CNN audience boo his response? Certainly didn't seem positive.
Black lives don't matter
Even fucking Shillary News Network crowd boo'ed him.
Nah that's just how their cheering sounds
No, he doesn't have a point. literally spewing out nonsense.
Constitutional racism?
Don't black get all of that quotas in university, welfare, etc.?
Back Tantrums Matter.
hernie panders. treated blacks like they could do no wrong and had house nigger "Killer Mike" follow him around on the campaign trail spreading the good gospel
yet still lost the black vote to a kkk sympathizer
>Tries his best to appeal to minorities
>They still hate him
I guess they don't like cucks
Nothing but platitudes from that man. What is he going to do about niggers in jail? Let them all out? Fix the criminal justice system? How, not charge niggers when they commit crimes? Fucking moron.
Tell me about Shaun King. Is he delusional? A scam artist? A meme master?
a wigger
I remember watching this live - it was one of the very first debates. This was the exact moment I lost any and all hope in Sanders.
why does he refer to blacks as "our people"
Anyways he's just an old delusional jew who literally has no clue.
Thats his whole career, spout socialist rhetoric to the applause of other idiotic socialists.
Since he's a white, jewish, liberal, who lives in Vermont... He'd do what other liberals do, decriminalize stuff like assault, theft, robbery, public drunkenness, etc
Webb was the only one that said "all lives matter"
that was the moment Sup Forums fell in love with Webb
White lives don't matter. Simple.
>Says Black Lives Matter when Hilary said All Lives Matter
>Said White people don't know poverty like Black people
>Wants to apologize for slavery and increase Gibs-Me-Dat
>Hilary still gets 90% of the black vote
Bernie Panders must be depressed he only has young white people vote for him.
All lives should matter. But right now, in the present situation, black people are treated as if their lives didn't. Therefore the slogan: "Black Lives Matter". I don't know why the Right find this so hard to understand.
The fact this was a legitimate question asked a presidential debate is telling on just how fucking despicable politics is.