ITT: scenes that made you change your views on society

>ITT: scenes that made you change your views on society

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I never talk shit about someone after I watched this.

Forgot the pic

i tip waiters but honestly FUCK tipping delivery people.
>boo fucking hoo i get paid the same as everyone else and get to cut out of work
fuck that shit

Not really. Remember: He is a bad guy.

yeah, this really makes you think...fuck

i have never tipped anyway.

it's not my responsibility to pay for my food and pay your employees. so i've never done it.

i tip both meagerly but delivery drivers deserve it more. they actually lose money if they dont get tipped enough plus it's more dangerous driving around then add on the wear and possible damage on the car.

fuck both of them though, get a real job you fucking idiots.

God the dialogue in that movie is fucking gold. Not literary look-how-deep-I-can-get kind of speech, just regular friend-to-friend dialogue and yet he manages to hook you up in the first 2 minutes of the flick.

>ITT: scenes that turned you into a fedora beta


who is gonna do their job then


what the fuck

teenagers and other unskilled workers maybe immigrants

>americans believe tipping is a necessity

don't they deserve to live too

Wow! I love the western civilization now.

Separate movies from reality, dear.

could you imagine this gender swapped?

a Bonds underwear model walks in and says 'chocolate cake, barbie dolls, and me' while thrusting a little bit


I *think* this might be related.

As lot of people here I grew up with Disney animated movies, and being Australian (go easy on me) I grew up not knowing alot about the company, I knew nothing of how it was run, worker numbers, history outside of franchises/animations, and all that.
So when this[ ] reached the 2:13 mark, I was so confused. I'm still a little unsure about this, I kind of feel like something sacred has been defiled, or something.

The courtroom scene from "To Kill a Mockingbird". It made me hate niggers and guys with withered arms, generally.


what movie is this?


I never understood why people would become deliver drivers. Your already making a shit wage then you drive all over town in YOUR OWN CAR hoping you you don't get stiffed on a tip. Not worth it fAmalam.

Pulp Fiction

my dick is diamonds

nice quarterback shoulders

Resevoir dogs*

This. I come across as a pedophile sympathiser now even though they havent been proven or convicted of anything

sure but if they want to earn a "good" living they need to be more valuable to society