Who's going to play her in the inevitable biopic?

Who's going to play her in the inevitable biopic?

You're mom

he nodded at them all to come. why did he do this like he planned it out?

>Plus, none of them even kissed me
Yeah what was up with that 20th guy that didn't want to wrap his lips around a literal cum hole, what a jerk

wtf is wrong with redditers?

That guy is part of a secret organisation called "Fuck Club".

Has been going on now for few years. Eack member has to find a gf, gradually warm her to the idea of going to the theatre/messing around, have all club members treat her like a slut and then breaking off all contact with them.

Those who bring the cutest, smallest, most vulnerable girls get extra points and move up the league table. The league table is used to determine who goes first and what order, with prawns and guys who bring sluts near the bottom.

It's getting pretty big. We have almost 30 members in the Chicago branch now although this screenshot is quite unsettling. You're not meant to talk about it.

sounds better then fight club xD

Well he didn't reveal anything, the woman did.
Your whole system seems based around mistreating a woman and HOPING she doesn't talk out of shame, which can work 99% of the time, but not always.

I don't believe you but that sounds like a great movie idea. Throw in a murder mystery or something.


Why do they even have adult movie theatres these days?

that must be someone from Sup Forums baiting reddit for karma.
no way someone can be this dumb.

the two i know of double as sex toy store and a stripclub

how else will you meet other degenerates and get POZZED in your NEG HOLE?

Your sister

for gangbangs apparently

Anyone else have the one with the boyfriend tricking his gf and pimping her out with craiglist customers?

incest, the lightest of topics


to get bred by a poz seed

So what does an adult movie theater look like? I'm imagining a normal movie theater, but it seems really difficult to have a 20+ person gangbang there, just on the seats.

So what are the rules for adult movie theaters?

Didn't Peewee Herman get arrested for masturbating in one?

The degeneracy in that topic is almost tangible. One of the posters calls getting fucked by 20 strangers in a movie theater 'a little bit of sexual experimentation'.

Another great one:

>"Really few bad for you. You guys should have started out at a swingers club. Much more relaxed, and you can stop as soon as you are uncomfortable. But I know it must hurt to lose a boyfriend. Just know it wasn't your fault. Be proud of the fact you steppe out of your comfort zone, and tried something new. 99.999% of people would be too afraid to do it. You're awesome!"

Kek. Every bad thing can be interpreted as "Stepping out of your comfort zone" or "Experimenting and being brave" to them.

> But I know it must hurt to lose a boyfriend.

I'm pretty sure someone that casually fucks 20 people and then posts on reddit about it isn't capable of placing actual stock in their relationship with another person

You never picture really really ugly people reading these kinds of stories online, but they probably are.

Of course they are ugly. Handsome people dont have to go to adult theatre's to get gangbanged.

How many guys would you be comfortable with your gf having sex with before you got together? Only numbers higher than 0 please.

Could Daniel Day Lewis pull this role off?

>believing shit you read on the internet
>believing shit from that particular part of the internet

9 out of 10 times it's absolute bullshit.

Hell, I've ran experiments on their /r/relationships subreddit, several months or more between them so there was less chance of someone catching on. It's fucking hilarious to see them juggling their biases and try to present them in a logical way.

Example: a while back I posed as a woman who was preparing with her daughter for a wedding, but the daughter wanted to have her father too, except the father had divorced the mother years ago for cheating and left the country after countless times of his daughter giving him shit. Everyone was shitting on the woman and her daughter, congratulating the man in absence for moving on to a new woman and having more kids.

This year, I posted about a similar situation, except from the perspective of the new woman, whose husband had his ex's kids turned against him, so after a while he stopped being in touch with them. Everyone there piled on the new woman and her husband, saying her husband was a narcissistic sociopath because he wouldn't take any more abuse from his children.


My sides, any more?


Outside of swingers' parties, gangbangs are extremely rare and hard to organise.


Yes, especially for ugly people.

It's all right though, she just have to find a man who's secure enough and he won't mind, or even be turned on by it!