R-r-rushing? :3
what if the chair he threw actually hit him in the face?
shit movie
I'm upset.
I liked this movie, fuck you all
That ending was amazing.
I enjoyed this movie, but at the same time, showbands are shit and the kid's family was right. Music quality is entirely subjective.
thats not my tempo
Got to see its one cinema release in my city in an empty theatre, was fucking amazing
I liked the movie, but I don't know if I loved the ending. He sacrificed everything. He completely destroyed his life and any potential he had for success in the future. And for what? So he could play a nice set at community college jazz fest one time? What does tomorrow look like for him? Or the next 5 or 10 years? I think the ending sends a really disturbing message about working hard at anything.
He sacrificed everything in order to achieve nothing. The message I took away from it was pretty bleak, what's the point in trying at anything if in order to be good you have to give up everything that matters to you and you're ultimately not rewarded for it in the end?
well yeah, no shit.
Where the fuck did you get the impression that it was a "community college jazz fest"? It was the prestigious JVC Jazz Festival. Daily Bugle guy explained that there were New York Orchestra scouts in the crowd.
That would definitely make the movie make more sense. I didn't remember the festival being a big deal- the way they shot it it looked like some tiny little thing that didn't really matter. But if it was possibly his big break then at least it would have given him some purpose. I walked out of that movie and the first thing that popped into my head was "what the fuck was the point of that?" Because it just seemed like he completely destroyed his life for no good reason, almost out of spite.
inb4 that rotund biomass takling about how this movie has nothing to do with being a real musician
>music quality is subjective
Does anyone argue this? Of course it's subjective are you baiting me??
That's the point of the movie....not sure what you're arguing about
It's funny to me how they romanticize black jazz musicians as intensely dedicated and true artists when they just played what they wanted and cared more about smoking weed and getting pussy after the show. Both of them ruined their lives at the alter of artistic integrity just to be like some random negroes, who didn't take their music that seriously.
>Music quality is entirely subjective.
Yeah, pretty sure Cody Simpson's music is on the same level as Miles Davis'.
kek not bad
>intensely dedicated and true artists when they just played what they wanted and cared more about smoking weed and getting pussy after the show
Why are those things mutually exclusive to you? You seriously think artists like Miles Davis or Sun Ra weren't intensely dedicated to be how good they were?
Maybe so, but they didn't let music consume every aspect of their life like Miles Teller did. Being good at music was just a way for them to get better pussy
>inb4 someone posts that chart where music quality is compared to food quality
the chart is correct though
Post it
That's the entire point. You felt exactly how the story wanted you to feel.
It's amazing how he looks a solute kg monstrous in that scene with literally becoming one.
I sometimes wish I had someone to be like that with me with my writing.
Post it pls
You know what, I'm not entirely sure what my phone wanted to say with that first part, and I don't care. Point is, good scene is good.