Doesn't she get tired of destroying her body?
how can we save her?
Doesn't she get tired of destroying her body?
Other urls found in this thread:
fridge magnets desu
swallow the rainbow pill
her obvious desperation to try appear "adult" is hilarious
does anybody else see ET when they look at her?
idk if that's possible
So only one titty is pierced?
how do you go to that from this
thats a big fridge
If you put food in her mouth, would it remain cold?
Both are, you can see it in other shirts. She took the other one out for this event.
she's pretty attractive
dunno why you sexists are complaining
Any pics where you can see them both? Interesting that she would even do it, I thought the piercing fad was already over like 10 years ago.
we have standards
She used to be so fucking cute but got trolled pretty hard by puberty
she never had a great body, but she dressed nicely and wasn't a feminist slut covered in tats. and that was enough.
my waifu
she's perfect
>'I'm pedophiliac'
that explains everything
She used to have God Tier legs though
you're telling me you wouldn't
Yeah for sure.
Though it takes a lot for a girl to NOT have nice legs
cute =/= sexualy appealing
>The star of David all over her skirt
What did Hollywood mean by this?
No, I like grown women as well. Just not ones who look like something Solid Snake would use to hide from enemies.
my dick is hard now for some reason
but she is(was) sexually appealing
She just needs ass and tit implants and she will be fucking flying, girls just got ass back, where does her back an her ass begin is the big mystery, and jugs would stop her looking like a 12 year old boy in the chest region
The Poker House opens with an overhead camera meticulously and lovingly staring down at her in her panties. There's a reason all of her roles as a young child were so lascivious. The casting directors knew she was appealing in that manner. The dirty mouth in Kick-Ass, the rainbow under and lingerie in Hick, the masturbation jokes in Dark Shadows, etc.
She really was quite something.
For a little while she was in that happy middle ground IMO
There was a small window where she still had hope. I doubt she's gonna have a long career unless she really powers up her acting chops.
the glamour magazine should've been on it's 3rd printing
but we didn't help out
i did
i did my part
what about you?
I want to go back
I miss old Chloe threads so much.
That's something a tripfaggot would say
if you have that image saved you've been around here a long time :)