What's the closest you've come to death, Sup Forums?
This happened to me recently >be me >have tonsils removed because smelly breath >4 days later sipping Pepsi >feel small tickle in throat >cough and see a few specks of blood >calmly walk to bathroom >lean over sink and blood gushes out. >blood doesn't stop gushing out >more gushing >gf hears me spluttering and calls ambulance >ambulance comes 9 minutes later and I'm on the ground with 2 liters of blood on the floor. >go to hospital and vomit another 2 liters >white as a ghost, sweating all over >lose control of my bowels and shit myself a bit >doctors say nothing but oh god the smell >heart thumping hard in my chest because not enough blood >head is hurting so bad >room spins >tell gf I love her and ask to keep trying to ring my family (was 3 in the morning) >hear white noise getting louder and louder in my ears >begin to lose sight from corners of my eyes >lose consciousness >woke up a minute later with a bag of blood being squeezed into arm by doctor >went immediately for surgery >survived
Car accident. Seat belt caused internal bleeding. Got rushed to the hospital. Blacked out in the ambulance. Woke up in post-op recovery. Surgery saved my shit. Thanks obama.
Jace Phillips
Moral of the story is don't wear seat belts, they are dangerous.
Brayden Cooper
Nah my mate didn't have his seatbelt on. Niggas head went through the windshield. Got brain damage.
Caleb Young
>be me >happend a few years ago >drive home to enjoy summer vacation >good grades, was excited to show them >stopped by the bookstore to buy my favourite manga >started to get really thirsty and to have painful headaches >ignore it and continue to drive home >final stretch >drive with as fast as I can with my bike >suddenly lose consciousness >everything fades to black >fall of my bike with full speed >land with my head in a weird way on the street >wake up later in the hospital bed >police officer brought me to the hospital >suffered from a severe concussion >had to be stitched on forehead near my nose and on my chin >nose broke (still wasn't fixed) >tooth fell out ( got reinserted, had to get a root canal) >could only eat the same soft food for 12 weeks >still alive
Grayson James
Moral of the story, wear seat belts.
Zachary Kelly
You have ignored a detail OP
Jack Price
>Still alive
You don't say?
Bentley Sanchez
This, the hell was that? Some fucked up internal bleeding?
Owen Ross
> be me >12 >come from soccer training >Feel sick >Sent to bed, Wake up next morning with pins and needles all down my left side. >Spend next two weeks in hospital all the while with pins and needles not fading. >Lots of tests >Docs keep trying to send me home saying nothing is wrong >IHavePinsAndNeddlesDownHalfMyBody.jpg >Parents obviously refuse >Eventually get an MRI >Something appears on my brain >Now they interested Part 1