>all this realism
>piss poor characterization
Feels worse than a Chloe Moretz movie.
Reminder: That is CGI
NOT live-action.
Her head looks too big for her neck, and also they seem to have been animated separately then put on top of the other.
Have you even watched it you shameless pleb?
I think you need glasses son.
Final Fantasy is gaming's equivalent of Power Rangers.
The hottest thing on the day of premiere, and then quickly forgotten.
At a certain point animatics like this just become stupid. Those 2 seconds probably cost about 2 million dollars. They could've just hired some broad off the street for all of these scenes for less than 1% of that cost.
You dont know what you're talking about you filthy plebiscite scum
>Have you even watched it you shameless pleb?
Yea, it's pretty bad.
Once again, Sony has no clue how to create an emotional bridge between the audience and characters. They just shove you into a war with indiscrete and unlikable characters.
He's right though. And Final Fantasy 15 is about to flop badly. It's going to be funny to watch Square-Enix dying after all the shit they pushed lately
Weirdly enough, if Sony just did a simple Final Fantasy 1 story, this may be low-level Dreamworks tier.
But they love creating try-hard novelizations of war when they don't have the talent to do it.
I'd like to shove my fist into your face.
Post pic of your feet instead
>Power Rangers.
>The hottest thing
Did I wake up in the 90's?
>Pedophile detected
I have no idea what this graph is supposed to represent.
Is this good.
>posting a graph without labelling what each axis represents
The best video game movie ever made. Pure vidyakino my friend.
Blows warcraft out of the water.
Go fuck yourself. The hype and anticipation for FF XV has never been greater.
It's a confirmed GOTY 2016 that raises the standard for action RPGs.
Why do CGI films make everyone good-looking.
No one wants to create an ugly CGI person. It's really unsettling to me.
Cersei Lannister is in it?
There is only one true vidyakino.
Damn right she is. Didn't think that she'd possess such a talent for voice acting as well.
>need 10 millions copies sold to not be a flop
>preorders at 150 000K
Is it the end for Square-Enix on consoles? I heard they're doing good on mobiles and this is where they focus most of their effort these days
Maybe for nu-male faggots that can't emotionally connect to anything.
I can still tell you what happens in 6,7,8,9,10 and 12. Love those fucking games
Urrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh since when did Final Fantasy become this steampunk cyberpunk kitchen sink scifi fantasy thing where there are sports cars and subways and skyscrapers and nikola tesla airships. No internal consistency.
why is the x axis backward
>square marketers on Sup Forums
They must be really desperate
that's why the made the chicks hair bit messy lol
Your underage is showing.
weeks countdown until release
10 million is a persona goal you genuine retard. Not a target. Considering what we've been shown of the game so far and the massive hype surrounding it... I think it's achievable.
Yeah but Square fanboys live in a bubble and don't realize most gamers these days don't give a shit about those gay games
They did the same shit with Star Ocean 5. They were all "OMG BEST GAME EVER xD" but the game completely flopped. Square is out of touch with gamers
Did you ever play FFVIII?
For like 15 minutes, then I had to turn it off. Chrono Trigger remains the only good JRPG.
>massive hype
Where? No one give a shit. It won't even outsell Overwatch or Uncharted 4. It's been long time people stopped giving a shit about Square games. Look at their sales this gen. It's a fucking disaster
Most of the recent final fantasy games have been utter dogshit from x-2 onwards
I don't see how that's meant to detract from the qualities of the classic final fantasy games (namely 6, 7,8,9) which almost all "gamers" have knowledge of
The hype for 15 is pretty massive dude
Yeah in your head
Fucking degenerate.
does anyone have the minimum system requirement for PC
Windows 9
CGI is still terrible.
No one has the technology to simulate grit and saliva. Everyone operates in this perfect utopia of bloom effects and dithered cuticles.
For real dude. Go to any videogame forum with AAA gamers. They will tell you FF15 looks gay as fuck. And weebs are non existent sales wise
why like this piece of shit?
No one made that claim.
the anime tie in has more then 2 million views. An Anime.
I like Square's approach to FFXV
>If this doesn't sell a fuckton we're screwed
>So we're going to throw millions at all of this side shit and hope it pays off
I suppose it's just another form of marketing and the movie can pay for itself, but like all of this other ridiculous shit. A free anime, cars, designer clothing, it just seems like a tremendous waste of money when there are easier ways of getting the name (everyone is already aware it exists years before this shit came out) out there.
so this is what uncanny valley is like
porn when of this girl?
messy hair is making dick hard.
This nigger did
Marketing is about more then brand recognition. Most gamers know what final fantasy is, you need to get people excited about it again.
Just face it. Sony won.
You honestly assume those 2mil views are 2 mil seperate people who will all buy the game?
And even if they did, 2 mil is peanuts to AAA titles.
>2 millions people clicked on a free link
>it means 10 millions people will buy $60 game despite the abysmal preorders
FF15 is going to be the worst selling AAA of this semester. And it's going to kick Square out of the console market
No he didn't. Learn to read.
No, but it proves there is a significant amount of hype surrounding this game, more then just a few weebs.
Well that's the thing. People ARE excited for the game and they have been for a long time. Suddenly Square just announces all of this random side shit when they announce their release date. Plenty of it makes sense, but no average person will care about the shit like the car and designer clothing.
It just seems like they're throwing money at literally anything they can think of rather than just focusing on more reliable ways.
So make a good game.
Not merch.
No it doesn't prove anything of the sort.
making a good game =/= good sales, this is game marketing 101
Those things are aimed at people other then you who might care about cars or clothes. I like anime, so the anime made me more likely to buy the game, if you don't like anime then it'll probably do nothing for you. Marketing is about reaching as many people as possible, just because one aspect doesn't reach you doesn't mean ti doesn't reach someone else.
>A good game won't sell well
It'll fucking help.
Good sales requires both good product quality and good marketing, you can't have just one.
Spend millions to market shit, the shit stays shit.
Spend millions to make shit better, that makes sense.
I don't give a shit about FF, but you're delusional if you don't think there is plenty of hype surrounding the game.
It's literally AAA the game with it being surrounded by ridiculous marketing and merchant and having shit like city bank ads in the game. Final Fantasy is an extremely well-known franchise, even if the modern teen gamer thinks it's gay shit. Many of those forums spent plenty of time shit talking Overwatch's Pixar aesthetic and claiming Blizzard couldn't make an FPS so I wouldn't use them as a gauge of what's going to sell well or not.
That being said, I have no idea if it'll sell what it needs to.
you're right, 2 million views really means jack shit, obviously no one cares and certainly didn't share the trailer or tell their friends about it.
>People ARE excited for the game
No dude. Only square fanboys. And they live in a safe zone where square is perfect and cannot do wrong. If you look at square sales during the last 7 years you'll see no one give a shit about them. They aren't a major publisher anymore
See Both needed, sure.
But when merch and marketing seems a bigger focus...?
I don't see how you can make that claim, I mean they delayed the game another 2 months to focus on quality. Just because they have a lot of marketing doesn't mean they are neglecting the game, where's your basis to say that?
unlike you?
lot of people I know are at least curious to check out the game and some of them have never even played a FF game in their life
>About it
Precisely, people shared the animation.
That doesn't mean they know about, care about or will buy the game.
Wtf I hate FF XV now?!?
I can't source my gut feeling.
Stay delusional you failed abortion.
>They aren't a major publisher anymore
They are a major publisher, they're not a major developer since they're so slow and had been stuck on irredeemable XIII shit for ages.
Why is this thread even here. It obviously belongs on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums has the dumbest posters on all of Sup Forums.
Cool anecdotal evidence square fanboy living in his bubble and thinking the market still buy massively japanese videogames
what is the major audience for online gaming forums?
usually fedora wearing internet tough guys who don't leave their rooms or talk to anyone other than the sperglords on whatever gaming forum they're addicted to
Your gut is wrong, this game is pretty much their last chance at being a major publisher. Of course they are going to go all out with the marketing push.
Movie critics hate video games. Warcraft has 28% even though it's really more of a 65% movie.
So Kingsglaive is still probably shit but more like 30% shit, not 7% shit.
I bet you think the japanese market is going well and hasn't collapsed?
absolute dog shit.
typical jap garbage. they can't string together a coherent narrative if you point a nuke at their heads. why are these garbage producers/directors allowed to keep working truly baffles me.
Final Fantasy XV is legitimately shaping up to be the most /comfy/ game ever made.
You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. It's a colossal waste of money it to try and attract people to buy a fucking videogame through creating a special limited sale Audi. Similarly, $1000 designer clothes aren't necessarily encouraging people to buy the game. Yes, it reaches some people, but the subset of people who actually care about those things and products enough that they'll buy the game because they exist is ridiculously small.
I know Square needs literally every single possible sale, but it seems like their burning every last dollar they have in hopes that this game sells GTAV tier.
>foreign fantasy cgi film based on a video game made as part of a multimedia project
it never had a chance
But all the marketing in the world won't sell a bad game. It also seems desperate, you seem to agree.
Lurk moar to learn how to shitpost.
>this grass
What ps2 game is it?
Japan was making artistic masterpieces when America was still purely cops and robbers flicks.
>its a Sup Forums faggot tries to troll other boards and fails miserably episode
You are the laughing stock of Sup Forums. Even more so than Sup Forums
>Reviews counted: 14
RT is worthless at the best of times, but it's especially irrelevant when there's not even a sizable slice of opinions to average.