Daily reminder that Muhammad was a pedophile and that Muslims rape goats.
Daily Muslim Hate Thread
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Here's my good deed for the day.
>Daily reminder that Muhammad was a pedophile and that Muslims rape goats.
No. This is bad.
Let's post all the good and functional Muslim states instead, folks.
I don't think you were this cucked, Canada. I am disappoint.
Name 1
lol dead sand niggers
>Daily reminder that Muhammad was a pedophile and that Muslims rape goats.
Baby Goats
Get ready for your 72 virgins
Performing my daily random act of kindness
I don't know if the butterfly effect exists, but let's hope it does
Mohammed took whatever women pleased him and bedded her as his wife. Why?
Because men must hunt and take wen pol. Sometimes I forget that you were all children of divorce and raised by your mothers.
Mohammed was a Warrior and not a cuck. If he was around today you would all he lining up to ride with Him.
Join the Mujahideen pol and we WILL fix this deviant culture.
Or at least stay the FUCK out of our way...
>you just killed a muslim
seriously fuck islam, and fuck modern Catholicism, christianity wasnt a cuck religion for a long time.
One of those "women" was a six year old girl and he raped her when she was nine.
I don't care how "alpha" you are, it doesn't get much more degenerate than pedophilia.
>implying you wouldn't
Is that seriously all you got?
Fucking cuckold beta trash. When a man desires a woman he takes her. And she was hardly raped lol, she GAVE herself to him. Like all young girls she knew what was right.
And what do you have to say about it? Your women won't even breed in their 20's anymore. The West is dying.
>implying she is actually muslim
>implying she wouldnt be stoned to death for this picure
you're absolutely right, I wouldn't have sex with someone with man face and skin that looks like leather, good observation.
>getting women is all life is about
i can only hope the crusades get here sooner than later. no wonder there arent any good universities in muslim countries. they are too busy fucking eachothers daugheters
>Muhammad was a pedophile
Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing?
This is good too. Arranged marriage is good.
All the Muslims I know are cool
>muh pedophilia is right
Fuck me you Muslims are the biggest Jew slaves ever. You spread the lowest degeneracy and they barely have to lift a finger.
Islam is the greatest weapon ZOG has ever had.
If I post here will I die
please stop posting or I might die
No you Western cuck, breeding is what life is all about. What else do you work for, video games? Alcohol?
Your existence on Earth as a Man is to breed women and sow your seed. Women are here to be bred.
Anything else is a distraction how far has the West actually sunk?
this guy doesn't even look Somalian. More like Indian.
Reminder to fuck Muslim women
>pump out children, hurr durr
>not working towards a better tomorrow.
this is why islam is a shitty religion.
>Your existence on Earth as a Man is to breed women and sow your seed. Women are here to be bred.
Your existence on Earth as a Man is to defend your culture. If you're white, you know Islam must be destroyed. Breeding if you're just going to sacrifice your culture to a pedophile Arab religion is pointless.
The Jews want whites to convert to Islam so their culture is destroyed and they become just another group of degenerates with fucked up Muslim countries that are no threat to Israel.
Haha good luck infidel their brothers will cut your head off.
Why not just join Islam and we can fix the UK together?
They've already been listed.
Reminder to exterminate Muslim spawn.
Doing my part.
Yes fuck mudshittery
more like, i would shoot them.
>good goyim, abandon that white culture and join this Semitic religion filled with degeneracy that Soros is pushing into Europe
remove bab
>Ryuko-chan! Your titties are great!
>Tch, bitch I know...
where is the bomb?
I watch this over and over
Are a Christian? Because if you are it's kind of retarded for you to say shit like this.
It looks like it wasn't from a bomb, all the casualties seem to be spread out in the lower left away from the explosion.
how do we get these shitskins out of our country (im /brit/ ignore flag)?
No lad, you Muslims are too pussy to do that.
The most you have the balls to do is murder your own defenceless sisters and daughters.
try again jew
Globalist Jews love Islam because it kills their two greatest enemies - Christianity and Europeans.
How can I succeed in life without a hijabi wife?
Fuck Muslim girls.
Give them the kuffar dick they want.
getting catfished: the post
With an intelligent, civilized Aryan wife with a fertile womb capable of creating many, superior white children.
Crane break and kill muzzies
>race mixing
>succeeding at life
kill yourself
Maybe the guy entering the top right of the screen at :03
Watch the mother and her two kids all the way through, tragic
But Christianity was the same thing: semitic religion with dumbshit morals that was a plague on the Empire. Oh, but now that the infestation took it's "tradition" and has always been European and needs to be defended, eh?
It's just kind of stupid for you to say "we have to stop THIS semitic religion from infecting our land but THAT semitic religion that got in before is good". Is it good for semitic religion to destroy European culture or is it bad?
Has anybody in this thread actually been autistically keeping a kill count over all the muslim hate threads?
>23 years
>looks 50
Kill enough of them and we just might forgive your denbts.
Turn the Abbos against them.
>kill count
Not until it's all of them.
bless you based crane
I'm french and that makes me sad... The us used to be cool.
Another of Zyklon Ben's Greatest Hits: Islam Edition
It was a crane collapse.
muh guns
>destroy European culture
the thing that destroyed Europe was the rise of atheism (thanks jews!) in the late 19th century that divided Europe into fighting, eventually WW2 was fought to defend (in part) non-christian Jewish interests
Europe dominated the world for 700 years after the crusades as a Christian continent
Christianity =/= Islam
Muslims dying is tragic? Hah...
Why are lefties so unoriginal/unfunny?
look mate im english. the fucking abbos here hate me more than the other whites here, i've got no chance.
Have a better one.
>Why are Mexicans so unoriginal/unfunny?
White knight cuck
Just doing my part
custom made bodybags
Die for white womyn, cucklord
I never get tired of this. It happened on 911. Beautiful karma.