Americans: Which country do you prefer?
Canada or Brazil
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One is a corrupt hellhole with high suicide rates, an ineffective government and a decaying society. The other is hosting the olympics this year.
Lmfao this burger just got back from the hardware store and leaf blowers were on special
Usually the leafs are doing the blowing, especially with the darker arrivals.
By the way, they let abbos have internet now? Good for you guys.
Yeah because he blows lots of dick EYO
*vomits internally*
Why would you ask an American(ugh, pure shit), if he wants to live in Retarded Canada or Monkey Jungle Brazil?
You got to be fucking euphoric to do this
Buffalo bro here. Spent most of my life 10 minutes from Canadian border, spent a summers in Crystal Beach, Ontario. Canada was based as fuck until about 2004. Then it suddenly seemed infiltrated with absurd masses of Somalians. They ruined the beach by 08.
I lived in Rio from 05-06. I personally loved it. People were awesome, food was excellent, I enjoyed the weather. That said, violent as fuck. I personally had no issues there but holy fuck was it rough. Not uncommon for shoot outs to occur whenever wherever. Poor Swedish dude took a bala perdida while he was eating spaghetti in a whorehouse.
Brazil for the win.
People down here are extremely delusional about Canada, some of them treat it as some kind of perfect wonderland. It sounds like a good country but unfortunately it's plagued with cucks.
>high suicide rates
the other 2 are applicable to every 1st world nation
Who cares what America thinks. I don't!
It's not like I want those dumb burgers to like us.
Family lives in Canada, I can confirm everything this man is saying.
Also their obesity problem is WAYY worse than they let on in their state-controlled media.
>Poor Swedish dude took a bala perdida while he was eating spaghetti in a whorehouse.
Fucking Rio i swear
That said i still love that city because my girlfriend is from there
>Poor Swedish dude took a bala perdida while he was eating spaghetti in a whorehouse.
>eating spaghetti in a whorehouse
>poor swede
This is wrong on so many levels... if every Swine, I-I mean Swede, got fucked like this because God is mad at his bullshit, then Sweden would be actually nice
i'd say canada is better
Haha yea plenty of fatties here too
At least we aren't niggers.
>use Internet to purchase paint and have it delivered directly to my commission housing
>spray into can
>have a whiff
> Back to the dreamtime
Name a police more based than ours
protip: you can't
Stop being so tsundere already.
that 1 guy from the raid who was in like 2 movies
Right? That's Rio. It gets in your blood and you end up fucking loving it, even in spite of that shit.
Also, Brazilians aren't remotely cucked by globalists unlike every other country I've lived in. Brazilians rock their flag out like only one other based as fuck place:
I dug that. Their nationalism felt comfy for an American.
That's the tough part about Rio. People always ask if they should go and I both reccomend it wholeheartedly and warn them off completely.
Saudade, man.
Holy fuck. You guys have albino Jesus on your side.
this is advanced bantz
Canada of course. I know you Americans would rather enjoy the low ping you get with us than the high ping you get with hueland.
Seems more adventurous, they export models, better weather, and isn't SJW infested like Cunknada.
Dude right? I lived in Copacabana because it was cheap. It was all faded glory, whores, and grandmothers. Once the grandmothers knew I was living there and not a sex tourist they were awesome to me.
Not so much for the swede. The whorehouse was right down the block from me and when the one old lady told me what happened to the Swede (4 or 5 dead total over a lap top computer theft, she mentioned Swede bro got what he deserved.
it's like 22mbps max dude
>isn't SJW infested like Cunknada.
Boy do i have some bad news for you
>One is a corrupt hellhole with high suicide rates, an ineffective government and a decaying society. The other is hosting the olympics this year.
I can go ANYWHERE in any Canadian city and not fear for my life. Unlike Brazil or the USA.
I agree, your cops are rather based.
I have thought about moving there tbhfam, your women as so sexy it actually hurts
Wheres the best place to go if I have some cash and want to avoid the niggers?
That "nationalism" thingy only happens when the World Cup is on though. Never met a single brazilian that wouldn't want to live outside of Brazil.
And this
>download speed is ping
>leaf blowers w
Americans sure love blowing leaves.
If you know what I mean :)
Sloppy toppy.
Ok maplebro, ease up. Crystal beach looks like fucking Mogadishu now. Literally people shitting on the beach and burying it in front of kids.
So ease up on my burgerbros/ hues.
>I can go ANYWHERE in any Canadian city and not fear for my life
Go to Rexdale / Jane & Finch right now on a Friday night and try and tell me that
We had some of those bare-chested femnazi protesting some lame shit at our local college. I just stood uncomfortably close to them sipping my redbull while staring directly at their tits until they got uncomfortable and either got dressed or left.
Or Hastings in East Van
I might be a bit biased but i reccomend you move to my city
92% white,haven't heard of a crime happen here since 2011,everyone is well off and we have nice beaches
pic related
Same here huebro. Here people speak of Canada as an overglorified perfect american dream.
Wait, we also have SJWs but people here either disregard them or bully them all the fucking time. I hope it's the same there.
But seriously you are retarded if you think we have the same scale of niggerdom as the US.
the more south you go the whiter the people are
at least they aren't fat like triggly puff. Also wasn't "Big Red" a Canadian?
you're mostly right but internet is still ass. latency (what matters) is still shit basically everywhere but major cities and even then it's shit half the time
i might be an anecdote case though since i have roommates
I'd pay good money to have her slap me, spit on me, and call me a pig.
Then I'd give her the best 30 seconds of her life.
That's a good point now that I recollect a bit. I went to PUC Rio and all the kids there were obsessed with Miami and...
Bowling Green???
>I hope it's the same there.
They're in literally every university
Thanks for the tips m8s, will keep in mind when heading to south america
What are you doing down there to create such beautiful women btw? And due to your location to Columbia etc, how prevalent & available are drugs there? I ask since I imagine it's very common there
What the fuck about bowling green?
Americans funded Trudeau...
Thanks yanks :^) Larry Summers was all you faggots.
sadly, the situation here is doomed to become exactly like usa. people here glorify the shit out of 1st world countries
>Americans funded Trudeau...
>Thanks yanks :^) Larry Summers was all you faggots.
Was meant for this person
Haven't been for years, but when I lived in Rio, coke was like $30-60 a gram. Not my cup of tea, especially in a foreign country with cops who will straight up rob you, but a French dude I was with in school got deported for buying and I asked him what it cost.
Even though our Internet is ass, nothing can even come close to the 800 ping hue teleporting around the map.
mixing the worlds gene pool.
never got offered drugs, but it shouldnt be too hard to find.
Sorry. Phonefagging it and hit something incorrectly.
Huezil just ditched their socialist leader so it looks like they're taking the lead now. Try Trudeau for treason and you'll be back on top leafbros!
>What are you doing down there to create such beautiful women btw
We're pretty much the only country where race mixing went kinda right
>how prevalent & available are drugs there?
Depends on what city you're in,in the big cities you can find drugs pretty easily
Just like here. Maybe people already know (in public universities, humanities & social sciences faculties in most richfag private ones are beyond salvation at this point) that they're just a different, pussified and timid strain of college commies that are nothing close to classic FARC-supporting capuchos that throw rocks and papa bombas at police every thursday noon time, block main avenues and use spray cans and stencils of che guevara.
> taking the lead.
wouldnt bet on that. half of the population wants/has voted for a very cucking government
The tides are turning though,Dilma's popularity was at 20% or something before getting impeached
Bolsonaro 2018
>Here people speak of Canada as an overglorified perfect american dream
>omg user, it's so safe over there, that they don't even have to lock their front doors!
If I hear someone say this shit one more time, I swear...
>cucking government
You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger cuck than this desu.
Can someone explain this meme?
its my guess but if lula really wanted he could be in her place already. the only thing that cockblocked him was dilma nominating him as her minister, burning part of his image
Well I like you better, Canada-chan.
>I enjoyed the weather.
>having favela gf
theres flags everywhere here, this would literally be a crime in some european countries
Lula is getting arrested,mate
>Same here huebro. Here people speak of Canada as an overglorified perfect american dream.
I second that
This video always makes me laugh
>papa bombas
muh spanglish
My neighbors across the street are Columbian, they fly back there for dental work still because it's better and cheaper kek
Shhh I don't know how to translate papa bomba and rioteers sounds too generic.
He may be a cuck, but I think we can all agree the man is sexy.
>favela gf
She's from Gávea though
Where do you live m9?
Weaponized bantz from straya.
What is there to explain? An Aussie is blowing some leaves, that's what you see.
West of Toronto area
his case simply got outshined by dilma's. i wouldnt be surprised if it ended in a very minimal sentence
>implying i know favela names
/lgbt/ pls go
(Sorry BRs we love you but let's be honest here)
This desu, I can walk around Surrey or the Downtown Eastside without having to worry about getting stabbed or shot
pls no
Bairro da Gávea is one of the most expensive places to live in Brazil you dumb fuck
>Canada Dry
Well fuck you then I'm deleting that post I regret making that flag go to hell we are not making an empire together you can go to hell