This fills me with fucking rage.
Idiot mutt attacks Sup Forums princess
Why is your teeth so yellow OP?
There's nothing wrong with his video. Its his usual style mocking people who are outrageous in any way (he criticizes hyper liberals, children who are too rich and make their own music videos, people who eat rocks etc.). Its actually still rather funny imo.
The problem is his fans. They literally run to wherever he points like lemmings and flag, report, spam comments, and circlejerk. Its actually gotten him into a lot of shit before.
Is that Adam Lanza?
brush your teeth young woman
>literally white knighting
Kill yourself
>Sup Forums princess
You have to be 18+ to post on this site
It's not just that
nice dubble dubs btw
Leafy himself is a literal waste of human resources, all of his videos are clickbait and are essentially him bullying/picking on a particular youtube channel or person while he plays vidya gaems in the background.
99% of his videos are him picking on people who don't even deserve it.
Brush your teeth young woman
brush your teeth young woman
My god the comment section in her videos is completely disgusting now. Like, it's cancer in written form.
And I am.
>Go on leafy response video
> Go to comments
>All i see is retards typing HISSS in massive lines
Are leafy fans just kids?
I dont understand his fans. Must be too old for this shit
Okay? Are you autistic? Why do you care what one of the billions of useless people in this world do?
both are equally retarded
He's half-white/half-asian, so obviously he's bitter of white males getting all the pussy while he's a supreme gentleman.
I don't get it, they look alright to me
aren't dentists supposed to find the cavities?
Who the fuck is Leafy? He sounds like a faggot.
>British flag.
You can't make this up.
>Sup Forums princess
Fuck off, she is so obviously fake.
I'm sorry, I mean, YOU are so obviously fake.
brush your teeth young woman
Does anybody think this fucktard is funny? I don't get how someone this fucking dumb as 2 mil subscribers..
14 year olds
>youtube drama
It's good that retards expose themselves so publicly so that they'll be easy to find during the Great Purges
>British flag
He looks like a cuck to me.
Children think he's hilarious, because his humor is child tier.
That's just the lighting, besides teeth are supposed to have a mild yellow tint. They look fake if they're bleached pure white
The jew's pets attack. Lets fight back/pol/.
Do you have any Sup Forums approved humor on KikeTube?
also im not british just on vacation
I think it's impressive just how little you learn from this person's videos.
I didn't hear a single joke in the OP video. Not a single one.
Anyway —
The FBI. Her boyfriend. "Well spoken" my ass, she's reading from a script. Leafy and his friends are fucking idiots.
>implying that's not ALL commentary vids
Even Pyros vids are like this, except not as harsh and enjoyable
What is this thread #6 in the last hour?
Stop with these fucking threads. Both of these people are retarded and unimportant and leafy is the least interesting person on youtube
Says the brit
your girl is playing you like the beta you are.
brush your teeth young woman
He's not inheritley funny and comes off as a talentless hack. It's not okay.
he's right, though
gee, lad
>Girl breaks up with boyfriend
>Boyfriend wants to destroy her channel
He's as much of a cuck as you think she's a traitor.
>youtube drama
Don't give a shit.
I don't care. Her message is good and red pilling a lot of people.
Sam hyde, murdoch murdoch
who is this girl
Why is he playing video games while he talks about her? Do his fans not have attention spans?
I feel so sorry for you OP
I love this girl.
brush your teeth young woman
He's got to be like 16. He sounds like he makes up all his stories too.
To all the newfag redditors who came from /r/the_donald or who watch Gavin Mcfuck or whatever, please stop bumping this thread. This is what we call a viral marketing thread, type sage in the options field, report and hide the thread.
Today is a very sad day for her
(1) Her cat of twenty years old died yesterday (?).
(2) Leafy is one of her favorite YouTube channel.
(3) Her latest rambling video implies that one or a few of her friends/YouTube partners backed stabbed her
She said she is going to take a little break on YouTube, but that she won't stop making videos.
On that of this, she didn't have a good childhood and she was literally groomed to be a red pill YouTube star by a 30 year old Internet boyfriend (see ) and is now the front of a rich German NEET.
I fear for her psychological well-being. I hope she doesn't do something rash, even if she is a Nazi. She's a product of her experiences. From what I know from watching her videos, it doesn't sound like she had a chance.
Hes 21. He answered that in a video before.
Thanks for the info about her. I'll give the channel at least a month.
leafy = unfunny
ethan (jew) = funny
She has gone up over 4k subs since his video, the irony is that she'll probably gain something like 20-30k from this.
she never said that, fucking moron
>actually believing this shit
I like watching leafy roast people, grow a pair faggot if you can't handle someone being mean on the internet.
brush your teeth young woman
they are the color of lemons