Hey drugfags

Hey drugfags

I am planning on taking DMT. What tips do you have for the first time and what was your experience like?

probably be a nice change from the meth for you

keep hitting it and dont put it down when you start feeling funny because that's all you will get, you basically hit it until you fall out into that space world dimension

if you break through,
it will change your life,
like a near death experience changes others.

you will basically die,
and Mithras, or Ra, will consume you.
it will kill your ego.
it will at least, bring to the surface, the problems in your life and with yourself that you alone can change, in a way you can no longer scapegoat, or ignore.

I did lot's of DMT from around 16-18 probably 30-40 times. Put it on a bowl of weed. It just gives a nice palette and base. The longer you hold it the longer it lasts. Be prepared for a quick launch into a full blown trip. I'm talking complete visual impairment. If it's good stuff anyways. If you can be outside in a field.

don't smoke it. vaporize it. your lungs will thank you.

Get in a comfortable environment and hit it in +1 Increment scoops out of a G bong. Layer it between .2 of herb, take the whole hit, and lay down. Best way to blast off. Tip, They do not speak English but will be fully understood. Good luck.

Be careful. Don't trip to hard or you'll get stuck like that.

It pries your third eye open.
If you can let of your ego,
you can keep it open.

Hey bruh ur name Tyrone ?

nah i aint do that shit lol


nah man

how does it feels after your ego is gone? like in everyday life how does it change your view of the world?

deep shit man.

Don't do it OP. Drugs are bad.

its hard to put in words without abstract concepts.

living in lanes, passing or being passed?
climbing above or below people on a ladder, fiscal or otherwise?
in a maze looking for cheese?

now you're in a starship.

you sort of, see through the charade of society.
you stop caring about putting yourself first,
and you see with clarity, the system that's put in place to have everyone act like that.

you gain an Oversoul,
and you can better manage your life without acting on impulse and emotion -
like you suddenly become a god of yourself, you're able to envision yourself and where you stand in life / how you affect your surroundings / how they affect you, like one does with a Sims character...

Never tried it, always wanted too. I just stick to my weed but I've been wanting to do LSD, acid, shrooms for a while. I wanna experience ego death. Good luck with your adventure OP, hope you get a nice trip.

i am in the same boat with you. just finally decided to proceed on it. you should do it honestly if you really feel like it

man that sounds just straight up odd.. and you know i get that i cant understand the other side so this makes me even more curious. thank you for sharing your experience

can anyone confirm if this is this a real thing tho? i've hear that dmt trip doesnt last more than 20 minutes

I want to but I can't find anyone slinging that shit around. Not too sure if I trust the darkweb either.

here are the messages / lessons i've lived with since my breakthrough.

"if you have a thought, or opinion, even if it is caused by something external, you alone are accountable for that thought, or opinion - the only correct way is to communicate that thought directly, not indirectly, to reality, to the subject of the thought or opinion - then reality will either correct your thought, or validate it."

"i am."
"you share your soul with others."
"when i hurt others, i hurt myself."
"whether the afterlife is hell or heaven, is determined by, whether i helped or hurt others, who are me."
"i exist outside of the physical realm."
"there is an eternity beyond this life."

i wouldnt trust the darkweb. i have a few friends i know i could get it from but i have been waiting long since i dont want to trust anything i find on the street.

eh, yeah its guaranteed over in 20 minutes maximum. that guy is fucking with you

so you won't get it from the street,
or the web.
the fuck do you get it from?

Bump because I also plan on taking it eventually.

i can see that you are possibly a religious person? i wonder how the trip will be for a person like me who doesnt believe in an afterlife. will it change my mind?

Don't sweat it, it's incredibly fun. Do a lot, the trip is indescribable.

i mean i dont trust random people, and stuff that go through many people. but since dmt is a fairly easy drug to extract, you can make it at home to be honest. i just happened to find the right people

Take Dmt, not bait. It can overwelm, just remember that it's just a drug experience no matter how positive or negative it maybe, it's only temporary.

He's fucking with you, you'll be perfectly fine

i was not religious, before.

to append
i still don't consider myself to be religious.
just spiritually in tune.

i understand what you mean

be seated or laying.

This is a movie, about you, for you.
Nobody else can watch this movie.
this movie lasts 5-10 minutes.
you cannot move, talk, see, or react until the movie is finished.
The movie cannot hurt you.
it can never be seen twice.
it can never be conveyed into words.

enjoy, user. It's a life changing experience, and it will shatter your ideas of "impossible". it's truly a beautiful thing.

My dmt experience left me with no words,

if you are looking for spirituality or that "superhuman" feeling that will last for months and let you actually implement systems and change your behaviour this is the one i would talk about, mushrooms are good but are just a mess for me to do. This one leaves you with a clear cut vision and thoughts that you can use and that you have experienced.

i stopped procastinating after it, i was simply just understanding that later is another now and that laziness is very toxic for my mind and the way i want to live my life.

"the later is another now" goddamn, that shit feels like it changed my sense of reality already

thank you, i will.

Yeah dude,

You dont feel like doing that thing you need to do right now? it will feel like that later on, youre basically gonna have to experience the same fucking thing later, but if you do what you need to do the second you engage with it in thought you will be in a much more effective cleaner state of mind.

Building your life isnt about long term plans, its about understanding that short term, the things you are able to do right now in the moment create a longstanding effect. If you are capable of exercising right now whenever you feel like it then it will be added to your toolkit. If you feel like studying or etc right now when you have time to relax and be a degen then you will slowly but surely change, along with that building your discipline to become stronger and healthier.

Mind you this is part stuff im still working on. Im still a fucking nutjob, albeit probably more content with my headspace and what im capable of