What the fuck
I just found out there is a lost Half in the Bag episode, an extended version of the Movie 43 episode with skits and a review of Warm Bodies.
Does anyone have it? because it's been fucking deleted from the internet.
What the fuck
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Their Movie 43 review is my favorite review from them. RLM at it's best.
>because it's been fucking deleted from the internet.
It was deleted because Mike went on a rant about Mexicans and people complained
Holy shit, I forgot about that episode. Just like everyone else forgot Warm Bodies was a movie
fun fact, this is the only episode that featured Lauren of "I'm Dying Lauren" fame, in a bizarre twist of fate appearing shortly after Gilchristgate changed RLM threads forever
what a pussy
It got lost in the transition from Blip to youtube.
I know it's out there. There was a guy on reddit that uploaded it but literally deleted it because Jack asked him to.
I know one of you fuckers has it.
this can't be happening!
well now I HAVE to see it
I remember watching this episode
Sucks to be a newfag right about now kek
While working at the VCR Repair Shop, Mike is baffled by the sudden reappearance of the Ghost Girl, whom he recently fired. He is incredulous when he learns that Jay is dating the Ghost Girl, but accepts the relationship as long as it does not interfere with the duo's dynamic.
They then discuss Warm Bodies and Movie 43. A brief cutaway, however, suggests that Mike may be hallucinating the conversation.
When Jay discovers that the beer Mike put in the water cooler is warm, the Ghost Girl becomes a blessing in disguise and inspires Mike with the perfect solution to this problem
I vaguely remember too but I don't recall Lauren. Probably didn't know who she was at the time.
The Mexican shit is still on the abridged review on the YT site, that user is full of shit. It also still has the 9/11 joke.
It's just an error switching videos back and forth, nothing more. They probably didn't have a backup because they are unprofessional, fat, and probably homosexual with each other.
Everyone, I have great news I'm currently uploading that episode to a file share now and will share the link once it's done.
Pic for proof.
The Youtube version of the early reviews were much shorter than the ones they had on their website. This was how the Movie 43 review was originally released; you just probably saw the shortened Youtube version and shortened versions of all the reviews of that era
I remember this but didn't know they deleted it.
It's hard to imagine it's not somewhere on the internet though.
Why did they get rid of it? Or did it just not survive the transition to youtube?
no, I like Warm Bodies
it's comfy and introduced me to Teresa Palmer :3
Whats the story behind lauren
too late
the portal has been opened
the master cometh
You're mostly incorrect. Only the first 25 or 26 episodes had shorter versions. They were posted to Machinima's youtube channel. The Warm Bodies episode only had one version. They made a shorter clip of just the Movie 43 discussion as a separate video, probably in hopes it would go viral.
plz b reel
>did it just not survive the transition to youtube?
Lauren cutie
I have definitely seen this one and I don't remember there being anything in it that would warrant self-censorship
yeah totally a babe
It just got lost when Blip shut down.
Of course, anons here are going to try and turn this into some autistic conspiracy.
we won't need to if is legit
Really? I thought they kept shortening them for a long time after the Machinima thing.
jay wanted to fuck her so he tried to get her drunk. But he was nervous so he got absolutely fucking wasted and mike fucked her instead.
Also Jay kept repeating IM DYING LAUREN while wasted
She was in Season 1 of Grabkowskis too.
Nope. Sometimes they would upload episodes to youtube a week or so after Blip but they didn't upload altered versions.
>mike fucked her instead
>there are still people in 2016 who mix up the lauren and lisa stories
Can't blame Mike, she probably literally jumped on his cock.
He wasn't fat at the time, and when he's not fat he's a 10/10.
Is there a torrent of their Patreon videos?
Poorfag here pls no bully
>there are people that dont know that Mike literally fucked every single RLM cast member
People seriously care about their personal lives? You're as bad a TMZ fans.
Is there any video of this? How do you guys know this shit
Thin Mike just looks weird as fuck now when I watch some of their early stuff.
Guys, this latest re:View only has 33K views and Mad Max before that only had 250K. Eraserhead had the lowest with 204k with Ghostbusters being the highest at 350k. Do you guys think that the series is going to be cancelled with the way these view counts are going? I really like this format.
warm bodies is essential first date kino if you're dating someone in their early 20s
She ignored jay, who was dying, while she went and fucked the fratboys next door.
Ive got nothing else to care about
Its on the secret best of the worst video
I remember this post
They put in a lot less work for these than their other content and they get comparable views
So you're going to try and make this a pasta even when your numbers aren't accurate anymore?
Now that, my friend, is only PARTIALLY true.
His voice was kinda nasally too, like in the Gilchrist video about star wars
I commend you for your honesty user
what patreon videos? do they film extra stuff for those suck up fags?
Here ya go anons...enjoy.
filedropper DOT COM
Dude, MOST of their shit is behind a paywall, its fucking retarded for us poorfags.
They post outtakes and behind the scenes videos.
it's great and every stays DSPositive
>MOST of their shit is behind a paywall
This is completely incorrect. What is your goal with nonsense like this?
thansk doc
>Stop stealing my stuff guys!
Your greentext makes no sense in context of this conversation, user.
wtf is nobody rehosting this shit?
People watch RLM because they like...:
a) learning about Hollywoods latest blockbuster of the week
b) RLM's HILARIOUS skits, featuring Rich and AIDS Moby
c) Mike reiterating how shitty something is for 6 hours whether it is SW or movies no one had heard of before
d) Jay's character arc, from greasy mothbreather to pimp
Maybe if you saw those extra half in the bag episodes, you'd fucking understand all the references I'm throwing at you.
You jacked fucker.
I was literally watching the short version of movie 43 review earlier. What the fuck man.
Is it not on their website?
>d) Jay's character arc, from greasy mothbreather to pimp
this tbqh
>recently he started gaining upper hand over Mike not only in the degree of JUSTery but also in discussions as well
some quality character development if you ask me
Can someone Youtube this, I am on mobile
Maybe private list it if you are worried about takedowns
Jay waxes as Mike wanes... I find that sad. Poor Mike is seems more depressed, fat and alcoholic with each episode.
>Everyone thinks Mike is the funny one
>Jay makes the best joke of anything I've seen on RLM at the end of the Movie 43 review
Really makes you think.
>deleted it because Jack asked him to.
So having watched it can any of you guys tell me why the RLM guys have taken it off the internet?
PBUY comrade
Is that the one where Beard-fat got so triggered that he literally started shaking?
>ywn cum on Jay's mustache
>Mike makes several good jokes in literally every RLM video
>Jay makes one good joke in the entire history of RLM
What exactly does it make you think about, user?
>tfw no gook
everybody forgets about us until its too late
>youll never grow old with your best friend
I miss you Brenden.
Because it wasn't that guy's content.
Because reddit are a bunch of little karma bitches.
Jack is like 'hey bro we don't want that on the internet we deleted it for a reason plz respect our wishes' and reddit blindly rolls over and follows.
That's not what happened at all, but whatever you say, user.
>ever putting your dick near those teef
the mustache is there for a reason
+ even if you subscribe for 15$/month you dont get to see their older stuff, just current uploads.
All about that quality over quantity 2bh.
Oh ok man, tell me why they deleted the video if not for being total fucking cucks?
This gonna be good
wait you want me to sign up to youtube and not wait till it inevtiably implodes in on itself?
youre nuts!
Mike's power level is off the charts. Pretending he's a sloppy drunk is part of his hiding it from normie twats like you.
It is the exact same you cucks
Aw yis it's legit
Thank you user
sure, except for the missing 17 minutes about warm bodies
apparently internet archives missed blipped entirely, well ain't dat a bitch
Here it is in Webm:
>russian subs
Ya dun good today.
una Lauren @ 00:36
so Lauren only appears for a split second as a customer who opens the door, then immediately closes it back again
why censored then?
For even easier access I created a fake JewTube and am uploading the vid now will share when finished.