I'm looking for depressioncore films, Sup Forums. Pls help me.
I'm looking for depressioncore films, Sup Forums. Pls help me
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Blue valentine
Ben X
Normie answer
Patrician answer
>Patrician answer
I thought I was the only one on this board.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Good choice.
Also add Bitter Lake to the list even if it's a documentary.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Dancer in the Dark
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Spotted the wannabe buff film
Pic related is pretty depressing. It ultimately depends on your outlook on life though.
Up in the Air
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Melancholia is like a bottled up depression you can put on a shelf and look at. Say what you will about Von Trier but the man knows his craft and can make goat films if he wants to
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Grow a pair.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Irreversible. Go see it.
This one was pretty depressing in a weird, passive way.
Lost In Translation
I was sad the entire time until this part.
Dazed and Confused.
Children of Men.
Any Transformers movie.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
>11 years later this movie still gets me.
Greetings, reddito
Spotted the wannabe film buff
episode 7
Yea, that scene always prevents me to call it a depressing movie. But overall it's still a sad movie.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
21 Grams
Mulholland Drive
I Saw the Devil
Just because I gave OP a suggestion I'm a wannabe film buff?
Okay buddy, time to take your meds.
Would I like this movie if I know nothing about video games?
Midnight Cowboy, Taxi Driver. Before the Devil Knows you're Dead. Children of Men.
Yes, just mentally replace the scenes where he's playing video games with him posting on Sup Forums. Doesn't matter that much.
Not sure why but this movie felt depressing as fuck to me
Bullhead 2011
Rust and Bone 2012
Darling 2007
i havnt seen it since it came out but i remember it made me not feel good
Spotted the wannabe film buff
Took longer than I thought it would
>It's a suicidal girlfriend and dying kids episode and then Robin kills himself irl to round it all out
Good morning vietnam too
Mrs Doubtfire too
What dreams may come too
Toys too
Spotted,the wannabe film buff
all me btw
Spotted the wannabe film buff
He basically never meets his son he was looking for. The last scene has him seeing (implicitly) his son in moving car after the one guy he thought was his son runs away calling him a freak.. He also just has this blank, wasted life look on his face through the whole movie. It's all around pretty depressing but still interesting
I love this movie.
And this one too.
Can you fucks get a room already?
For you
Thats a fucking comedy
Bloody heck, this.
Spotted the wannabe film buff
The Last Minute
What Dreams May Come
Unwatchable pretentious tripe.
I'm sorry that hoffman doesn't wear a cape
Ghost world
Lives of Others
It's not really depressing, but the ending made me tear up.
I like you.
Never Let Me Go
That film is shit. Overrated as fuck. The fact that it's above Clockwork Orange and Taxi Driver is fucking insulting.
Is it that shitty Belgian movie? christ no
sin eck dock ee?
>above Clockwork Orange and Taxi Driver
Forgot to say: on IMDB
Happiness is pretty depressing
Especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman
But IMDB is shit. Why would you even care?
Manic with Joseph Gordon Levitt
Mask with Cher and Eric Stoltz
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot with Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges
Pic related
suicide room
Deer Hunter
Original ending of First Blood
I like Rambo 2 because Asian qt
mysterious skin
Come and See
Is that the one with the bacon on the side of the tub?
This was funny as hell. Did it hit too close to home for you or something? Serious question
I found Her pretty depressing. But then again I'm just a lonely fuck who works in advertising.
at the end I felt sad and the film felt empty
I also feel sad and empty sometimes when a film or show I enjoy comes to an end but come on.. If you look at it like that basically everything is depressing.
Didn't Micheal Bay make a really good sequel to this?
exactly, just like my life
I didn't find Moon depressing,Eraserhead I have no idea what the fuck happens in that movie and I haven't watched Antichrist but what I've heard sounds more like horror.
Don't just don't.
Completely different things watch the movie and you'll see.
Have some remedy, pham
dead man letters
>Funny Games
>Eraserhead I have no idea what the fuck happens in that movie
The Bridge, the Road, Threads and Lilya4ever are good picks I didn't list here before.
Ok list, I guess.
last kind words
o-bi o-ba end of civilization
Broken Flowers
Ghost World
Lost In Translation
The Chocolate War
>I haven't watched Antichrist but what I've heard sounds more like horror
It is, but the entire movie is oozing a crushing feeling of hopelessness. Same goes for Melancholia, although it may be a bit lighter.
I've read the claim that Von Trier only bullshits people about having depression, but those movies feel genuine.
this seriously should be added to the depressioncore canon
The director was the left hand of tarkovskij for Stalker. People really should give it a try.
>People are changing.The drugs are changing.
I cringed so fucking hard.Never ever has anything made me cringe this hard.