Lena Dunham Accuses Odell Beckham Jr. of Completely Ignoring Her at Met Gala

Lena Dunham Accuses Odell Beckham Jr. of Completely Ignoring Her at Met Gala

>"I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards. He was like, 'That's a marshmallow. That's a child. That's a dog.' It wasn't mean—he just seemed confused."

>"The vibe was very much like, 'Do I want to fuck it? Is it wearing a...yep, it's wearing a tuxedo. I'm going to go back to my cell phone.' It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie."


I'm constantly shocked by how much more disgusting she is on the inside than the outside.

her projecting there is off the fucking charts. paranoid much?

please stop


>please give me attention

Then go beach yourself, you disgusting excuse for a cetacean

>oh no! a man is having a natural reaction to me
>let me whine about it

1. Who cares if this happened or not.
2. The entire article is about what she assumed is going on in his head. Based on nothing, remember, he didn't speak to her.
3. He's allowed to not like you. Disliking you isn't a crime.
4. You're famous, so he likely knows a lot about you before even entering the room. It's not necessarily entirely based on looks.

This isn't buzzfeed, fuckface

>I'm in a Tux, arent I so wacky dude? Dude? Hellooo? Asshole.

isn't her pussy rotting or whatever?

fucking disgusting.

Doing nothing is now sexist, i love this world please never change.

>He talked to me what a sexist
>He didn't talk to me what a sexist

she does this because every worthless faggot that talks about her in the Internet feeds her power
everyone in this thread is guilty of keeping her relevant
every poster in this thread is a piece of human garbage
present company included

What, did she think her personal fan fiction TV show was real life?

OBJ is gay.

Why is this now a race issue taken up by blm? I hate dunham as much as the next sane person but this doesnt seem to involve race at all

>4. You're famous, so he likely knows a lot about you before even entering the room. It's not necessarily entirely based on looks.
Yea, blacks just love watching Girls on HBO. Especially athletes.

He had no fucking clue who this amorphous fat amoebae was.

>Do I want to molest it? Is it... yep, it's my younger sister. I'm going to go molest it.

You've misunderstood
When a nerdy beta with no money talks to her it's harassment
When a millionaire athlete ignores her though then there's the issue

>>It's not necessarily entirely based on looks.
This is the key phrase.

She's a jew, i dunno.

ahah guys shes just JOKING enough with the outrage ok im going to have a panic attack if my lefty army turns on me because i revealed that im a sexist and or racist cunt

>be male
>get hated for hitting on women
>get hated for not hitting on women

good game

Apparently she also made some weird twitter post where she said she had a dream of molesting a young african american boy or something

Sounded like it would've been kind of hot coming from anyone that wasn't Dunham

twitter niggas roasted her. I'm glad more people are starting to hate this human garbage

Are you shitlords telling me you wouldn't want to fuck this?

Communism wins

its almost incredible how its like a constant race

The fact that this waste of a human being has a career in Hollywood is all the proof you need that feminism is totally outdated.


odell is gay so.....

once it becomes 'suspicous' or 'problematic' for lefty headnodders to say they like her (because she becomes associated with ideas that the hivemind rejects) she will be rejected by the hivemind and will have no audience left

she'll probably socially engineer herself back into good graces by marrying a disabled black man and having his disabled children

cant you imagine the content this cunt will produce after she has kids?


>That fanny pack stomach thing

Does she intentionally try to look horrible

>He was like, 'That's a marshmallow. That's a child. That's a dog.'
shes jewish


Well, at least it fixed it's hair.

I keep falling for these

something something I hate women etc etc

>@OBJ_3 is talented, stylish, seems super awesome and wasn't into chatting with me at a fancy party. My story about him was clearly (to me) about my own insecurities as an average-bodied woman at a table of supermodels & athletes. It's not an assumption about who he is or an expectation of sexual attention. It's my sense of humor, which has kept me alive for 30 years.

Right, she was joking. Who cares?

neo/tv/ is so triggered by everything

Female suffrage was the worst mistake our civilization ever made

> those fucking teeth

Yes. She really does go out of her way to look hideous, intentionally trying to bait someone into pointing it out so she can screech about sexism some more.

fuck off

shiet nigga

>average bodied woman
>looks like a bag of melted marshmellows at the tender age of 30

Kill yourself

>Unironically caring about Lena Rumham

>SWJs eating their own

is there any greater joy? i for one wonder if she would have said that if she was sitting next to a white man, its all very problematic.


>people are required to acknowledge other people even if they don't want to
I hate OBJ, but don't SJWs try to proctect this kind of stuff? like "don't force your kids into greeting anyone if they don't want to"

Also, Sup Forums here, there's a more than likely chance that OBJ is gay.


show me where in her original writing it is 'obviously' about her own insecurities

i will show you where it's obvious she is putting thoughts into his head

If OBJ was gay, he would have talked to Lena


This desu. It's a self defense mechanism so she doesn't have to address her real looks by "dressing bad ironically"

>Your shitty """""story""""" gets btfo.
>I-It wasn't for real. Feel bad about me being insecure.

Why? She's a terrible person.

OBJr is a well known faggot though.

Wat an ugly woman

Someone please kill this bitch

Doubt it, even gay people have standards. Lena was a personality problem that repels everyone.

He must be gay. Any straight guy would start fucking her right in that moment.

meme magic cant be this real

OBJ doesn't want to hear her rambling bullshit. He's busy lining up a train of models and cheerleaders to bang.

Looks like a 70 year old relative. Why does this piece of shit go out of her way to disgust people?


She said it was clear to her, but obviously not to everyone else. That's why she wrote the clarification.

Though her statements do come across as incredibly insecure if you spent even a passing moment to look at them. "That's a marshmallow. That's a child. That's a dog."

do you think she cares? shes gonna keep shitposting unironically till senpai notices this thread. just hide it and wait for /cel/


Jesus christ what a disgusting human being.

Can you imagine a male celebrity bitching that some woman didn't want to fuck his fat ass?

It's obvious she was in Neil Hamburger cosplay

Jokes on you, my moms already dead fag.

But that wasn't OP. You just cursed OP and his mom for no reason.


Such is life


Foreigner here.
So, a celebrity female has publicly accused a celebrity man via media of not talking to her at a party because he's a sexist? And it actually becomes a story?


Of course it made the news

not again

Based sexual healing OBJ

He pays strippers to keep their clothes on and ignores stroppy white women



>Yea, blacks just love watching Girls on HBO. Especially athletes.

Or she's just constantly mentioned on Twitter and he heard about her from there.

people like you keep replying and bumping ithem instead of saging and hiding them

Because White woman accusing Black men of rape is a huge issue

How insecure do you have to be to see someone looking at heir phone and assume they're deliberately not talking to you because of your body shape?

Like what a huge fucking leap to take

Maybe he just isn't comfortable talking to strangers at those events? As long as he didn't say anything offensive there's no reason to talk about this publicly.

>30 years old

Man, she is going to age like dogshit.

You're not a hot fat girl Dunham. Cope with it.


i don't understand why this girl is given so much attention

Girls is a terrible tv show.

>tfw nu-males and basic girls ruin everything

goddamn, imagine how much more attractive she would be if she dropped like 5-8 pounds

she would be prime thicc, but she's content with being chubb


Cause it's fun seeing all of the internet, no matter gender, race, religion, etc united to absolutely BTFO of this bitch. I have been waiting for a day like this for so long now. It's a beautiful thing.

fuck u

>be obj
>starting wide receiver for the new York Giants
>catches balls with one hand, can probably bang any girl in the tri-state area
>being forced to interact with a beached whale

Yeah it's so hard to figure out why he didn't wanna talk to u


>it's her body shape and clothing why he wasn't acknowledging her

>I'm an ugly fat dyke with a body shaped like a pear with legs on it, and men totally want to fuck me

She's totally delusional

Imagine being Odell in that scene and having to be all like "damn, dog-shaped marahmallow, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your child body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally catch you, with both hands and then again with just one." when all he really wants to do is sing Marvin Gaye in his hot tub. Like seriously imagine having to be Odell and not only sit in that chair while Lena flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the rapidly tearing seams of her tuxedo, and just sit there, scrolling through regram after regram, hour after hour, while she and Amy Schumer fight like dogs over a buttered roll. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone at the Met tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM LOOKS LIKETHAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of 16 year-olds and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Red Stick, Louisiana. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste Josh Norman's sweat on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "average-bodysque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she paid her publicist to say she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the chef calls for another course, and you know you could body slam every single person in this room before Tom Coughlin could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Odell. You're not going to lose your future Hall of Fame spot over this. Just bear it. Regram some #foodporn and bear it.

If everyone hates her why is she so rich and famous?

>this human being Im interested in might not be interested in me
>guess I'll do nothing about it and assume the worst
>better make these thoughts public