Does the Roman Empire deserve to be reborn? They kinda gave us the western world. But I know you faggots are going to scream with your sloped foreheads MUH GERMANY and shit, you god damn savages.
Does the Roman Empire deserve to be reborn? They kinda gave us the western world...
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leave my forhead outta it, i can't help being slav.
No, because modern gabbagool niggers couldn't live up to the standard. It's up to us to take its place.
Swag is for boys.
Imperium is for were-sheep.
I guess a return to Romanity, in terms of culture at least to some extent, is possible.
You can't simply resurrect an empire but you could try to get something from it. Evola resorted Mussolini to find the greatness of Rome once again and to restart the Mediterranean tradition.
Every time I play Axis and Allies I am reminded of how close you came.
If they had used their Navy and not invaded Greece we would be sending American kids to plumb Italian toilets instead of Ukrainians who would obviously no longer exist.
Didn't help that the Italian army was literally pathetic.
Not the soldiers, but the actual military force in terms of power and numbers, and morale didn't help - Having to fight enemies and neighbors that they did not want to fight and had close ties to.
An empire that crumbles from internal decadence will never rise again, but there is still hope for a New Rome.
Dont make excuses for the shittyness of wog soldiers
what exactly did the soldiers do wrong Chang?
The negrification of America and the proliferated consumerism subsequently of the world has plebianized the world populace and made it impossible.
Why would even want a return to an Imperial government? It would be impossible with the current power the corporations and banks wield and even if it happened it would be a mere puppet.
Essentially what he have already albeit with a different set of clothes.
Rome became a meme and with that an eternal title to be held by those until the loss it only to be picked back up once again
Yeah by now it seems late, but you never know. World wars were reactions to all of this, maybe third time's a charm, although I doubt it.
From what I heard, they were cowards. I guess they would have also suffered from italian laziness
What purpose does an Empire serve in current year?
>From what I heard
opinion discarded
were they as coward as pic related?
Oh sorry, I wasnt actually alive during ww1 and 2. This is just what my granddad and great granddad told me. Even hitler said that the best would have to fight with the worst when he spoke about germans fighting with italians.
A third world war will be the impetus for a one world government now possible thanks to mass migration and technology.
Rommel himself had a different idea about that.
Anyway, modern wars are won by industry, technology, resources and solid leadership. Italy had none, soldiers can't do much by themselves.
Off topic. This the map of the world one hundred years after "The Fall of Rome." And four hundred years after this, both the Caliphate and the Seljuk Turks would fail to stop it. There was something in the water about that culture.
What do you think the EU is?
America IS a new version of the Roman empire. America's invisible tentacles are attempting to control everything.
Like the Roman empire, the USA is overextended, debasing their currency , heading for a crash and hyperinflation in due time.
>implying we can restore the Roman empire
It's impossiblie, foregt about it
Without the Mediterranean Race, there is no Rome
But in the ast millennium they had to deal with deep cuts regarding their genetical profil
Italians and Greeks mixed in a quite large way, probably talking about the greatest qualitative lost the human mankind ever had to witness
oh boy here we go with we wuz niggerism, there really isn't anything that gets the nigger out of whites more than the idea that the greco-roman world wasn't germanic white is there?
>greco-roman world wasn't germanic white
never stated this my friend
It's quite the opposite, you were pure blooded Meds that witnessed an huge impact of Germanic,Slavic and North African influence in their once glorious genpool
Also don't forget about all of the Albanians who settled in Central Italy and Greece
>that witnessed an huge impact of Germanic,Slavic and North African influence in their once glorious genpool
literally 0 evidence of this "huge impact" in the case of Italy, I'm no expert on Greece
have you taken a good look at the state of your country less than 100 years after WWII? was there a "huge impact" from some migration in your case as well?
>my own country maymay
I know that Merkel cucked us and the whole continent to death my friend, nothing to remind me
I'm all depressed and feel guilty every day, oh god the feels come again
The West definitely needs to have another architectural and philosophical renaissance
The Greeks and Romans already had all this fucking 'how to live good' and 'how to make buildings look good' shit sorted out thousands of years ago, we just have to follow their fucking blue prints.
I don't want to put my finger on the open wound but you see that it doesn't need a racial shift for stuff to change
you can literally change a country to its opposite in less than 100 years
Romanity and ancient Italian culture were killed ultimately by Christianity and the Gothic wars
Die, surrender and not kill the enemy. The British are top notch but even shitskins gave them better fights in the past
Far more so, notice how they evacuated most of the British troops back to Britain so they could defend their main priority and were successful in doing so.
Also notice the difference in numbers in both these battles. Italians were cowardly, lazy and completely useless in combat
>Far more so, notice how they evacuated most of the British troops back to Britain so they could defend their main priority and were successful in doing so.
Typical anglo tactic, it's not "legging it" it's a "strategical retreat". My fucking sides. I wish Goring wasn't so fucking stupid and did a single thing right.
What's that battle you are posting by the way?
>it's another Romanboo thread
You're missing the point.
We still know what looks and sounds good, and how to live good. But (((some people))) have given birth to an idea that these "all relative," or that it is simply unimportant.
Really we just need a return to objective standards.
The roman empire was what killed rome as a whole. The glorious Roman republic was far superior than the degenerate empire.
Lucius Junius Brutus not Gaius Julius Ceaser.
I don't know the details about the battle posted but it looks like they were outnumbered and on the retreat.
The Italians in North Africa were on the defensive and had months of preparations with German support.
That being said the Italian army was unequipped for mobile warfare with trucks ect and didn't have any real tanks but in Romels diary he writes about the Italian high command being shit cunts who made his job harder.
tfw Italians got shit posted by Australians IRL so hard that they surrended in mass depsiite out numbering us.
Rome didn't have any blacks. When you see niggers in movies about ancient Rome, it's just British/American shoehorning. Rome was 100% caucasian, even if not entirely white.
North African was part of the Roman empire, you babbling retard. There were blacks in Rome, and white Romans in Africa, and African citizens of Rome who were free to travel the entire empire.
Try spending even one fucking second learning about something before flapping your useless lips, you lazy piece of shit.
>North Africa
Ah yes, these "blacks"
It wasn't black, but there were some niggers there, especially the Nubians in Egypt.
Nubians had Caucasian features
Still niggers though
>implying the Roman Empire went away
you do know that the Bible was voted in existence under the supervision of a Roman emperor
>SWAG is for niggers
>white culture is for whites
I'm Polish/Ukrop without slope?
The command structure was awful. Political appointees with poor military experience.
the existing Roman Catholic Church is the Roman Empire
Australia had none of that, but we still managed to rape you, then go home and btfo the japs.
ffs my spaces let me down
and move the capital to Bucharest/Romania the true Romans
Australians were also the first people on the planet to put a stop to a German Blitzkrieg. If we say we're going to do something we bloody well do it.
No, but we should strive to create something as beautiful as Rome was to its people.
We have lost the throne and the king of the kingdom of man. Instead of aspiring to copy what we once had, we should build it again and better in every single aspect from the ground up.