Can Noah stage a comeback?
Can Noah stage a comeback?
yes, if he keeps a consistent release schedule
Look at all the updates he has planned from 3 months ago!
He hasn't tweeted anything in 5 days! Did something happen?
>He hasn't tweeted anything in 5 days! Did something happen?
Noah tweets an average of 1.22 times per hour.
Noah killed himself 5 days ago. April wants the Patreon money to keep flowing. Nobody will notice the difference.
>tfw indeed, nobody would notice
I've thought he could but its really not looking good.
>his last counter monkey was eight months ago
>his last ACTUAL counter monkey was eleven months ago
You sit in front of a camera and talk about RPGs for about forty minutes. That's all. That's all you have to do, Spoony.
Like, I've heard him say before that he has scrapped entire episodes POST-recording because he didn't like what he said in them, but could the episodes have been so shit that it's worth waiting eleven months before you release one you are happy with?
>You sit in front of a camera and talk about RPGs for about forty minutes. That's all. That's all you have to do, Spoony.
He ran out of stories to tell. Remember, the title of the segment was in reference to his time as a clerk at a game store.
You can't help someone who won't help themself. Give it up.
Cant call it a comeback, hes been here for years.
No, he can only JewWario now.
Or if twitter ceases to exist maybe.
Holy shit it's true.
Yep, Noah is so dead or in hospital with a serious condition.
For the good episodes.
But the later episodes were him reading through a book and pointing out stuff.
He cant even do that now.
Was he ever really over? I can't recall ever seeing any fans or mention of him
He got butthurt after people told him he's wrong following the review of the newest D&D edition so he quit doing counter monkeys all together.
>Don't worry, if anything was wrong, I wouldn't be posting stupid pics of my dolls and stuff. XD
What did she mean by this
Didnt people always bitch about shit? He never let that stop him from doing stupid sketches or new movie reviews and shit. I thought he just banned people...
Im now thinking that was probably scarlett making a nice safe space for noah.
Still... he shouldve never got involved/moved in with April. Noah needs support from someone strong, Scarlett then Miles. Shit went downhill fast after April.
I don't know man.
This shit started around the same time as apparently his insurance company started giving him trouble about some of his medications.
Maybe it's just me, but it sounds like the insurance company started fucking around and he's been unintentionally off his meds because of that.
everyone pls donate your meth to the ol' spoonster
Why donate to a deceased person?
Also who would even get the money assuming April doesn't have access to Sponny's bank account.
Every day in America Noah suffers from cruelty and neglect without meth
Thousands were rescued last year
But for thousands of others help came too late
Please become an angel for poor Noah, with just a little bit of meth each day, you can help improve his life and the life of many like him
For just the cost of a little bit of crystal each day, you will receive a photo of Noah every year and half with a note on the back telling you not to tell him how to play. Please, call now and change the life of someone like Noah.
Man Wormtongue isn't looking good these days.
He takes amphetamines, not methamphetemines.
I worry about him.
Worry not for he finally has found peace.
This whole "hurr I'm too depressed to make one video each month to justify getting money on patreon" is so unbelievably pathetic and infuriating to me. There are millions of people who suffer from depression and 99.9% of them would kill to have such an incredibly easy source of income as he has. What would Noah do if he had to work a normal job? Just quit and starve to death?
Why doesn't Spoony just ask Jontron or James to do a crossover review with him? That'd get his viewership up.
April lost her job cuz the bead store she was working at closed down, so Spoony may have finally realized that he actually has to make something and stop spending so much fucking time on twitter
He's done videos with Angry Jose before actually.
No doubt the drugs is the reason he is down to no vids.
I just feel Miles or Scarlett wouldve pushed him more if he had to do without his meds.
>Just quit and starve to death?
Chances are he already did that even without a normal job.
The issue isn't that he has no viewers.
The issue is that he has no content. He's too lazy to make any sort of videos these days.
He also tries to say he has health issues, yet he spends hours and hours on twitter
The fact that he spends so much time and energy on twitter pretty much invalidates all of his claims
>We're gonna see Noah go into panic mode and dance on camera, shambling, barely alive and sane, mumbling something to entertain us
yes! Finally!
almost two years since he posted this shit
Thats the problem with depression though, it shows up when they dont have a reason to be depressed.
Noah got far to dependant on his meds. Assuming his doctor/insurance is/was causing him trouble with getting his script, chances are he was abusing them.
Now hes in a spiral where his depression/lack of meds prevents him from working, then ad revenue and patreon drops, so he gets more depressed because money is tight, then he does less work, money drops causes more depression, and that just goes on and on.
How much money was he making on patreon when he made that video?
It doesnt take much to ramble on twitter.
I dont know about the time, but i think his patreon high was 4-6k maybe.
The problem isn't viewership, the problem is Spoony has completely stopped caring. Years ago he switched his focus from reviews to wrestling vlogs and movie vlogs. Then his ASM2 vlog got shit for being pointlessly long so he quit doing movie vlogs. Then he started doing board game vlogs but those dried up a while ago. For a while his main content became painfully boring livestreams where he either stayed completely quiet or bitched at the chatroom but now he isn't even livestreaming. His only consistent "content" is tweets about Donald Trump and comic books.
And it only takes marginally more effort to ramble in front of a camera and upload that to youtube.
Sounds right. The movie was a 5k-goal, so he reached that much at least.
>His only consistent "content" is tweets about Donald Trump
Damn, it all makes sense now. Did no one tell Spoony about the Trump curse?
>His only consistent "content" is tweets about Donald Trump and comic books.
I take it he's still upset Bernie lost
He's never mentioned Bernie once.
Surprisingly no, I don't think he was ever much of a Berncuck. However, for the last few months he has been relentlessly going on and on and on about Trump. Even when there isn't any new Trump controversy he'll REEEEEE over Trump.
I'm pretty sure he was rooting for Bernie at some point. Razorfist had to mute him for a while because of it
>Razorfist had to mute him for a while because of it
What? Details please.
No, it takes a lot more effort.
You can ramble on twitter covered in shit in bed. It literally takes 10 seconds.
To do a vid hed have to
Set up camera
Transfer footage to computer
Edit in his intro/outro
Thats assuming he doesnt bother cleaning himself or his set up. Way more effort.
>I swear he's not dead. XD
Holy shit, I think she really offed him!
all memeing aside, it'd be a shame if he did off himself
he could have fixed himself up
Joe "Our Guy" Vargas is a hack, but puts out videos and built a following. In 2010, Noah had 10x the youtube subs as Joe. If Noah had kept up producing content he'd be as big as Joe.
>buy phantasmagoria 2 the other day
>reminded of Spoony's LP of it and how entertaining it was
>tfw Spoony is now a husk of a man that streams boring games and keeps quiet
Spoony got cucked one too many times. April is his lifeline.
Thanks. I lost that pic.
Thats more gothspoony
Spoony actually did a hobo in a sketch i think...
the real question is, when is Miles going to come back?
Way too many mexicans on this side of the border.
I hope trump makes him head of the arizona militia so he can start cleaning house
Once Noah and April lose their house and move back to Arizona.
Based Miles doesen't need Noah, he just needs his modified ak47 and some wetbacks to play the targets
Fo sho.
Im sure he never stopped looking for justified opportunities to kill spics.
>literally killed a man execution style
>not an ounce of PTSD
What a man.
Someone please tell me, "Sami doesn't know" wasn't really made by Spoony ,was it? It can't be.
>"Sami doesnt know"
his latest video (already months old)
he has patreons
He actually looks like someone ran him through that "how will I look in 20 years" program.
That's the last upload he will make in 2016.
screencap this
Sheriff Joe Arpao is old man. Miles could rise in the ranks and replace him one day.
How many mexicans do you have to kill to get the promotion?
Not true. He has been posting on twitter that he has reviews and counter monkey coming out soon.
>coming out soon.
He's been promising vids for YEARS. He supposedly did some Rap Attack video, and some eating video with April. Nowhere to be found.
You will see. He has been completeing plenty of reviews and he plans to release them all at once.
>to release them all at once.
That's idiotic. He should space them out at once every 2 weeks.
That was before he died though.
>eating video with April
Spoony's face + other people always creates a horrible abomination.
Spoony + Doug = Perfect Satan face.
Imagine if Spoony's absence from twitter is because he's undergoing a gender change operation?
killing mexicans for promotions is wrong, it should be its own reward
>"Our Guy"
Fuck that meme, Joe is a retarded shill who only cares about money.
He only cares about money, but as far as I can tell he's not paid off by any company.
Rotting corpses can't comeback to anything.
>not coming on the backs of rotting corpses
It's so weird how he used to be somewhat good looking.
Wow wow wait a second! If he's dead then how can he still tweet?!?!
>tfw a new age of latzaposting is about to begin
thats what "before" means
>its a latza explains game mechanics without editorializing episode