Sup Forums UTTERLY

Sup Forums UTTERLY


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Well, it looks like I'm a #CruzMissile now.



those people are "activists" in the same way I'm considered "active" when I'm ramming a fucking bigmac into my fat gob.

Woah hey what the hell?! Ted Nugent is a fucking legend!

is this the new reddit shill meme, this is a daily occurrence.
>pol btfo
oh no :(, guess at least I can be a womyn now and help hillary enslave cis scum and salvage some of this. I'm a Kasich Kommando!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't duck dynasty endorse Cruz? There was an ad and everything.

>Bernie supporters are women and kikes

You're not helping your case.

a kkk leader endorsed Hillary btw

Glad to have Dick Cheney on our side. That guy only cares about the defense contractors, so you know Trump is telling the truth when he says he will make the US military stronger than it's ever been.

>Noam Chomsky
>activist, not socialist terror apologist


>Based Kissinger
>War criminal

Pick one.

He did but he jumped ships when Cruz dropped out. He's supporting the Republican nominee even if it's not Cruz.

>Didn't duck dynasty endorse Cruz? There was an ad and everything.

Now that Cruz is out, he is supporting Trump.

What most people call communism I like to call Sanders/Communism, or Communism+Sanders

I've literally never heard of any of the ones under Bernie except Chomsky, which is an opportunist who will jump on any scenario to push his beliefs.

Also, why do Liberals believe reckless ad hominem will win people? It actually makes me want to associate with them less. If they'd label Cheney as "Vice-President under George W. Bush", I'd be more revolted than the obvious slander of "Anti-Christ"


>A genius
>Not a hack who came up with one obvious idea then dedicated his life to milking that by giving speeches for money and never doing anything productive

You can be a war criminal and be based.
Not all laws of man are just and right, my friend.

Phil endorsed Cruz from the jump, his son (Willie?) endorsed Trump from the jump.

He's gone senile, but you can't deny his intelligence.

However, a political scholar he is not. His endorsement means jack shit.


It's not cherry-picking when you strip the entire fucking tree bare.

wtf i hate trump now

I would advise Sup Forums to do the same and vote for hillary, not only to be a part of progressive history but i mean, come on guys. the joke's over now!

If god isn't real how does the antichrist exist?

Checkmate Taoists.