How do you go from this?
How do you go from this?
keep going
No you really don't want him to.
Wtf is a lut?
To this?
never found her hot 2bh
worst part of AD, along with tobias
Better Off Ted this?
No make up or long hair.
Man she looks awful, that's what being married to an annoying cunt will do.
>just auschwitz my shit up
>no makeup
calista flockhart really let herself go
>annoying cunt
Best not be disparaging Ellen m8. Best not.
Veganism. Aging, tiring, bad for you.
I really never understood why she married Ellen. Portia is way out of her league. In fact, I can't understand how anyone thinks Ellen's bland, uninspired comedy is worth watching. She's one of the most annoying celebrities I can think of.
i would fuck the gay out of her, are you people blind?
she looks good to me, a little older but still hot as fuck.
its a shame about lesbian bed death, ellen is probably only banging that maybe once a fortnight
Ellen is probably incredibly good at fucking.
Fame and financial security m8. Ellen is Hollywood royalty. You get in with her, life is a straight highway. No pun intended.
Women truly age like diet milk
I don't think she's that attractive, but she is really hot.
She looks like a 00's pornstar.
lesbians in long term relationships have like zero sex, its the lack of testosterone.
sad to say they probably spend their nights sitting at home eating ice cream and playing with their cats
>she's 43
What the actual fuck? Bitch looks like she's edging near 60. My mom and aunts are in their mid to late 50s and look better than her.
post pics senpai
Every vegan I've seen looks sickly and malnourished. They always have thin, unhealthy-looking skin. And they always look drained of energy.
I actually believe it *is* possible to be healthy on a vegan diet, as long as you make sure to get adequate amounts of every essential nutrient. But most vegans don't seem to bother educating themselves about how to properly do this. So they end up just eating a regular western diet only without any meat.
If you make sure you're getting enough:
- total calories
- total protein
- fat
- all of the essential amino acids
- essential fatty acids including LA, ALA, EPA, and DHA
- Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, phosphate
- micronutrients including vitamins and trace metals like zinc, iron, manganese, etc.
Then you can be healthy regardless of whether these nutrients come from plant or animal sources. Most vegans I've met, however, are pretty clueless when it comes to nutrition. They just eat tons of carbs in the form of rice, potatoes, and bread. And they eat a bunch of salad and shit and they assume their diet is nutritionally complete. It infuriates me so much.
>posting pictures of your loved ones on an Egyptian scarab catching board
this thing called "time"
>WHITE women truly age like milk