Am I Aryan? Or at least worthy of a pass in a second eventual Holocaust?
23andme Genetic Tests
follow up question, how do I kill 0.9% of myself?
What was the first?
The real question is if Hitler was alive and the Nazi's had access to 23andme tests for everyone on the planet: What percentage of Ashkenazi would they kill you? I think anything more than 0.1%, because of error rate.
>0.9% Ashkenazi
Rev up that Zyklon B
How about Radical 6?
We all have a little Jew in us, genetically or physically.
how do you mean
>southern european
>voluntarily giving some shady private company your DNA to do as they please with it
you're actually just stupid
Follow up pt. 2: Zyklon Boogaloo - is Southern European still Aryan worthy? Didn't Hitler consider Mussolini to be a Northern Alpinid?
No, sorry just a typical European.
>implying i'm not ready and willing to give my part to the future race clone wars
>implying he gave out his real name
Should I consider taking a test to trace my heritage? Which ones are best?
Hello buddy, this is FE MA, thank you for sharing your genes with us.
When ever we will build a camp for your kind we will ask 23andme for your data. Just like law enforcement is doing right now.
You didn't read the small print, did you?
that's really neat man, anyway about those camps are you saying i'm not aryan then because that is the question at hand
No meme Nazis considered
Which test is best in results, and doesn't share your shit to everyone?
>watch that movie not two hours ago with a friend
>mention how I need a screen grab of this line
Thank you for saving me the trouble, Mr. Providence
the only real and helpful answer in this thread is from an aus of all posters?
thank you very much for the info, it's exactly what I wanted to know
That's quite alright mate
What movie is this?
"Look Who's Back", based on the best-selling novel in Germany ("Er ist wieder da"). On Netflix right now so go watch it, it's pretty based
Alright thanks
You're white and that's all that matters. Now go out and kill some people with dark skin.