What can we do about veterans leeching off the system for "disability"?

I knew a guy 2 years back at my job who was doing 80 hours a week and collecting $2000/month from the government for "disability". Selfish traitors are going to ruin it for the vets who actually need it.

Is that the best bait you got? Step it up cunt.

>serve Israel
>not learning a few of their tricks and maximizing your VA gibes

Pick one.

Only 2000?
He was doing it wrong

And you sound like someone who couldn't get in OP.

Bait? It's not bait. A lot of veterans legitimately leech off the system with phony disability claims.

You live in Australia though so you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot.

Without the USA Israel would have been destroyed by shitskins

We cucked Israel

My cousin got his pinkie blown off and now does his regular job and gets disability.
I've told him what I think about it, but I don't hold much sway with him.

I fucking hate that shit. Makes the rest of us look bad.

t. Veteran

OP. Is right. Vet myself and the amount of obvious fucking leeching is disgusting..

Who cares? They took bullets for us. If anyone deserves money a month, it's them.

Older brother did that. decided to retire young and live off of the disabilities.

I'm not jealous at all, it's not a lot of money to live off of and it's pathetic. But personally I think it speaks volumes.

Tbh most soldiers I've met weren't great people. Some are, no doubt about that, and I've met many that I look up to. But the general army grunt?

If they're anything like my brother, they signed up after failing at life and unable to hold a job, claiming "they have no choice". I think it can be good for some people, but the whole "reform" aspect is highly over-rated. Most scumbags who sign up for the military stay the same after leaving.

NAM combat Vet here and I'm not making this up:
45% Of Iraq/Afghanistan War Veterans Seeking Disability.
Hundreds of 1000s getting benefits for PTSD and 75% never saw any combat. Fuck that - man the fuck up.

You stay the same because the military is cucked these days. You go to mandatory white privilege and feminism lectures instead of learning anything about honor, your country, or being a warrior. Few NCOs even give half a shit about their troops anymore. Selfish millennials just like anybody else.

Serve the Empire's interests overseas, reap benefits after. If you're mad, join up and get some.

t. OIF/OEF USMC vet, $1200/month for ptsd and knee pain, $3000/month in GI bill housing allowance, and $0 down on my home through the VA home loan program.

Honestly, anyone who wasn't born into money is a fucking retard if they don't join the military for 4 years, even just the reserves. I already have a good paying career, so my disability money just goes toward my mortgage, and I bank all of my college housing allowance, so when I get my free degree I will have also banked $100,000 in cash, tax free.

The VA will never lose its disability funding. They tried that after WWI and millions of vets swarmed DC and camped out there. We're the one group that the government will pacify above all others, even the dindus.

>tfw collecting disability

Yeah that was this guy in my original post, he just filled shit with diesel fuel. He never saw combat.

Describe why you deserve PTSD disability, what did you endure?

Marine here

OP really does have a point with this, its kind of like when I see a young "homeless" veteran begging for money.

Bullshit, walk your ass to the department of labor you lazy shitbag, there are way to many fucking hookups for you to be homeless.

Honestly we veerans got to start calling out phonies when we see them, fucking police our own so that our bros who need the help can get it and not face any scrutiny because of the oerches who think they can play the system.

>Satan wants to cut benefits to veterans

Of course.

IDES (The new system) is pretty strict.

10% for a broken back
10% for a busted knee
5 year post discharge mental evaluation for PTSD at 50% your base pay.

People are getting the shaft with IDES. I saw a guy with one eye get 30%.

You don't have to be a veteran to get disability from some bullshit excuse.

Rampant abuse of govt social programs doesn't really have anything to do with veterans.

$1,800/mo and $1,000/more BAH. People can hate all they want but my job saved lives and I'm in school so I can be still be productive instead of just applying for social security and getting even more money. I didn't ask for more from the VA, didn't make any appeals for a higher percentage. I did my job and served my country and they compensate for what I've lost in the process. It's a fair deal to me.

They don't make the system and it doesn't affect you either way. Would you rather that money going to niggers, rapefugees, or single moms?

Blacks should be getting more for reparations, not rednecks from the army who only oppress others.

this is the stupidest thing I've ever...

>sees flag


They awarded it to me, I didn't claim any bullshit or appeal anything, if I had I'd be getting double what I am now.