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I thought he was hilarious at first but then everyone hated him and now so do I and pretend I never found him funny ever.


what did he mean by this

>that year or two of high school when everyone did this in lieu of calling people retarded


I've always been ashamed to admit it, but I really enjoyed his standup specials, even after the whole Rogan thing. Same with Denis Leary, I hate them for stealing jokes but they do have better energy and delivery than most standups

the mid-2000s were terrible

You are sent to Hell and your punishment is to watch a terrible stand-up act for all eternity. Satan, proud of how little good you did on Earth, deigns to let you choose the comedian. He gives you these options:

Carlos Mencia. Jeff Dunham. Dane Cook.

Which is your pick?

Jeff Dunham.

at least he's a little creative with his shitty jokes.

Dunham. That's not even a difficult choice.

what the fuck happened to dane cook

>Carlos Mencia
>"Mexican comic"
>Literally a half-German, half-Honduran guy named "Ned Holness"

How the fuck did he even get as far as he did?

you forgot amy schumer

*elementary school

i dont know. wikipedia hasnt even updated his page in a year.

>"In 2015, Cook will star in the film 400 Days with Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, and Ben Feldman. The film is directed by Matt Osterman and is executive produced by Cook himself."


He's talking about comedians from a specific era, autist

He's busy attacking e celebs who don't want to watch the new Ghostbusters movie

middle school for me

>tfw got beat up because I didn't watch Carlos Mencia

embarrassing himself at improv sessions

>I was immediately struck by how tired he looked. Like one of those aging celebrities who shone only in the fading limelight of a talk show studio. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap, and harried in a way that made it seem like he’d gotten lost on the way to the show. Multiple times. But the worst part of all was that he felt like the punch line of a joke about rich people.

>The first words out of his mouth were “I’m loaded.” Not loaded like he’d sat down next to me and drank the entire contents of my 100-proof liquor smorgasbord. But loaded as in flush. With cash. After five minutes of making the paying audience feel like we were panhandlers plucked off the corner of Grand Street, he proceeded to yell at the lighting guy, demanding to know how many minutes he had of his set. He groaned at the answer, and then reminded us that he was double platinum. You could feel the air being sucked out of the room, as the primed-to-laugh audience tried to justify a snicker or two. It was like everything we had been setting up for had come crashing down. Kind of like the ending to Signs.

>It wasn’t so much that the comedy was bad. Which it was. It was lazy and slapped-together, and most of it was stale. But it was the ego of it all that was so off-putting. There was no heightening here, no comedy: only one man standing on stage, literally and figuratively looking down upon his audience. He ended the groan-worthy set with one final observation: that he could buy all of the burgers at In-N-Out. The subtext? “How would you like that, you lower-middle-class bunch of slobs? How would you like it if you didn’t have any more carbo-loaded Animal Style burgers to shove in your fat mouths?” Then, with an audible laugh at our expense, he ambled offstage. I have to give props to my fellow viewers: they were polite enough to clap.

he's letting you choose though and he knows no one would choose that

This. I enjoyed the show then found out about the hatred. Hard to enjoy when others don't.

what flyover hellhole did you grow up in?

This whole video is savage

I was young when I enjoyed the show. I also enjoyed Dane Cook, Jeff Dunham, and everyone from the "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" (even Larry the Cable Guy).
But now I can't even watch a minute of their standup. It's not because everyone else hates them. It's because they tell bad jokes.

maybe he's trying edgy performance art concept comedy and it was 3deep7u for that audience (dumb Californians amirite)

Why can't people dislike something without it being considered bandwagoning?

I never understood this argument. He looks fucking hispanic. Honduras is Mexican shit to me. Does it matter? He grew up like any poor Mexican American kid in California.

I pretended to like this show when I was 13 because the girl I had a crush on did. Shit was painful, one step above Dane Cook. Or below? Who cares, one of the two.

i always hated it so i feel vindicated

Spics mostly look the same. He probably figured it was close enough.

this is dane cook m8

Joe Rogan shits on guys cuz his stand up is weak af

Spics as in Mexicans look the same since they're all basically aztec rape babies

Spics as in Hispanic don't. There's white ones, black ones, the ones that you see in California are native american rape babies.

It depends on who the original Spanish Hispanics raped

he's not half-german. his dad is from Honduras and that's where he was born.

Eyy esse, they call me the PUNISHER

Ron White is still funny. He fucking carried those slobs.

he's what I imagine the Mexicans and South Americans on Sup Forums and Sup Forums who identify as white look like

It's funny how the crowd is on Carlos' side when Joe was still a nobody

rogan is such ass fake nigger


yeah he really didn't fit in with the others, imo. the others were southern, redneck trash, and he was just this old drunk guy who dressed in all black.

>calls mencia out and ruins his career
>supports amy schumer even though shes doing the same thing

>supports amy
>literally saying shes stealing bits and running out of ideas just like carlos


Not every person born in Mexico is a rape baby, especially in the northern territories of Mexico, mostly whites there. The more south you go, the more indigenous, blacks, mulattoes, and mestizos that you see.

jesus christ

This. Also funny how everyone still loves Amy Schumer

>uhhh jealous haters fall back
That never sounds not pathetic, Carlos, go back into hiding.

>mencia used to be the most successful comedian in the world

Truly the amy schumer of his time.

>spic gets a show
>his entire "comedy" revolves around his ethnicity
Really makes me think.

the rogan podcast with hannibal buress in it

Yepp, happened at my high school

Mencia was obviously stealing shit but it's funny how comedians are so quick to jump towards accusations of plagiarism, like their half-baked theories and opinions haven't been thought by thousands of others before

>he's not half-German, half of him is Honduran

This isn't surprising to me.

Carlos Mencia like Dane Cook, both got fucked over because they got famous around the time Comics started getting in to their own cliques and groups. If you aren't in that group, you'll get trashed and fucked by their jealousy. Comics from 2006 to now are the biggest hypocrites ever in the industry, they'll push their friends and say how great they are(That's why we have so many unfunny female comics now) but any that they don't really know that has as much fame as them or more they'll trash. The All Things Comedy Network Podcasts are a prime example of that. Sure there are a dozen or so that are decent, but you can tell some of them are being carried by the Network.

Dane Cook had his crowd that he catered too, Carlos Mencia too. Sure some people didn't find them funny but enough people did that they were able to be hugely successful. But the accusations and trash talk from other comics took them now. Its funny, that scene in Louie with Dane Cook. It was loosely scripted but it showed Louie as the true asshole he was. He should have come out and said something about the matter but he just let everyone else assume Dane Cook was a joke stealer.

>everyone who doesn't like someone is just jealous
How insecure do you have to be to believe this?

Bill Burr started with Dane Cook in Boston and said that the backlash was bullshit and he always respected his ability to crush onstage

it really was a blow to see that whole O&A crowd shill for her so much