Its not about respect its all about dominance

Its not about respect its all about dominance.

What did he mean by this.

Other urls found in this thread:

You have to bumfuck the dog to make it obey you

Mexican voodoo witchcraft

He was describing my sex life.

He means that dogs do not have the cognition of humans and we shouldn't treat them like people, but like dogs.

Take a look at this guy that works with hyenas
Hyenas are pretty similar to dogs in that regard, you have to play the game they play.

post the webm of him kicking the dog after getting bit

>Its not about respect its all about dominance.

>mfw people get mad at that.
He was so in the right there.

He really wasn't. It was obvious the dog wanted nothing to do with him, but hes so far up his own ass he didn't see it, then spazzed out on the dog in response.

>mfw a liberal nu-male cuck actually got mad at me and tried to lecture me for shouting at a dog that tried to bite mine

It wasn't even his dog, he was just one of those "i gotta put everyone in their place" vindictive libtards

and you stood there and took it like a bitch

He also actually adopted that dog because the owners wanted to put it down after that bite.
Ceasar was so in the right there.

Nah I shouted at him right back and called him a cuckold who gets off on watching his wife/gf have sex with other men

that's a true story

Ive heard Ceaser benches like 200 though.

>it's /an/ Cesar Milan troll moves to Sup Forums post

That's not bad for a manleto

I could bench you

I don't doubt it

Mfw i was shouted at because i grabbed a stick to defend myself from an aggresively barking stray dog
People are cray cray

That episode where that fucking white numale starts complaining about his methods.

Holy shit is this guy a beta faggot

I'm always curious what else the superior crowd thinks he should have done with a large dog attached to his arm.


Holy shit is that guy a faggot.

you would be doing the exact same


>I wanna help him and comfort him.
Why do so many weak people take dogs?


I actually feel sad for Ceasar Millan

>Why do so many weak people take dogs?
substitute for children

Wow they're like dogs

Nice nu-male meme. Children don't need half the dominance and assertiveness dogs do because children don't have big sharp teeth and lots of active muscle

Ok so what exactly did he do wrong here? What the fuck else are you supposed to do with a big dog gnawing the shit out of your hand?

Yeah well you go ahead and tell them that, those retards will always think it's a substitute.

Its the reason they take dogs in the first place-some desire to rehabilitate or rescue and take care of a living thing. They think "oh if I love this dog enough it will start to love me too." but dogs don't think that way. My sister brought home a pitbull and she got upset when I imposed myself on him.
Her need to nurture brought the dog in but I doubt she would have kept it long if I hadn't taught it discipline.

that dogo is bipolar as fuck
he was looking all cute and collected before biting

I've never seen a lab/ish dog be vicious. That dog is broken. Put it down.


He's from an older generation tho

>muh dogs

>Millan crossed the border into the United States without a visa when he was 21 years old and spoke no English.
>In May 2010, after his dog Daddy died in February and his wife filed for divorce in March, Millan attempted suicide.

dogs are shit

he is kanye west-tier

Lol I would've done the same shit even kicked harder

Can't let yourself be dominated as a human being

>yfw he adopted the dog that bit him cause the owners wanted to sacrifice her

>posts smug anime girl
>calls anyone else weak

> le animal life is equal to human xD

Is there any more KEKED person than this?

enjoy your brain bugs, catfag

How can one man be so based?



Hitler was an animal lover too, and he was the least cucked animal lover in human history. Do you nu-males always engage in doublethink?

I have 3 cats and no dogs. I would gladly trade them for one dog.

Labs a re responsible for a lot of dog bites. Not because they are vicious, just because they are so common and that happens with any dog sometimes

Hitler kept German Shepards because it was German, looked like a wolf and his nickname was 'the wolf'

The rest was propaganda to make him appear good in the public eye.

Fact is only weak and beta people 'wuv animaws xD'

Alpha people hunt them or kill them.

>Oh, that's fine, doggo friend. You have discovered my arm! Go ahead, rip it apart, it's no big deal. I've got another one.

punch it on the nose and watch it drown on its own blood

Show us a source for your claims, you emoticon using nu-male.


Nice nu-male speak, reddit.

Also Hitler's German shepherd was named Blondie, you mouthbreathing effete.

Do alpha people also post on an anime imageboard about how masculine they are in order to hide their latent homosexuality?

>Its not about respect its all about dominance.
Exactly the same for women unfortunately

>Being this insecure

Literally nothing wrong with having a dog as a bro.

it's a bit sad desu

Nowhere near as sad as a single male owning a cat for a pet.

So you beat up your sisters pet without her knowing, and you can't understand why she's mad?

>people seriously get upset over this
Yeah how about you have a dog snap jaw its teeth around your hand and just sit there and not do anything
Protip you fucking won't. You'll hit it as a reflex to stop it fucking hurting you.

Nothing wrong with owning a cat.

Congratulation, this is the dumbest post I've seen today.

of course, though cat owners don't use their pets to try to attract female attention in public, which is one of the saddest aspects of dog owners imho

> all these angry betas

>this mad nu male cuck

he sounds like he should be in BDSM show

>lonely as a kid cause we moved a lot
>closest friend from age 10-14 was dogbro
>lab/blue heeler mix
>overly-affectionate with people
>overly-anxious with other dogs
>would go batshit insane if we saw another dog while on a walk

Loved that dog but was weirdly aggressive on leash, I remember always getting really fucking nervous whenever I had to take her for a walk. She was also weirdly possessive of food always trying to steal from the table/garbage and getting defensive if you tried to take it. Had to put her down the day before Halloween because she ate one of my socks and it ruptured her intestines

So he's an illegal?

He means you have to take the knot.

Mad about what? For rekking you feminine betas so badly, you all sperg out and try to call me the nu-male?

I'm sorry m8 but you got triggered hard. Now go back to taking selfies with your wife's son, and 'wuvving cute animaws xD' like some sort of teenage female


>getting so triggered over my post

who would have thought a white lab would be the dog to do that, it's usually a black lab from a rough neighborhood

Don't mind the kick but what was he thinking reaching straight for doggu's face?



> being so triggered you just repeat yourself and spam reddit memes

Ah, feels good to win the debate.

Me 1

Animal loving beta cucks 0

Keep going you insecure faggot.

Jesus that sucks, bro.

Why didn't you pick up your room better?

don't (You) me, or my wife's son again :-DDDD

That's what I thought when I first saw this episode. Even the pits never bite him.



Me : 2

Animal loving beta cucks : 0

>dude I BTFOd you guys so hard kek lmao xD

>>cant provide a single source for his slanderous claims about Uncle Adolf


What else do you expect from animal loving reddit cucks?


The dog was a female and named Blondi, you fucking moron.

Nice try, kike. Hitler would never do something so feminine like you liberal faggot cucks.



>Blondi († 30. April 1945 in Berlin) war Adolf Hitlers Schäferhündin.
Know what that means, retard?

>why do i have the feeling i'm being baited by a very subtle australian

>She was also weirdly possessive of food always trying to steal from the table/garbage and getting defensive if you tried to take it.

you gotta give your dogs your table scraps, that way theyll know that if they chill they will probably get food. itl be the easiest way for them to get food so they wont bother actually working for it.

10 year old border collie, she doesnt even beg aside from laying down next to the table, but shes always near me anyways

he was training it to not freak out when someone touches its face