ITT: Characters who are literally you.
ITT: Characters who are literally you
McNulty is totally me
So... you got raped in prison, made a black friend, became tolerant, and watched your bother die from some gangbanger?
did chris know about this and adlib the line? or did one of the writers have the problem and give it to pratt?
desu this happens to me on the reg to the point of drawing blood, feel like it's a pretty specific problem you'd have to have experienced to know about
>Wings Hauser
"7 for all mankind. ...You boys ever seen a real pussy?" russel makes me kek hard
i hate this
i hate the forever poobutt
toilet paper starts to burn the butt hole as you attempt to get it clean. feels like the toilet paper turns back into the wood it was made from, causing your wipes to feel like splinter inducing lashes upon the bung part of the anus
You take a giant shit on something great just before it's finished?
this is why i only shit at home so i can wet the toilet paper in the sink before wiping. helps so much. only hurts when i have to do it dry.
>tfw couldn't have been born in a normal country that cleans their assholes with a bidet
fucking kek
>tfw ass hair
>not owning a bidet
Do you really expect a Sup Forums user to have actually watched the thing he's posting about?
eat rice
Maybe you should rethink your diet you fool.
When I get my throne back none of you frelling niggers are gonna be safe
Ok so I always wanted to ask this outside of my 'friends circle':
The way i was taught to clean my ass is the following:
>done poop
>take toilet paper, wipe ass until you see little to no poop
>take toilet paper, a little more this time, put a bit of water so it's p much half wet/dry
>add a squirt of soap
>wipe-- you'll definitely see more poop now
>now repeat wet/dry paper with no soap, then with soap, until there's literally no poop
>this takes about 4-5 rotations
>finally wipe dry
Is this too much?
My ass literally never smells because of this long ass procedure.
no idea, i dont really use toilet paper
once im done shitting i move over to my bidet at flush the poop off with water and use some good smelling gentle soap as a finale
Just use those flushable wet wipes you fucking mong.
two words
baby wipes
those flushable wipes are a marketed lie, be careful
my new roommate brought some with him and the house was clogged within a few months
the plumbers pulled out like 20 yards of twisted raglike stuff
that shit definitely does not disintegrate properly in water
>I hate the forever poobutt
>having a contained septic system
>not being on the city's system
How does it feel to be a hillbilly?
not a smart idea in terms of clog + environmental issues
what happens in public?
aside from ' i just don't poop in public ', you must've been put in that situation
then i use toilet paper, ive made the mistake to clog public toilets like on mcdonalds because ive used too much so i usually throw every other wipe in the trash can
>putting your stinky shit in the trash
you mongoloid fuck
jesus user, im not a savage i invert the paper before so the poop is on the inside
sans the ability to pull ass
i got my friends back
Is this show any good?
>tfw when sticky shit gets stuck in the ass hair bordering the anus and you can't quite locate it
The cannonball would just fall out
it's held back by ass hair
Very, yes. Watch 3 before you judge, takes that long for McBride to gel as Gamby and not KP2.0.
is that show any good?
I'd like to think of it as Sil laming it from New York to Norway.
It kind of wears out toward the end of the series.
huh. maybe i'll check it out. it comes up in my nf suggestions, but i don't trust nf reviews.
Ya but it's flawed. It's starting to find its stride but it still takes missteps that feel weird watching like pacing and stuff. You'll like it more if you're into Jody hill already but after a few episodes it gets better
I'm so lonely
Excellent file name
Except I've got less money
It's hard to say whether I identify more with Rust or Hannibal. Like both men I feel a great alienation from the world, and like Rust I feel most people do not understand me and I have a highly bleak and nihilist worldview. However, I do share Hannibal's appreciation for the fine arts and the ability to psychologically deconstruct all those around me. I don't believe Rust really has that skill. Also like both men, I am thoroughly trained in a variety of martial arts and I can hold my own in a large scale fight. Perhaps you could say I am the perfect balance of the two.
>Doesn't respect or understand social convention
>Irritable curmudgeon
>Can't stand most people
>Decent sense of humour
I don't remember either of those characters being so autistic though.
what is this from ? I heard good things about this show
Peep Show
The things you've heard are true
Or just use baby wipes and dont flush them.
me on the left if i'm being honest
You a supah ladee
Id ovelove to see his version of the joker. I bet hed be awesome.
Makes me want some whip-its