Which Orson Welles's films are worth watching?
Which Orson Welles's films are worth watching?
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AA AA AAHHH The french
All of them.
No that's too much. I need like 3-5.
I have limited quality time. Should i go for F for Fake?
Citizen Kane
The Magnificent Ambersons
Journey into Fear
The Stranger
The Lady from Shanghai
Mr. Arkadin
Touch of Evil
The Trial
Chimes at Midnight
The Immortal Story
F is for Fake
And "The Third Man", although he only acted in that film
watch all of them
I prefer Touch of Evil, The Magnificent Ambersons, but F for Fake is great, too. So is Citizen Kane, of course.
It's actually having a 30th anniversary re-release later this month.
citizen kane
>denigrating acting
Says who?
All of them in order but if you HAVE to narrow it down to the BAREST of essentials in some kind of gun to the head situation:
>Citizen Kane
>The Magnificent Ambersons
>Touch of Evil
>Chimes at Midnight
he only made like 11 completed features and most of them are classics, just watch all of them
>"Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen."
>Orson Welles
Why the fuck have I not seen this?
Thanks for thinking out loud.
It is definitely one of the most interesting Macbeth adaptations I've seen. Very minimalistic setting like a stageplay, yet it's filmed like an actual movie.
>nobody has mentioned his finest role, Necromancy
why is Sup Forums so awful
Don't leave. You're our only hope.
Literally who? Oh yeah, that guy who made one well known movie and is regarded an icon because of muh innovative camera angles.
The Magnificent Ambersons, Othello as uploaded here with its original soundtrack mixed and partly recorded by Welles youtu.be
- and F for Fake.
It's definitely interesting. For one thing it's super minimalist. Like cameras pointing at actors on a stage minimalist. Welles also cut and edited a substantial amount of the play including dialogue which at the time was hugely controversial but now is pretty much the norm. He lastly had the entire cast speak in "accurate" absurdly over the top Scottish accents.
It's worth a watch but it's not gonna deliver on the HOLY FUCK ORSON WELLES DOING MACBETH expectations that one would have when first hearing about it.
Nowhere close to Chimes of Freedom.
You mean Midnight. Freedom's a Dylan song.
Mah nigga
he blew his load on citizen kane and spent the rest of his life letting people stroke his ego and turning his money into food, and in turn turning that into fat on his person.
Got me. Chimes at Midnight.
No he didn't, see the rest of the thread.
This guy recommended Citizen Kane.
This is a near-perfect list. Bravo.
This is literally the opposite of true. He didn't give a fuck about Citizen Kane. He considered it a comedy. Anyone who knows anything about Welles knows Ambersons was the big one in his mind.
That's a slight exaggeration, but yes, The Magnificent Ambersons, had the studio not interfered with it, would have been like an American Visconti film avant la lettre, and Kane would probably be underrated.
I think people know how to scroll through a thread, buddy.