>Under the age of 25
>Gives opinion on any film
>Under the age of 25
>Gives opinion on any film
Well I mean.. they mostly watch capeshit so who cares
>Under the age of 25
>Thinks capeshit can be deep
>Over the age of 25
>Gives opinion on any film
Shut up your like 43 years old
>Over the age of 25
>Posts on Sup Forums
>Over 25
>Thinks his degrading brain can possibly appreciate all the sublime aspects of kino
>Becoming a film reviewer on youtube after failing at being a director
I'm 21 and have 100% watched more films than you.
>Over the age of 25
>Still on Sup Forums
>im sure by the time im 25 ill have better things to do!
If someone deliberately makes a bad movie - are you not allowed to call it bad?
I graduated high school in 05 and film school in 2010 I seriously doubt that.
>doesn't know a film a exists until RLM or Zod's snapped neck does a video about
>thread about why no-one ever talks about that film
>thread saying "well this film sucks"
fuck you, under-25s.
I'm 25 and I just posted on Sup Forums, did I like it?
this tbqhwy, it's pathetic
the future is now old man
>over the age of 25
>still doesnt understand the "Martha" scene
Millenials say everything sucks now.
All these triggered childs HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
So how was your 25th birthday yesterday OP?
None of you haven't even seen El Topo.
This board knows fuck all about film.
Shit nobody on this """""""film"""""board has even seen cafe society
Just 3 seconds on Google retard
ive seen both of those and im 10
Those not brave enough to fight or bright enough to create... report.
>thinking films have a deeper meaning instead of just being made of bullshit to make money
Low blow.
Oh I understand it
And its hilariously bad.
>Under the age of 25
>Gets triggered by a post on Sup Forums
Why is 25 the magic maturity age all of the sudden?
>29 replies 19 posters
>this guy not being a pathetic samefag
get fucked geezer
From 18-24 you're still in a teenage "I gotta party/drink every weekend" mentality. Op has a point.
Jesus dude im sorry, its not my fault you are still too young to understand true cinema
>over the age of 20
>hasn't grown out of hating le dumb "capeshit" yet
None of you know how to frame a shot.
complete retard you are
scientifically the age your brain stops developing.
>never made a movie
>gives opinion on any film
cameras have a grid so you can do it easily now you old fuck
The point couldn't have gone further over your head.
Im 32 and i still browse Sup Forums.
Im also a neet and i fap to traps.
>hasn't written at least 2 pages of criticism each for 1000 movies
>expects to be taken seriously
And you got dubs? Kek is so disgusting some times
>Over the age of 25
>posts on Sup Forums
>Oh I understand it
t. guy who didn't understand it
cheer up little guy, theyll drop eventually
I only post here to trigger all the kids that think they are film experts with "pleb" opinions.
you trigger no-one, not even yourself.