>yfw you realize the zodiac killer was real
wtf that shit actually happened? what a fucking madman
>yfw you realize the zodiac killer was real
wtf that shit actually happened? what a fucking madman
Other urls found in this thread:
North America truly is a scary place to live.
worse things have happened in america
ctfl+f beef stand if you don't want to read it all
I've read somewhere that the FBI estimated there are like hundreds of serial killers out there at any time.
Probably less of them now days due to so much technology everywhere making it easier to get caught.
That would make an excellent film or television show.
Any more?
>still no film about Albert Fish
What are some of the best movies/documentaries on the zodiac killer?
That Fincher film about him was scary as fuck, especially that beach scene. To think that there's actually people like that out there.
Zodiac is the most boring movie I have ever scene.
There's no beach scene in Zodiac wtf are you talking about?
The Lake Berryessa scene. The one OP's image depicts
That guy was a real jerk
is that the dude who would eat kids asses?
it should be allowed to killed normies
you see when I get bored I make up my own movie
fucking hell
wish whatever part of you that gets fucked up and makes you do this kind of shit would motivate you to go after guys like Soros.
That guy explained his motivation, his crack whore wife absconded with his son while he was out trucking, so he made it his life's mission to kill and eat all crackwhores. George Soros did nothing to this guy. Crackwhores did though
Thank you unleaded petroleum.
Post essential serial killer kino
>making it easier to get caught
Pic unrelated
Why do I keep hearing this is a hoax? So it is legit?
I love Sup Forums serial killer threads. Does it say about when the discourse comes down to whether or not X killer's crime would make a good story?
besides Soros is a hard target, a lot of people just tend to pick on whoever is convenient
>Probably less of them now days due
to Sup Forums and other outlets for depravity
I'm serious
>Does it say about when the discourse comes down to whether or not X killer's crime would make a good story?
quite a bit, but i think tv/film people already do this.
>far left
>Sup Forums
You do realize Sup Forums is a containment board, right?
Nobody likes you, even this place is more Reddit than Sup Forums nowadays.
You must be new to 4chin, what wing do u think pol was when bush was president
Christ, i really need to read my posts first, I'm surprised you found it legible.
not entirely true, but even if it were Sup Forums would hardly be far left and shill o'reilly calls anything he dislikes far left
Go watch Long Pigs
>Sup Forums
>when bush was president
Kill all niggers, Jews and spics , new crusade when ? This time let us kill all the faggots,muslims and liberal, Hitler did ,nothing wrong,The crusades were humanitarian aid,Cleanse Purge Kill, woman should be kept below man, Does this trigger you Reddit cuck ? Does it trigger you more the fact that is all NECESSARY?
About 1 in ten people are functional sociopaths user
I got a friend whose father is the local police homicides unit chief, he always tells me there's loads more homicides than people think cause they're not in the media, but mostly related to organized crime or people who get rid of family members, nowadays it's way harder for serial killers to get a kill spree cause of tech, that alone dissuades most psychopaths and sociopaths cause they're really scared of getting caught.
he sounds like z rated super villains
If you just wanna get your rocks off and see what it's like, I bet you could get away with one murder provided you planned it out properly and didn't shit where you eat.
Random isolated cases go cold all the time.
Well that's the thing, if they only kill once there's less probability of fucking up cause they'll be real careful and plan everything to perfection.
Like Bundy said when you do it once, twice you do everything really carefully but when you get engulfed in it you start getting sloppy cause it becomes like a drug.
>The state of Maryland overturned the death penalty for this guy.
Makes me ashamed to share a border with those faggots.
I remember that picture of the girl in the skeleton of some wooden structure in a green field. She was in a black dress, and heels. Her arms were stretched out, palms open in a defensive stance. Her face, her face is what got me. I'm no badass, but I hope the guy that killed her got what was coming to him.
lmao @ this nigga
fucking serial killers and their shitty fetishes
Sup Forums was far-left at the time though.
Most of the posters have aged and gotten out of the "edgy anarchist" stage, now they are "edgy libertarians" or "edgy alt-right".
Why do you think we hate gun control?
i thought that was a picture of winona ryder being cute
Soros shrouds himself, he's rarely seen in public.
have spree killers/mass shooters overshadowed serial killers?
lmao nigger, Sup Forums IS Sup Forums at this point, our memes spread far and wide. you believe in the Sup Forums fair tales m8 ? You're in one
recommended reading for serial killer spooks
>cringe: the post
keep crying reddit.
Sup Forums is effecting a real life U.S presidential election and you're here crying about "muh containment board"
mass shooters got too much advantage since they're not scared of dying, normal serial killers don't wanna get caught
>watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
>look it up for trivia facts and whatnot
>turns out it actually happened
>spend years planning the order, the how, and the timing that I will kill someone
>check to see how the detectives are progressing on my case
>they're all busy with some fucking whiney teenager that killed a bunch of kids in a school
fucking hell.
Jesus fuck, mate, drink your juicebox, you're getting cranky.
You don't seem to understand, this is OUR board and OUR website
let me shitpost if I want you fuck what are you the internet police
>not a beach scene
Would the person who objected to the characterization of this scene as a beach scene please clarify their objection? Because there was sand and water.
This guy's post makes ZERO SENSE. It's like he didn't watch the movie and has no idea what he's talking about.
Let's hash this out, there was a beach scene in the movie Zodiac and no one can deny it.
Sup Forums has an owner kiddo, his name is Hiroshima Nagasaki and he is a very powerful and respected internet genius.
That's CYBER police to you, kid.
You do realize he has no chance of winning now, right?
He's the least popular candidate in decades except for the white redneck.
>this is what cucks actually believe
I'm going to screenshot your post and post it everywhere when he wins :-)
i wonder if any serial killer ever posted on Sup Forums
But back to the zodiac...
They seemed to indicate in the movie the killer was that ex Navy cryptologist they just didn't have enough to prosecute him.
Either way he's long dead now im sure but someone like him would probably leave a written confession to be found after death.
but he is going to win
even the (((polls))) are swinging in his favor
hes traveling to other countries and meeting with leaders while Hillary can't make a speech longer than 30 minutes.
He's already President, this is the acceptance stage of denial for people like you.
sick grandeur dude
ahhh stop traumatizing me
its not grandeur when the Democratic candidate makes a speech about Nazi Twitter Frogs
Gary Johnson is the next US president. Screencap this post.
you need this one fellas
>Hillary can't make a speech longer than 30 minutes.
that is fine i rarely want to listen to anyone drone on for 30 minutes
I already have more than 100 images from delusional Trumpweenies for the day your meme clown loses.
Except they aren't, retard.
His trip to Mexico was only because the Mexican president is an idiot and the entire world saw his visit as a disgrace, except obviously for retarded Trumpweenies.
Actually come to think of it his last crypto letter was never decrypted so the police may already have his confession.
>mass shooter
>2 people
What a fucking failure
>zodiac thread
>just a bunch of americans arguing about their freak show election
>the entire world saw his visit as a disgrace
what makes you say that? I'm a euro and i saw a guy making an attempt at presidential posturing while hillary is basically in hiding.
and another thread derailed because Sup Forums was mentioned
>Except they aren't, retard
its already happening
>inb4 you post RCP average which is bullshit since they use polls from 2 weeks ago
I get the feeling the whole "he/she had a messed up childhood, " is a societal coping mechanism when confronted with these types of people . Where does this meme come from? Is there any truth to it? Mind you, I'm looking at it from a storytelling perspective.
He sounds like an alpha male.
Don't see the problem. People who kill prostitutes clean up the community.
That's one dawk nigga
If its not statistically proven, its bullshit.
>le european edgy Trumpweenie
You're irrelevant.
So polls are ok now? I thought Sup Forums hated them since they are "rigged " against their meme clown
There's another Zodiac thread on Sup Forums. Let's all migrate there.
Honestly, I don't even feel bad. The only women I could ever sympathize with are those in my direct family.
> you only qualify for the death penalty if you kill and rob your victim
> if you leave their belongings on them you don't qualify
... What?
That's why abortions are cool with me
i'm irrelevant but when libtards mention "the world" they usually just mean europe.
Imagine living here, fucking every single hour of every single day you hear about Trump or Hillary, every sort of discussion degenerates into Trump vs Hillary, it's horrible, so fucking horrible
>Where does this meme come from? Is there any truth to it?
There's 2 types of serial killers, the sociopaths who had a good childhood and are just looking for a new way to feel excitement example: Bundy.
And the other type are people who got abused as kids and want to harm other people to make them feel what they felt.
Sup Forums posters are cancer leave Sup Forumseddit
Sup Forums is the chemo saving us from reddit-kind
>"we need to catch up to the rest of the world!"-people who are unaware that the vast majority of the rest of the world has it much, much worse than we do.