Westcoast or Eastcoast?

Westcoast or Eastcoast?

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West du


Just fagot

Nigger noise is nigger noise regardless of location.

Kys fagot


It's called coon tunes

Fuck you and your racist limited mind

south coast represent

Biggie smalls > Shitpac faggot

As long as the females look like this. Who carez?

I don't fuck nigglets

Eastcoast obviously.

People on the west are schumbags and are fake as fuck. The weather is shit and they don't even have good pizza.

The weather is amazing, idk what you're talking about

3 Coast :)

Not everyone wants to live in hot sweaty ass weather 24/7. Some people actually like the change in seasons.


Shit bro, Western Washington is gorgeous and rainy and nice. Genuinely cool during summer and winter. Not too hot or too cold. And if you want too hot or cold, then you just go on vacation.

I'm talking about to live. The only place really worth checking out is California which is always hot. It's not the kind of place people would want to live or the kind of people you'd wan't to hang around.

Why would anyone wan't to live in Washington?... It's Washington. Plus people aren't exactly going crazy about living in Oregon or Nevada either. West Coast just isn't a great place to live.

Nah nah, Washington is a wonderful place to live. Sure it doesn't have a lot of fancy huge cities other than Seattle if you count that, but the hikes and natural beauties are amazing. I live in Washington, and I don't think I would ever want to live in any other state.

Well you're being bias. I like rain but I don't want to live in a place where it's constantly rainy and muggy. If I did, I'd move to a shithole like England.

>Washington is a wonderful place to live.

Maybe if you're a numale liberal donkey asshole licking fuck which is probably 99 percent accurate judging by how many numale faggots post in faces of Sup Forums.

>I don't think I would ever want to live in any other state.

Because you're too poor, faggot. You're probably homeless and shitposting under I-5 in your little homeless village.

Washington has mountains, rainforest, desert, bay area, hiking, diving, plains, like literally every kind of environment.

I live on the West Coast.
Nearly everyone I know gets stoned regularly except for the educated folks.
Don't live here unless you want to be around legally tarded stoners.

Fuck outta here

Who hurt you hahaha you'd be surprised, there's a lot of libertarians here too, like myself.
Exactly. You just gotta love it. So environmentally diverse.

West Coast





Homie I'm talking about the land, not the people

Why dose it matter the niggers are all the same specie's


Which coast do you live on, OP? I choose the opposite one.