What does Sup Forums think of Pan's Labyrinth?
What does Sup Forums think of Pan's Labyrinth?
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One of my all time favorites. It's almost perfect imo
Really nice desu
religious people understand that what we see happen actually happened while fedoraflipper faggot atheists think it was all in her head
Narnia for degenerate spanish speakers
Ofelia a cute
great flick, good sound design senpai
What the fuck was his problem?
Legitimately great, it can work as a heroic tale in a dystopian setting or a story about an idealistic little girl who can't accept reality. I think of it as the former, but it perfectly accomplishes the latter also. Of course, the visuals and music are also amazing.
Great movie, really outstanding and unique. I like how fucked up and dreamlike it is but still fairly whimsical and fantastic. It's a good journey, a well told story.
Don't want to start a new thread but I remember this movie kind of like pan's labyrinth but it was way more insane and took place almost entirely in some weird dream dimension.
I thought it was called Fantasmagoria, maybe with a Ph, but not sure. Also thought it came out like sometime past 2000, the effects were really good. But i can't find anything about it, this bullshit marilyn manson film is all i can find about it. Did it disappear from this timeline?
Devil's Backbone > Pan's Labyrinth > Chronos > Hellboy > Pacific Rim > Blade > Crimson Peak
Mirror Mask?
I haven't seen Devil's Backbone or Chronos, but why no hellboy 2? I always thought that was legit better then hellboy 1.
cheap imitation of the story it was based on
Holy shit this might be it dude thanks a lot!! If this isn't it it's definitely very similar
In the proper order...
Pan's Labyrinth
The Devil's Backbone
Crimson Peak
Hellboy 2
Pacific Rim
Blade 2
u wot m8
Hellboy and Pacific Rim are better
People like you are a cancer to society
you know me, love a good movie with a loli lead !
He didn't like terrorists
Shallow, unfrightening pleb garbage. You need to go back.
It's very good.
It is one of the worst movies of all time. It's Stranger Things with spics.
looks like olivian munn.
>Plebshit: The Subtitled Movie
Why do subtitles trigger Americans?
Ofelia a cute
>el laberinto del fauno
>pan's labyrinth
Why the fuck did they translate it like this?
Because they have been obsolete since the 1920s. Why should I read a fucking movie? It's a personal insult to cinematographers.
>Yeah, you know those beautiful vivid images you labored painstakingly over for months? Yeah, the audience is going to ignore them in favor of reading a rough translation written by a hack with a community college foreign language degree.
Does it seriously take you that long to read the ten words on screen at a given time?
Because pan's labyrinth sounds better than the faun's labyrinth in english
Because it sounds better than Faun's Labyrinth, why else?
If you aren't judging everything in life politically first and foremost then you are a pathetic coward. We're on the brink of extinction. Everything other than politics is completely trivial. There is "cuck" and there is "uncuck" and nothing else matters. And reminder that by remaining apathetic you are implicitly associating yourself with the former in this dichotomy.
We are backed into a corner fighting for our lives. No time to sit back and enjoy the monster designs.
eeesh. what a life you must lead.
oh fuck off, we're trying to discuss serious things here.
Ofelia has cute lips
So you're just a paranoid faggot who can only enjoy things when he's being blatantly pandered to inside a hugbox? Gotcha.
There's The fall (great movie too, btw) and Ink.
Enjoyment is asinine. This is a fight for survival.
I just watched it today actually. I spent the whole time wondering if someone called Pan was gonna be in it until the end when it showed the spanish title and I realise it just meant the faun.
It wasn't what I was expecting but I liked it a lot. I thought it was going to be a slightly creepy fantasy movie for kids like Labyrinth and not full on dudes getting their faces mashed in. I'd seen pictures of the baby eater for years and always figured he talked to Ofelia but he was great as just a monster. There was this really classic kind of minotaur feel to his setup.
I usually err on the side of "it actually happened" with this kind of story because I think it's boring if it didn't.
I wish I could live in a cosy house with Mercedes and Ofelia in spain.
The original Spanish title refers to the fauns of Roman mythology, while the English, German, and French titles refer specifically to the faun-like Greek deity Pan. However, del Toro has stated that the faun in the film is not Pan.[5]
It's retarded.
Probably my favorite movie of all time.
The acting is more impressive if you know the history of the leads, the Captain had only ever been in comedies and Mercedes always played vapid sexy characters.
It was a satire... get it.
You're doing a great job waging the war behind your keyboard, guy.
The perferct "fantastic" movie for me. You don't know if you should be in awe or scared shitless. Both, probably. Watch it in spanish, you'll get the most of it.
By the way, wasn't there talks of Del Toro doing At the Mountains of Madness?
>Enjoyment is asinine
>This is a fight for survival
>I shitpost on Bangladesh cartoon imageboards for survival
>I am on a movie board, even though enjoyment is asinine
I was so fucking disapointed in Crimson Peak. Christ, what could have been indeed.
Internet memes are playing a large part in white extinction. You can trivialize this place all you want. The memetic battleground is a major theater of war in the modern age.
Crimson peak >>>> all else
Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
That's the gayest fucking thing I've ever read.
The scene where he crushes that kid's face in with bottle is pretty fucked up
Feminism, nu-maledeom and the glorification of BBC in their modern incarnations are all primarily fueled by internet memes.
Disappointment in Crimson Peak is indicative of someone who missed the point entirely. I take it that you fell victim to the notion that it was supposed to be a scary horror film?
Who's trying to kill you?
Lumping feminism in with all that is proof that you get all your information and ideas right here. Sounds to me like YOU are the problem.
Imagine being so starved for attention you post bait about memes on a thread about a film which is essentially apolitical but points out that the structure of fascism invites people to be unfeeling and violent to those below them in a hierarchy. And imagine being a moron like me who actually gets baited into giving you a (You).
idk wasnt this like the first part in a trillogy or something. like it goes
>pans labyrinth ->sucker punch-> name yet to be determined
so without seeing all 3 of them its hard to say if it was good or bad
Nice meme. Even going into this film having heard Del Toro's qualifiers and apologies and knowing it was going to be a gothic romance instead of a horror it still wasn't a compelling film outside of the visual design.
I'm Sup Forums as fuck and I think it's a piece of shit
>Trying this hard to turn something into an argument about religion.
>Bring mad other people believe different things than you.
Wow, you're right, everyone should be more like you.
You disagree that modern feminism is fueled by the internet?
You disagree that feminism is a threat to the white race?
I fell victim to the fact that a good, coherent universe and wonderful imagery doesn't make for a good story. I expected to be taken on a journey of beautiful outworldly experiences, not a predictable string of tropes.
it's too bad she's stuck doing a shitty mtv show
You're literally just spouting buzzwords that get spammed here every day and nowhere else. Nothing you say will ever be taken seriously.
The battle for the white race is happening on your doorstep but your head is buried too deep in the sand for you to even engage with it. If you wouldn't sacrifice your life to protect against those threats I listed then you are part of the cuck machine and I am asking you to leave.
>still doing it
I'm not going anywhere and you can't do anything about it. :^)
Haha what a paranoid nut right?
I'm with her.
I am a hero and you are a coward. Even if we lose I will take pride in the fact that I fought against my extinction instead of implicitly ushering it along with a braindead smile on my face like you.
If you are on the brink of exctinction you probably shouldn't be watching decade old movies for political content
its an anglo thing, i've literally never heard someone else say - this movie is too *place political orientation here*.
Don't forget to buy your water filters!
Please tell us tales of your brave endeavors, oh heroic one.
They just have a hyperinflated persecution complex, it's the only reason I can imagine.
cute. CUTE!
One of my favorites. There's something so imaginative and rich about the setting.
Absolutely nothing
Might be "The Cell".
Damn, somebody else than me likes Crimson Peak!
Why are you unemployed?
feel actually happy that I got to see it in a theater when it released with friends.
One of my genuinely good memories that has no negative aspect about it at all.
those are literally all dicks around a skeleton
I also saw it at the local kino and thought it was a magical experience. I hate saying this but the sound and labyrinth/character designs were amazing. As soon as Ofelia saw the faery buzzing around the tree I felt I could be watching a special movie. Pic related in a cinema was glorious.
I know people like to speak higher of The Devil's Backbone but I don't think it's in the same league as PL, which is probably my second favourite film of all time.
it's a trio then. I also love this movie.
is this a good movie to watch high? never seen it before.
No, it's a smart movie.
It's a good film to watch not high, you piece of shit stoner.
its an enjoyable movie for anyone who has not seen the devils backbone
but if you have seen it, you will notice how much lesser of a piece of art it actually is
the stuff like the guy getting his face smashed in front of his crying father was unnecessary and was just a needless assault on the viewer to push corny politics that ultimately were just indulgent plot devices for a movie rather than changing anything in real life anyway
(plus it failed anyways in swaying me from being a kind of partial fascist so lol)
It's one of the few films that I don't even want to criticise, it's just too damn close to flawless. That scene with that weird pale thing was overwhelmingly good, such a strong, expressive scene in which everything that's great about that movie comes together and forms perfection. For that scene alone the movie is worth watching.
I doubt the film about the horrors of real fascism was intended to sway keyboard warriors born in a democracy which allows them to spout idiotic views.
If spanish is degenerate, then what is english?
Because it's a shittier language in every possible way it can be.
>the stuff like the guy getting his face smashed in front of his crying father was unnecessary and was just a needless assault on the viewer to push corny politics that ultimately were just indulgent plot devices for a movie rather than changing anything in real life anyway
In the context of the film I took it as necessary for showing how unpleasant the real world is in order to make the retreat into the fantasy world a greater contrast. I also wondered if that moment was a nod to Irreversible.
yeah, the facists would never do that. heh
how about sticking to an ideology that isnt so easy to "misrepresent"
"wasn't there talks of Del Toro doing At the Mountains of Madness?"
Yeah, he's been talking about doing that for like 5-6 years. It was in pre production at one point iirc but it got cancelled by the studio. Right after that Del Toro signed on to the hobbit, but he quit that (probably when he realised it was gonna be shit) and did Crimson Peak instead.
>no hellboy 3
>no At the Mountains of Madness
>no recent HP Lovecraft adapted works
iirc He delayed working on At The Mountains of Madness because of Prometheus and the similarities between the two. Just think, we could have had GOAT At The Mountain of Madness instead of the ambitious, occasionally pretty and entertaining mess that was Prometheus.
There's a Lovecraft anthology series being made as we speak.
Yeah that's right, although after the delay I think the studio cancelled it eventually
Maybe it's just confirmation bias, but it seems to me that Del Toro gets his projects fucked over by the studios a lot more than other prominent directors
The dudes a cinematic genius, let him do what he wants