Why do Chinese people get so much pleasure from torturing animals?

Why do Chinese people get so much pleasure from torturing animals?

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We should have extended the opium wars and extinguished that part of the Asian continent.

Animals ain't shit but food and skins.

No empathy. I feel sorry for them.

>Sup Forums actually believes asians are the same level as whites

They're Chinese; it's in their DNA. All of the smart Chinese left for America anyway.

Subhumans that lack the empathy gene.

Pick one

You're retarded.

Probably similar to this: youtube.com/watch?v=NADEKHmwbXE

No empathy, no creativity or critical thinking skills that require more than memorized facts etc. Basically shitty robots.


Trust me. By the time I get to 10 you will rage.

Chinese don't have emotions


Meanwhile you hippocrites eat pigs, an animal that is just as intelligent as a dog. They are intelligent, affectionate animals when treated properly, just like a FUCKING DOG. YOU FUCKING MONSTERS!


This. 大陸人 are the scum of the earth.


t. Zhang Lao



The common chink is devoid of all emotion

stop!!! poor little bugger! Dont let his only reason for existence to be to bring about more hate and cruelty. :(


6 is at 7

and before you accuse me of being muslim, here's a picture of ducks being treated like shit.

Not just Asians eat duck, plenty of western dishes call for a bit of amphibious bird as well.

awww hes just taking a bath in koolaid. Cute little fella!




Why these subhuman mongoloids decided to take pictures to commemorate this cruelty is mind-boggling

Why do the Chinese have such soulless eyes? They're like robots

Ok, so they hang it and gut it or whatever. There are worse ways to die, and frankly, I regret ever seeing them.

they're worst than me and i'm a piece of shit.

bon appetit

What a joyous occasion, indeed.


whites have gigantic compounds where they keep animals stuffed in small cages cut off their noses without anesthesia and have them marinate in their own shit


I grew up in Britain and honestly everytime I come back to China I get reminded how cruel and soulless my race is

Niggers get more sympathy than wild animals here



Not this fucking thread again. The last one was traumatizing enough.


Please stop posting dead animals

I see enough dirty homeless dogs everyday, I just want to come on pol and laugh at Muslims and niggers


>Bon appetit
Chinese and Asians in general are slave to their appetite - and there's this overall believe that the tastiest meat are ones that are freshly killed and thru blood lost.

Chinese are stuck in the 17th century. In China I once saw two grown men brutally stomping a woman outside in broad daylight. There was a circle of people just watching them.

inb4 >why didn't you stop them

When you're in a foreign country it's best to not stck out

indians are poo
chinese are piss

They have bigger dicks

Then you should bail china bro
Btw nice dubs



Because Chinese people lack the very basic things that make humans what we are and that is compassion.

And it's not that they just treat animals like shit, they treat each other like shit too.

The Chinese are a cancer and should be wiped out.

Found the sheep fucker

I honestly believe the Chinese are incapable of feeling certain emotions.


The animals have bigger dicks I meant to say

Sounds like a Sup Forums wet dream, to be totally honest with you.

TBDESU, I don't see a real problem here. The Chinese eat dogs, that's common knowledge. So to them, slitting the throat of a dog is undoubtedly as common and unremarkable as someone in the USA cutting the head off a chicken. And I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can find pictures of Americans decapitating chickens - or butchering all manner of other animals for that matter.

The real reason people are repulsed by those pictures is that dogs are smarter than chickens.

While I'm not a vegetarian, I personally don't believe humans should arbitrarily decide to eat just any animal they find tasty. I don't think animals who display intelligence AND emotion should be eaten. So generally, I do find people eating dogs to be offensive.

But you have to respect other people's cultures.

I'm a British citizen but I'm Chinese and I'm only here for 3 months

I honestly don't like Chinese people in general, they are rude uncivilised barbarians

Exactly meat eaters who bitch about chinks eating dogs deserve to be burnt alive at the stake.


Best not to throw stones when your own house is made of glass senpai.
>torturing chickens is fine
>torturing pigs that are smarter than dogs is fine
>torturing cows is fine
It's fucked up, but it's their country and it's their resources.

Yep. I've seen my fair share of public pissers in China. Men, children, women, young, old, doesn't matter. I've even seen moms hold their kids above a trash can so they can drop a deuce.

pick one

I mean as in bail on the thread
Get out the thread you know ?

>being this buttpained

All I see are people just eating food and fishing.

>b-but muh barking jew!
Eating dog in China is just another animal such as alligator, deer, chicken, ect
>b-b-but dolphins are smart, they talk n shiet!
Dolphins are literally over sized tuna

Do they breed dogs like we breed pigs/cows?

Yeah there's lots of signs and boards that says don't piss here and you can clearly see piss stains just below the signs

While there's no designated shitting streets, people still shit on the ground

It builds character and numbs us. Meanwhile the good white cuck out of his own selflessness invites Jamal and Mohammad to rape his wife and daughters. It's 2016. You have lost white boi, you had the world and threw it away. Now go in the cuck shed and die quietly. We chinese are the inheritors, once you're gone we won't be so kind to your former nigger pets. The dumb apes would pray to have you back once we are done strip mining their continent.


>guy who did it felt bad
>was just doing his job
>will be working to deal with similar situations better


I'm about to cuddle with my dog and eat a nice steak taco. Fuck

>implying we aren't cucked by niggers in the same degree Mike up there is

Mainland is importing niggers and chinks are actively breeding with niggers

They do as a matter of fact.

Chinks have no soul. They're disgusting overbreeding insects.

Yes but beating that dog to death in front of it's owner is different.

In the US for example we eat pigs, so it would be fairly normal to see images of Americans taking pleasure in killing a pig. However if an American man had a pig as his best friend, and went everywhere with that pig, beating it to death in front of him would be pretty fucking repulsive.

I don't think people would be okay to just stand around and watch that, it wouldn't be tolerated at all.

Maybe this is just the perspective of a bleeding heart vegetarian, but I'm vegetarian for health reasons mostly so I think not.

All of Asia need to be extinguished my friend, not just china.

Especially India

>freshly killed and bleed
Blood left in meat spoils it faster and fresh is always best.

Yes, but the only problem atm is people getting their pets stolen because there aren't too many regulation in place atm in China. It's also an isolate problem too.

Why do you ameribros keep laughing at us when you guys are one of the most cucked nations on the planet, I know we are being cucked but no where near as you.

You as a white nation elect a nigger amd have less than 80% white and you are doing fuck all about it

Can you go into the after life and tell your ancestors you let slaves take over your country?


Ditto to this. For each barbaric asian, there is another asian who is disgusted and ashamed by the first. We want to genocide them as much as you do too.

Each race has its bad apples, you should care more about your SJWs crowds since they are actually around you and let us care about soulless barbaric asians who live no where near you.

this is unironically coming from a white whose people slaughter pigs and cows mercilessly by the billions every year

i dont' even know what to say

get fucked

you're an idiot if you think this is just a chinese problem.

LOL big words for a 5'5 yellow-skinned nerd with a 3 inch dick. China will fucking implode before that ever happens.

china hell on earth
people are poor as fuck
working 24/7 with shitty stressful jobs
They literally had it so bad from the day they were born they become emotionless

Please, the mainland keeps them up in secluded hovels and treats them like the garbage they are. Only nigger/chinese pairings I've ever seen have been chinese guys and nigger girls. The difference is that the white cucks have been raised their entire life to suck nigger dick. Everyday they are blasted by media telling them to feel sorry, once the white race crumbles and their streets run red with blood, no chinese will trust the nigger. These are great times ahead for us.

Keep saying that to yourself, Trump will save America.


Sick, sick, sick...

>catcuck shitposting about dogs

Checks out

they think an animal tortured right before its execution tastes better.

even if this is true for some fucked up reason, i'm sure the taste difference isn't large enough to warrant torturing animals.

ah well, Sup Forums eats tortured animals all day long.

>>>/vegan/ 4 lyfe phagg0ts!

Please. Dogs are dirt sluts that will hump anything that moves. You only like them because cats have standards that are too high for you to meet.

>Chinks trying to compare chickens to dogs

Dogs are a product of human intervention and domestication of wolves for companionship and mutual beneficial relationships, they didn't exist in nature and are a predator made by us. We didn't kill them, nor do we kill other peoples pets, like peoples pet pigs and turn them into bacon because they have a bond with them. Chinks have failed to grasp this simple concept because they lack the intellect to think outside of the box. It's why they cannot innovate well and copy their shit from everyone else. It the same spectrum of retarded chink bullshit.

How do you prove that a pig is more stupid than a dog?

The chinese have no empathy because their existance is so hellish compared to you pampered, white, cucks.

Someone who works 16 hour days -7days a week in order to survive does not have the luxary to care about the rights of animals. Do you think your warrior/farmer ancestors gave a shit about how dinner felt?

While we're crying about stray dogs, chinese are eating dinner and dominating global markets.

Eat or be eaten.

A Chinese manbug tortures a caught badger with fire.

Only sociopaths get pleasure from animal cruelty

get fucked dog eating chink.

Well I'm not saying it's okay to beat a dog to death in front of its owner. I'm talking about the pictures of dog-butchering and eating, which is something I don't enjoy seeing but not something I'm prepared to judge as immoral.

I've got a border collie. That dog is smarter than me. Seriously. It's impossible for me to fathom someone beating him to death in front of me.

I can tell you one thing - if anyone ever does it, they better kill me too.

Really it's just one more reason not to go to China. I'll add it to my list of 10,000 other reasons.

I recommend the whale restaurant in shibuya