Is this kino?
Is this kino?
Sup Forums hates blacks and anything popular and critically acclaimed so no
nigger xd
But Sup Forums loves The Wire and Chapelle's Show
Why is everything about blacks involved with music or rap ... Like goddamn nigga get over it theres more outer than rap shit.
that's all their "culture" has
rap music
being a gang banger
some sports
that's it. that is their entire world.
it's no wonder 99% of all american blacks are worthless scumbags
Because they're uncreative. There's a reason why in the top 50 highest-grossing movies of all time not a single one was created by black people.
They like to depict themselves as America's cultural backbone, but when it comes down to it there's a reason why they do lots of crying to demand inclusion in what whites are doing instead of coming up with their own shit.
Won't watch it because of the way Glover fucked Community and stabbed those people in the back for a show that didn't even begin filming until Community was long over.
The same way Sup Forums likes American history x. It takes what it wants from it
Blacks are fucking animals
>Chapelle show
Black guy confirms stereotypes that I have.
Blacks are musical geniuses. Sure there's a lot of trash but they've always been the innovators.
Whit music is mostly bland shit, there's a reason whites (especially unbiased youth) have always listened to black music from the negro jazz musicians to Kanye. Who gravitates to white music anymore? Rock is dead, probably because whites hijacked it.
lol you havent seen many threads about The Wire then
>Because they're uncreative
That's not true at all. Almost every single trend/meme/dance you've seen in the past 10+ years has been curated by blacks. White people steal it to make it their own.
I'm white btw
Everything Sup Forums hates is kino
I think you are mistaken. Wire threads are actually really good. I haven't seen people shouting the usual muh niggers shit in Chapelle threads either
I'm so excited for this show desu
Not all Sup Forums is crossposting Sup Forums faggots like yourself
Probably. Donald's music video's are pretty kino.
Half asleep my bad.
I liked most of 'The Boy' videos that accompanied Because the Internet.
The script was balls though.
Looks good. Donald is a decent actor
Can baboons do anything besides rap and dance?
Also was anyone forced to watch this trailer?
How much woman beating was there?
Folk music is stereotypically white, as is indie, as is house/electronic, as is pop generally, all things that are replacing rap on the radio
kanye is garbage though and samples white artists
>black music
>rap or hip hop
>white music
>everything else
Dats gay, uncle tom cracka ass foo. Real niggas don't advance in society.
Mainstream black artists are being pushed super hardcore because its what people (mostly little girls) are buying. This twitter culture of YAS QUEEN SLAY propogated by white 16 year old girls is the main money making demographic being targeted here and its basically creating a drone army of hiveminded personal money printing machines for the West/Kardashian crime family.
I think artists like animal collective are much more talented and positive than the likes of Beyonce and Kanye, but unfortunately they dont have a swarm of social media influence that is literally steerimg our culture down the drain
Beyonce shits gold as far as we are concerned. If we dont like her we must dislike every woman of color and must be voting for donald trump too
nigga everyone loves the wire
There's thousands of artists way more talented than them. They're barely even artists, they're frauds with a huge machine behind them
t. enlightened metalhead
Godye Ble$$ed is the best artist in the past 100 years
This is an 18+ board
That would be like giving the lab rats credit for being test subjets
I'm open to a ghetto slice of life, and Dong Lover has been pretty good in the past. As long as they don't hamfist in BLM overtones I don't see anything inherently wrong with it.
please look up the origins of house, or even pop (r&b) music for that matter
Are you that same fag in the Chapelle thread?
Can you fuck off
>thinks Oreo Gambino is a good rapper
White people lmao
Are you serious lmao
Get the fuck out you failure
Suck my dick, nigger
they made this same movie 3 times this is the 3 third one.
I'm not a nigger, nigger
It's KANGo
Wew a show about talking fast about money and whores getting a good score. Thanks for reminding me RT is shit.
I'm worried about the writing (because the script for BTI and his lyrics are usually pretty bad) but the direction and style looks pretty great